Insula Christi Natalis (Tasmania) Index Fauna | Nexus interni Notae | Tabula navigationis39°41′S 143°50′E / 39.683°S 143.833°E / -39.683; 143.833Important Bird Areas factsheet: King Island.


reservatio naturalisinsularisareahectariaAustraliaTasmaniaeInsulam KingFreto BassFretumnumerosaviummarinarumvado transientiumGravis Avium Regionisspeciesmarinarumlitoraliumreptilialacertaemurium

Coordinata: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitudewhite-space:nowrap
39°41′S 143°50′E / 39.683°S 143.833°E / -39.683; 143.833

Insula Christi Natalis est reservatio naturalis insularis, cuius area est 63.49 hectaria, in Australia meridio-orientali sita, pars Tasmaniae Gregis New Year Island, qui Insulam King comprehendit,[1] insulam multo maiorem, quae ad boreoccidentalem Tasmaniae in Freto Bass patet. Fretum, ob numeros et genera avium marinarum et vado transientium quae ibi nascuntur, est pars Gravis Avium Regionis.[2]


  • 1 Fauna

  • 2 Nexus interni

  • 3 Notae

    • 3.1 Fontes

Fauna |

Inter species avium marinarum et litoralium magni momenti quae in insula nascuntur sunt Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae, Eudyptula minor, Larus pacificus, Haematopus fuliginosus, Haematopus longirostris, Phalacrocorax fuscescens, Puffinus tenuirostris. Inter reptilia, Noteches et quaedam lacertae. Una murium species adest.[3]

Nexus interni

  • Parva Insula Christi Natalis

Notae |

  1. Brothers et al, p.47.

  2. BirdLife International (2011), Important Bird Areas factsheet: King Island. Situs accessus 20 Decembris 2012.

  3. Brothers et al, pp.47–49.

Fontes |

  • Brothers, Nigel, David Pemberton, Helen Pryor, et Vanessa Halley. 2001. Tasmania’s Offshore Islands: seabirds and other natural features. Hobart: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. ISBN 0-7246-4816-X.

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