Are there other languages, besides English, where the indefinite (or definite) article varies based on sound?Why is the definite article in Balkan languages always called a suffix when it really seems to be part of the inflection?Are there languages with indefinite articles but for which the word for “one” is not related etymologically to any of the indefinite articles?What is an “adjectival article”? Apparently Albanian “të” is oneWhy is the definite, indefinite, and partitive article grouped together?Is English the only language (except classical Latin, Cyrillic, symbol languages and auxiliary languages) that has no diacritic symbols/accents?Evolution of Definite Articles in Indo-European LanguagesWere/are there any languages that decline(d) articles but not nouns?“Den” or “det” in SwedishUnderstanding the purpose of determiners/articles/demonstratives in languageWhy is it thought that definite articles develop from deictic markers, and not the other way around?

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Are there other languages, besides English, where the indefinite (or definite) article varies based on sound?

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Are there other languages, besides English, where the indefinite (or definite) article varies based on sound?

Why is the definite article in Balkan languages always called a suffix when it really seems to be part of the inflection?Are there languages with indefinite articles but for which the word for “one” is not related etymologically to any of the indefinite articles?What is an “adjectival article”? Apparently Albanian “të” is oneWhy is the definite, indefinite, and partitive article grouped together?Is English the only language (except classical Latin, Cyrillic, symbol languages and auxiliary languages) that has no diacritic symbols/accents?Evolution of Definite Articles in Indo-European LanguagesWere/are there any languages that decline(d) articles but not nouns?“Den” or “det” in SwedishUnderstanding the purpose of determiners/articles/demonstratives in languageWhy is it thought that definite articles develop from deictic markers, and not the other way around?


I was talking today with an English co-worker about whether he says "an H-1B visa" or "a H-1B visa", which hinges on whether one says "aitch" or "haitch" for the letter H.

And I noticed that unlike other languages such as German or French or Romanian that change the indefinite article based on things like gender or case, in English we change the indefinite article based on the sound of the following word.

Are there other languages that change the indefinite or definite article based on what the following word sounds like?

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  • 4

    In French, the pronunciation (but not the spelling) of the masculine indefinite article un depends on the beginning of the following word, it is pronounced like une before a vowel. The definite article is shortened to l' before vowels. There are also unwritten pronunciation differences for the plural les.

    – jknappen
    13 hours ago

  • Articles, being short, unstressed, and extremely common, are subject to lenition, contraction, reduction, and deletion in every language, including sharing segments, like a napron and an orange. In every language that has them. That goes, btw, for other short, unstressed, extremely common grammatical particles.

    – jlawler
    6 hours ago


I was talking today with an English co-worker about whether he says "an H-1B visa" or "a H-1B visa", which hinges on whether one says "aitch" or "haitch" for the letter H.

And I noticed that unlike other languages such as German or French or Romanian that change the indefinite article based on things like gender or case, in English we change the indefinite article based on the sound of the following word.

Are there other languages that change the indefinite or definite article based on what the following word sounds like?

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Kyralessa is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 4

    In French, the pronunciation (but not the spelling) of the masculine indefinite article un depends on the beginning of the following word, it is pronounced like une before a vowel. The definite article is shortened to l' before vowels. There are also unwritten pronunciation differences for the plural les.

    – jknappen
    13 hours ago

  • Articles, being short, unstressed, and extremely common, are subject to lenition, contraction, reduction, and deletion in every language, including sharing segments, like a napron and an orange. In every language that has them. That goes, btw, for other short, unstressed, extremely common grammatical particles.

    – jlawler
    6 hours ago




I was talking today with an English co-worker about whether he says "an H-1B visa" or "a H-1B visa", which hinges on whether one says "aitch" or "haitch" for the letter H.

And I noticed that unlike other languages such as German or French or Romanian that change the indefinite article based on things like gender or case, in English we change the indefinite article based on the sound of the following word.

Are there other languages that change the indefinite or definite article based on what the following word sounds like?

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Kyralessa is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

I was talking today with an English co-worker about whether he says "an H-1B visa" or "a H-1B visa", which hinges on whether one says "aitch" or "haitch" for the letter H.

And I noticed that unlike other languages such as German or French or Romanian that change the indefinite article based on things like gender or case, in English we change the indefinite article based on the sound of the following word.

Are there other languages that change the indefinite or definite article based on what the following word sounds like?

list-of-languages articles indefinite-article

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Kyralessa is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Kyralessa is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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edited 13 hours ago




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asked 14 hours ago




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Kyralessa is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

Kyralessa is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Kyralessa is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 4

    In French, the pronunciation (but not the spelling) of the masculine indefinite article un depends on the beginning of the following word, it is pronounced like une before a vowel. The definite article is shortened to l' before vowels. There are also unwritten pronunciation differences for the plural les.

    – jknappen
    13 hours ago

  • Articles, being short, unstressed, and extremely common, are subject to lenition, contraction, reduction, and deletion in every language, including sharing segments, like a napron and an orange. In every language that has them. That goes, btw, for other short, unstressed, extremely common grammatical particles.

    – jlawler
    6 hours ago

  • 4

    In French, the pronunciation (but not the spelling) of the masculine indefinite article un depends on the beginning of the following word, it is pronounced like une before a vowel. The definite article is shortened to l' before vowels. There are also unwritten pronunciation differences for the plural les.

    – jknappen
    13 hours ago

  • Articles, being short, unstressed, and extremely common, are subject to lenition, contraction, reduction, and deletion in every language, including sharing segments, like a napron and an orange. In every language that has them. That goes, btw, for other short, unstressed, extremely common grammatical particles.

    – jlawler
    6 hours ago



In French, the pronunciation (but not the spelling) of the masculine indefinite article un depends on the beginning of the following word, it is pronounced like une before a vowel. The definite article is shortened to l' before vowels. There are also unwritten pronunciation differences for the plural les.

– jknappen
13 hours ago

In French, the pronunciation (but not the spelling) of the masculine indefinite article un depends on the beginning of the following word, it is pronounced like une before a vowel. The definite article is shortened to l' before vowels. There are also unwritten pronunciation differences for the plural les.

– jknappen
13 hours ago

Articles, being short, unstressed, and extremely common, are subject to lenition, contraction, reduction, and deletion in every language, including sharing segments, like a napron and an orange. In every language that has them. That goes, btw, for other short, unstressed, extremely common grammatical particles.

– jlawler
6 hours ago

Articles, being short, unstressed, and extremely common, are subject to lenition, contraction, reduction, and deletion in every language, including sharing segments, like a napron and an orange. In every language that has them. That goes, btw, for other short, unstressed, extremely common grammatical particles.

– jlawler
6 hours ago

4 Answers





In Italian, both the indefinite and the definite article change in spelling and pronunciation depending on the following sound, in the masculine gender.

Before vowels, the masculine indefinite article is un and the definite article is l' (elision of lo):

  • un albero (a tree), l'albero (the tree)

Before single consonants or consonants followed by semivowels or liquids, the masculine indefinite article is un but the definite article is il, and this includes the affricate consonants /t͡ʃ/ (spelled 'c' before 'i' or 'e') and /d͡ʒ/ (spelled 'g' before 'i' or 'e'):

  • un ramo (a branch), il ramo (the branch)

  • un fiore (a flower), il fiore (the flower)

  • un treno (a train), il treno (the train)

  • un cielo (a sky), il cielo (the sky)

  • un gioco (a game), il gioco (the game)

Before double consonants (generally 's' followed by a consonant, but other combinations arise in loanwords, especially of Greek origin, including with the double consonant 'x'), and before 'z' which is pronounced as the affricate /t͡s/ or /d͡z/, the masculine indefinite article is uno and the definite article is lo:

  • uno spazio (a space), lo spazio (the space)

  • uno psicologo (a psychologist), lo psicologo (the psychologist)

  • uno xilofono (a xylophone), lo xilofono (the xylophone)

  • uno zaino (a backpack), lo zaino (the backpack)

Feminine articles are una (indefinite) and la (definite), but they get elided into un' and l' before vowels:

  • una foglia (a leaf), la foglia (the leaf)

  • un'ombra (a shadow), l'ombra (the shadow)

These changes are not dependent on the noun the article connects to, but the sound immediately following it, so for example we have:

  • l'albero (the tree), but il grande albero (the big tree)

  • un gioco (a game), but uno speciale gioco (a special game)

  • uno zaino (a backpack), but un piccolo zaino (a small backpack)

  • una foglia (a leaf), but un'altra foglia (another leaf)

  • un'ombra (a shadow), but una cupa ombra (a dark shadow)

These behaviors can be at least partly explained by the phonotactics of Italian: whenever uno is used, the phonotactic constraint wouldn't allow for un unless the 'n' were dropped entirely; the same issue gives rise to lo instead of il, which look very different on the surfaces, but both come from different parts of the Latin word illum or illud (a demonstrative).

The elided forms with an apostrophe can be explained by a tendency to eschew hiatus.

share|improve this answer


    A famous example is the Arabic language where the the definite article al assimilates to one half of the potential following consonants called Sun letters in Arabic grammar. So it is an-Nil "the Nile" or ash-shams "the sun", but al-qamar "the moon".

    share|improve this answer


      Catalan masculine singular definite articles.

      • /l/ before a vowel sound.

      • /el/ before anything else.

      What triggers this allomorphy is clearly the sound, not the letter, as we see l'interval /linteɾval/ but el iode /eljod/, because of the glide /j/. Also l'hivern /liveɾn/ but el hiat /eljat/.

      I think it is pretty common to "change the indefinite or definite article (that's called allomorphy) based on what the following word sounds like" in many languages. Italian has three masculine singular definite articles, /el/, /lo/, and /l/, depending on the following sound. In English, the definite article the is pronounced /ðə/ or /ðiː/, sometimes even /ðɪ/.

      Maybe the point of interest for you comes from the arbitrary insertion/dropping of /h/, not from the allomorphy.

      share|improve this answer


        Quite similarly to Italian (see @LjL very complete answer) and a few other Romance languages, French does this for indefinite and definite articles, but not really the same way English does, in the sense that what we call "Liaison" is very common, though it rarely changes the writing of the articles.

        Indefinite articles:

        • Un verre /œ̃ vɛʁ/ (a glass)

        • Un arbre /œ̃.n‿aʁbʁ/ (a tree)

        Both mean "a" but the second one will have its N pronounced as a "transition" letter between the /œ̃/ and the /a/ to avoid hiatus. The writing is unchanged, though.

        A similar process happens with the definite article:

        • Le verre / vɛʁ/ (the glass)

        • L'arbre /l‿aʁbʁ/ (the tree)

        Here, "le" becomes "l'", again to avoid hiatus, but this time the writing changes to reflect the absence of the E.

        I've only written a few examples, but this process also happens for a plethora of other articles, in a similar fashion.

        Basically, it happens, but the writing only gets modified if a sound disappears completely because of the change.

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          4 Answers











          In Italian, both the indefinite and the definite article change in spelling and pronunciation depending on the following sound, in the masculine gender.

          Before vowels, the masculine indefinite article is un and the definite article is l' (elision of lo):

          • un albero (a tree), l'albero (the tree)

          Before single consonants or consonants followed by semivowels or liquids, the masculine indefinite article is un but the definite article is il, and this includes the affricate consonants /t͡ʃ/ (spelled 'c' before 'i' or 'e') and /d͡ʒ/ (spelled 'g' before 'i' or 'e'):

          • un ramo (a branch), il ramo (the branch)

          • un fiore (a flower), il fiore (the flower)

          • un treno (a train), il treno (the train)

          • un cielo (a sky), il cielo (the sky)

          • un gioco (a game), il gioco (the game)

          Before double consonants (generally 's' followed by a consonant, but other combinations arise in loanwords, especially of Greek origin, including with the double consonant 'x'), and before 'z' which is pronounced as the affricate /t͡s/ or /d͡z/, the masculine indefinite article is uno and the definite article is lo:

          • uno spazio (a space), lo spazio (the space)

          • uno psicologo (a psychologist), lo psicologo (the psychologist)

          • uno xilofono (a xylophone), lo xilofono (the xylophone)

          • uno zaino (a backpack), lo zaino (the backpack)

          Feminine articles are una (indefinite) and la (definite), but they get elided into un' and l' before vowels:

          • una foglia (a leaf), la foglia (the leaf)

          • un'ombra (a shadow), l'ombra (the shadow)

          These changes are not dependent on the noun the article connects to, but the sound immediately following it, so for example we have:

          • l'albero (the tree), but il grande albero (the big tree)

          • un gioco (a game), but uno speciale gioco (a special game)

          • uno zaino (a backpack), but un piccolo zaino (a small backpack)

          • una foglia (a leaf), but un'altra foglia (another leaf)

          • un'ombra (a shadow), but una cupa ombra (a dark shadow)

          These behaviors can be at least partly explained by the phonotactics of Italian: whenever uno is used, the phonotactic constraint wouldn't allow for un unless the 'n' were dropped entirely; the same issue gives rise to lo instead of il, which look very different on the surfaces, but both come from different parts of the Latin word illum or illud (a demonstrative).

          The elided forms with an apostrophe can be explained by a tendency to eschew hiatus.

          share|improve this answer


            In Italian, both the indefinite and the definite article change in spelling and pronunciation depending on the following sound, in the masculine gender.

            Before vowels, the masculine indefinite article is un and the definite article is l' (elision of lo):

            • un albero (a tree), l'albero (the tree)

            Before single consonants or consonants followed by semivowels or liquids, the masculine indefinite article is un but the definite article is il, and this includes the affricate consonants /t͡ʃ/ (spelled 'c' before 'i' or 'e') and /d͡ʒ/ (spelled 'g' before 'i' or 'e'):

            • un ramo (a branch), il ramo (the branch)

            • un fiore (a flower), il fiore (the flower)

            • un treno (a train), il treno (the train)

            • un cielo (a sky), il cielo (the sky)

            • un gioco (a game), il gioco (the game)

            Before double consonants (generally 's' followed by a consonant, but other combinations arise in loanwords, especially of Greek origin, including with the double consonant 'x'), and before 'z' which is pronounced as the affricate /t͡s/ or /d͡z/, the masculine indefinite article is uno and the definite article is lo:

            • uno spazio (a space), lo spazio (the space)

            • uno psicologo (a psychologist), lo psicologo (the psychologist)

            • uno xilofono (a xylophone), lo xilofono (the xylophone)

            • uno zaino (a backpack), lo zaino (the backpack)

            Feminine articles are una (indefinite) and la (definite), but they get elided into un' and l' before vowels:

            • una foglia (a leaf), la foglia (the leaf)

            • un'ombra (a shadow), l'ombra (the shadow)

            These changes are not dependent on the noun the article connects to, but the sound immediately following it, so for example we have:

            • l'albero (the tree), but il grande albero (the big tree)

            • un gioco (a game), but uno speciale gioco (a special game)

            • uno zaino (a backpack), but un piccolo zaino (a small backpack)

            • una foglia (a leaf), but un'altra foglia (another leaf)

            • un'ombra (a shadow), but una cupa ombra (a dark shadow)

            These behaviors can be at least partly explained by the phonotactics of Italian: whenever uno is used, the phonotactic constraint wouldn't allow for un unless the 'n' were dropped entirely; the same issue gives rise to lo instead of il, which look very different on the surfaces, but both come from different parts of the Latin word illum or illud (a demonstrative).

            The elided forms with an apostrophe can be explained by a tendency to eschew hiatus.

            share|improve this answer




              In Italian, both the indefinite and the definite article change in spelling and pronunciation depending on the following sound, in the masculine gender.

              Before vowels, the masculine indefinite article is un and the definite article is l' (elision of lo):

              • un albero (a tree), l'albero (the tree)

              Before single consonants or consonants followed by semivowels or liquids, the masculine indefinite article is un but the definite article is il, and this includes the affricate consonants /t͡ʃ/ (spelled 'c' before 'i' or 'e') and /d͡ʒ/ (spelled 'g' before 'i' or 'e'):

              • un ramo (a branch), il ramo (the branch)

              • un fiore (a flower), il fiore (the flower)

              • un treno (a train), il treno (the train)

              • un cielo (a sky), il cielo (the sky)

              • un gioco (a game), il gioco (the game)

              Before double consonants (generally 's' followed by a consonant, but other combinations arise in loanwords, especially of Greek origin, including with the double consonant 'x'), and before 'z' which is pronounced as the affricate /t͡s/ or /d͡z/, the masculine indefinite article is uno and the definite article is lo:

              • uno spazio (a space), lo spazio (the space)

              • uno psicologo (a psychologist), lo psicologo (the psychologist)

              • uno xilofono (a xylophone), lo xilofono (the xylophone)

              • uno zaino (a backpack), lo zaino (the backpack)

              Feminine articles are una (indefinite) and la (definite), but they get elided into un' and l' before vowels:

              • una foglia (a leaf), la foglia (the leaf)

              • un'ombra (a shadow), l'ombra (the shadow)

              These changes are not dependent on the noun the article connects to, but the sound immediately following it, so for example we have:

              • l'albero (the tree), but il grande albero (the big tree)

              • un gioco (a game), but uno speciale gioco (a special game)

              • uno zaino (a backpack), but un piccolo zaino (a small backpack)

              • una foglia (a leaf), but un'altra foglia (another leaf)

              • un'ombra (a shadow), but una cupa ombra (a dark shadow)

              These behaviors can be at least partly explained by the phonotactics of Italian: whenever uno is used, the phonotactic constraint wouldn't allow for un unless the 'n' were dropped entirely; the same issue gives rise to lo instead of il, which look very different on the surfaces, but both come from different parts of the Latin word illum or illud (a demonstrative).

              The elided forms with an apostrophe can be explained by a tendency to eschew hiatus.

              share|improve this answer

              In Italian, both the indefinite and the definite article change in spelling and pronunciation depending on the following sound, in the masculine gender.

              Before vowels, the masculine indefinite article is un and the definite article is l' (elision of lo):

              • un albero (a tree), l'albero (the tree)

              Before single consonants or consonants followed by semivowels or liquids, the masculine indefinite article is un but the definite article is il, and this includes the affricate consonants /t͡ʃ/ (spelled 'c' before 'i' or 'e') and /d͡ʒ/ (spelled 'g' before 'i' or 'e'):

              • un ramo (a branch), il ramo (the branch)

              • un fiore (a flower), il fiore (the flower)

              • un treno (a train), il treno (the train)

              • un cielo (a sky), il cielo (the sky)

              • un gioco (a game), il gioco (the game)

              Before double consonants (generally 's' followed by a consonant, but other combinations arise in loanwords, especially of Greek origin, including with the double consonant 'x'), and before 'z' which is pronounced as the affricate /t͡s/ or /d͡z/, the masculine indefinite article is uno and the definite article is lo:

              • uno spazio (a space), lo spazio (the space)

              • uno psicologo (a psychologist), lo psicologo (the psychologist)

              • uno xilofono (a xylophone), lo xilofono (the xylophone)

              • uno zaino (a backpack), lo zaino (the backpack)

              Feminine articles are una (indefinite) and la (definite), but they get elided into un' and l' before vowels:

              • una foglia (a leaf), la foglia (the leaf)

              • un'ombra (a shadow), l'ombra (the shadow)

              These changes are not dependent on the noun the article connects to, but the sound immediately following it, so for example we have:

              • l'albero (the tree), but il grande albero (the big tree)

              • un gioco (a game), but uno speciale gioco (a special game)

              • uno zaino (a backpack), but un piccolo zaino (a small backpack)

              • una foglia (a leaf), but un'altra foglia (another leaf)

              • un'ombra (a shadow), but una cupa ombra (a dark shadow)

              These behaviors can be at least partly explained by the phonotactics of Italian: whenever uno is used, the phonotactic constraint wouldn't allow for un unless the 'n' were dropped entirely; the same issue gives rise to lo instead of il, which look very different on the surfaces, but both come from different parts of the Latin word illum or illud (a demonstrative).

              The elided forms with an apostrophe can be explained by a tendency to eschew hiatus.

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited 11 hours ago

              answered 11 hours ago





                  A famous example is the Arabic language where the the definite article al assimilates to one half of the potential following consonants called Sun letters in Arabic grammar. So it is an-Nil "the Nile" or ash-shams "the sun", but al-qamar "the moon".

                  share|improve this answer


                    A famous example is the Arabic language where the the definite article al assimilates to one half of the potential following consonants called Sun letters in Arabic grammar. So it is an-Nil "the Nile" or ash-shams "the sun", but al-qamar "the moon".

                    share|improve this answer




                      A famous example is the Arabic language where the the definite article al assimilates to one half of the potential following consonants called Sun letters in Arabic grammar. So it is an-Nil "the Nile" or ash-shams "the sun", but al-qamar "the moon".

                      share|improve this answer

                      A famous example is the Arabic language where the the definite article al assimilates to one half of the potential following consonants called Sun letters in Arabic grammar. So it is an-Nil "the Nile" or ash-shams "the sun", but al-qamar "the moon".

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      edited 13 hours ago

                      answered 13 hours ago





                          Catalan masculine singular definite articles.

                          • /l/ before a vowel sound.

                          • /el/ before anything else.

                          What triggers this allomorphy is clearly the sound, not the letter, as we see l'interval /linteɾval/ but el iode /eljod/, because of the glide /j/. Also l'hivern /liveɾn/ but el hiat /eljat/.

                          I think it is pretty common to "change the indefinite or definite article (that's called allomorphy) based on what the following word sounds like" in many languages. Italian has three masculine singular definite articles, /el/, /lo/, and /l/, depending on the following sound. In English, the definite article the is pronounced /ðə/ or /ðiː/, sometimes even /ðɪ/.

                          Maybe the point of interest for you comes from the arbitrary insertion/dropping of /h/, not from the allomorphy.

                          share|improve this answer


                            Catalan masculine singular definite articles.

                            • /l/ before a vowel sound.

                            • /el/ before anything else.

                            What triggers this allomorphy is clearly the sound, not the letter, as we see l'interval /linteɾval/ but el iode /eljod/, because of the glide /j/. Also l'hivern /liveɾn/ but el hiat /eljat/.

                            I think it is pretty common to "change the indefinite or definite article (that's called allomorphy) based on what the following word sounds like" in many languages. Italian has three masculine singular definite articles, /el/, /lo/, and /l/, depending on the following sound. In English, the definite article the is pronounced /ðə/ or /ðiː/, sometimes even /ðɪ/.

                            Maybe the point of interest for you comes from the arbitrary insertion/dropping of /h/, not from the allomorphy.

                            share|improve this answer




                              Catalan masculine singular definite articles.

                              • /l/ before a vowel sound.

                              • /el/ before anything else.

                              What triggers this allomorphy is clearly the sound, not the letter, as we see l'interval /linteɾval/ but el iode /eljod/, because of the glide /j/. Also l'hivern /liveɾn/ but el hiat /eljat/.

                              I think it is pretty common to "change the indefinite or definite article (that's called allomorphy) based on what the following word sounds like" in many languages. Italian has three masculine singular definite articles, /el/, /lo/, and /l/, depending on the following sound. In English, the definite article the is pronounced /ðə/ or /ðiː/, sometimes even /ðɪ/.

                              Maybe the point of interest for you comes from the arbitrary insertion/dropping of /h/, not from the allomorphy.

                              share|improve this answer

                              Catalan masculine singular definite articles.

                              • /l/ before a vowel sound.

                              • /el/ before anything else.

                              What triggers this allomorphy is clearly the sound, not the letter, as we see l'interval /linteɾval/ but el iode /eljod/, because of the glide /j/. Also l'hivern /liveɾn/ but el hiat /eljat/.

                              I think it is pretty common to "change the indefinite or definite article (that's called allomorphy) based on what the following word sounds like" in many languages. Italian has three masculine singular definite articles, /el/, /lo/, and /l/, depending on the following sound. In English, the definite article the is pronounced /ðə/ or /ðiː/, sometimes even /ðɪ/.

                              Maybe the point of interest for you comes from the arbitrary insertion/dropping of /h/, not from the allomorphy.

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              answered 11 hours ago





                                  Quite similarly to Italian (see @LjL very complete answer) and a few other Romance languages, French does this for indefinite and definite articles, but not really the same way English does, in the sense that what we call "Liaison" is very common, though it rarely changes the writing of the articles.

                                  Indefinite articles:

                                  • Un verre /œ̃ vɛʁ/ (a glass)

                                  • Un arbre /œ̃.n‿aʁbʁ/ (a tree)

                                  Both mean "a" but the second one will have its N pronounced as a "transition" letter between the /œ̃/ and the /a/ to avoid hiatus. The writing is unchanged, though.

                                  A similar process happens with the definite article:

                                  • Le verre / vɛʁ/ (the glass)

                                  • L'arbre /l‿aʁbʁ/ (the tree)

                                  Here, "le" becomes "l'", again to avoid hiatus, but this time the writing changes to reflect the absence of the E.

                                  I've only written a few examples, but this process also happens for a plethora of other articles, in a similar fashion.

                                  Basically, it happens, but the writing only gets modified if a sound disappears completely because of the change.

                                  share|improve this answer

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                                    Quite similarly to Italian (see @LjL very complete answer) and a few other Romance languages, French does this for indefinite and definite articles, but not really the same way English does, in the sense that what we call "Liaison" is very common, though it rarely changes the writing of the articles.

                                    Indefinite articles:

                                    • Un verre /œ̃ vɛʁ/ (a glass)

                                    • Un arbre /œ̃.n‿aʁbʁ/ (a tree)

                                    Both mean "a" but the second one will have its N pronounced as a "transition" letter between the /œ̃/ and the /a/ to avoid hiatus. The writing is unchanged, though.

                                    A similar process happens with the definite article:

                                    • Le verre / vɛʁ/ (the glass)

                                    • L'arbre /l‿aʁbʁ/ (the tree)

                                    Here, "le" becomes "l'", again to avoid hiatus, but this time the writing changes to reflect the absence of the E.

                                    I've only written a few examples, but this process also happens for a plethora of other articles, in a similar fashion.

                                    Basically, it happens, but the writing only gets modified if a sound disappears completely because of the change.

                                    share|improve this answer

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                                    zdimension is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                      Quite similarly to Italian (see @LjL very complete answer) and a few other Romance languages, French does this for indefinite and definite articles, but not really the same way English does, in the sense that what we call "Liaison" is very common, though it rarely changes the writing of the articles.

                                      Indefinite articles:

                                      • Un verre /œ̃ vɛʁ/ (a glass)

                                      • Un arbre /œ̃.n‿aʁbʁ/ (a tree)

                                      Both mean "a" but the second one will have its N pronounced as a "transition" letter between the /œ̃/ and the /a/ to avoid hiatus. The writing is unchanged, though.

                                      A similar process happens with the definite article:

                                      • Le verre / vɛʁ/ (the glass)

                                      • L'arbre /l‿aʁbʁ/ (the tree)

                                      Here, "le" becomes "l'", again to avoid hiatus, but this time the writing changes to reflect the absence of the E.

                                      I've only written a few examples, but this process also happens for a plethora of other articles, in a similar fashion.

                                      Basically, it happens, but the writing only gets modified if a sound disappears completely because of the change.

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      New contributor

                                      zdimension is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                      Quite similarly to Italian (see @LjL very complete answer) and a few other Romance languages, French does this for indefinite and definite articles, but not really the same way English does, in the sense that what we call "Liaison" is very common, though it rarely changes the writing of the articles.

                                      Indefinite articles:

                                      • Un verre /œ̃ vɛʁ/ (a glass)

                                      • Un arbre /œ̃.n‿aʁbʁ/ (a tree)

                                      Both mean "a" but the second one will have its N pronounced as a "transition" letter between the /œ̃/ and the /a/ to avoid hiatus. The writing is unchanged, though.

                                      A similar process happens with the definite article:

                                      • Le verre / vɛʁ/ (the glass)

                                      • L'arbre /l‿aʁbʁ/ (the tree)

                                      Here, "le" becomes "l'", again to avoid hiatus, but this time the writing changes to reflect the absence of the E.

                                      I've only written a few examples, but this process also happens for a plethora of other articles, in a similar fashion.

                                      Basically, it happens, but the writing only gets modified if a sound disappears completely because of the change.

                                      share|improve this answer

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                                      zdimension is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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                                      answered 6 hours ago




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