
Showing posts from March 16, 2019

Can a wizard cast a spell during their first turn of combat if they initiated combat by releasing a readied spell?Can players “Ready” outside of combat?How long can a readied spell be held before it's lost?Can a character drop a weapon in order to cast a spell that is a reaction?Can Dispel magic be used on a readied spell before the trigger occurs?Can a readied spell be Counterspelled after it is cast, but before the trigger occurs?What happens to the readied spell if you ignore all triggers?At what point does a caster define the target of a spell?Do you get your free interaction during a readied action?How specific does the Action for Ready need to be?Are there serious Balance Implications to permitting Bonus Actions to be Readied/Prepared?Can you Ready a Concentration spell?

Recruiter wants very extensive technical details about all of my previous work Is it true that good novels will automatically sell themselves on Amazon (and so on) and there is no need for one to waste time promoting? Simplify an interface for flexibly applying rules to periods of time How can we have a quark condensate without a quark potential? Why do tuner card drivers fail to build after kernel update to 4.4.0-143-generic? What is the meaning of まっちろけ? Non-trivial topology where only open sets are closed I got the following comment from a reputed math journal. What does it mean? This word with a lot of past tenses What is the significance behind "40 days" that often appears in the Bible? Examples of transfinite towers Why did it take so long to abandon sail after steamships were demonstrated? Did Ender ever learn that he killed Stilson and/or Bonzo? Employee lack of ownership Explaining pyrokinesis powers Aluminum electrolytic or ceramic capa