Evaluating number of iteration with a certain map with While The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InWhy should I avoid the For loop in Mathematica?Out of memory in a Do loopRepeating Calculations/Iterations without a specific functionWhile loop with changing variable , NDSolve and an IntegralUsing Map function with NDSolveHow do I repeat the number of times a nested for loop does an iteration?

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Evaluating number of iteration with a certain map with While

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Evaluating number of iteration with a certain map with While

The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InWhy should I avoid the For loop in Mathematica?Out of memory in a Do loopRepeating Calculations/Iterations without a specific functionWhile loop with changing variable , NDSolve and an IntegralUsing Map function with NDSolveHow do I repeat the number of times a nested for loop does an iteration?



Beeing used to programming in C-like languages I am struggling with iterations and loops with mathematica. I am trying not to use the For command, as already lots of people recommended.

I am trying to solve the following problem:

Given the map $z_i+1= z_i^2 +c$ with $z_i, c in mathbbC$ and $z_0 = 0$ evaluate the contours that represents given the parameter $c$ the number of iterations $i$ that I have to perform in order to have $|z_i|> 2$. Perform the computation with $-0.6 leq Re(z_i)leq -0.4 $ and $0.6 leq Im(z_i)leq 0.4$ and 100 points per axis.

Given the condition I though I could use a While Loop to perform the task

i=0; (*init counter*)
z[i]=0; (*init z[i]*)
g[c_]:= While[
Abs[z[i]]<= 2, (*condition*)
z[i+1]= z[i]^2 +c; (*process*)
i++; (*increment*)
g[0.2 + 0.2 I]

This computation with the input, say, $(-0.2 +0.2 i)$ (and with many others) takes all the memory of the machine I am using (Wolfram online). I don't understand whether I am just missing something or the amount of computation I can perform on the server just isn't enough (which seems really unlikely)

Furthermore I would like the function to return an integer (i - the number of iterations) but I really struggle with how to correctly use the synthax of Mathematica to do that.

Thanks in advance to everyone who is so keen to stop by and help :)

share|improve this question

New contributor

JacquesLeen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.




    Beeing used to programming in C-like languages I am struggling with iterations and loops with mathematica. I am trying not to use the For command, as already lots of people recommended.

    I am trying to solve the following problem:

    Given the map $z_i+1= z_i^2 +c$ with $z_i, c in mathbbC$ and $z_0 = 0$ evaluate the contours that represents given the parameter $c$ the number of iterations $i$ that I have to perform in order to have $|z_i|> 2$. Perform the computation with $-0.6 leq Re(z_i)leq -0.4 $ and $0.6 leq Im(z_i)leq 0.4$ and 100 points per axis.

    Given the condition I though I could use a While Loop to perform the task

    i=0; (*init counter*)
    z[i]=0; (*init z[i]*)
    g[c_]:= While[
    Abs[z[i]]<= 2, (*condition*)
    z[i+1]= z[i]^2 +c; (*process*)
    i++; (*increment*)
    g[0.2 + 0.2 I]

    This computation with the input, say, $(-0.2 +0.2 i)$ (and with many others) takes all the memory of the machine I am using (Wolfram online). I don't understand whether I am just missing something or the amount of computation I can perform on the server just isn't enough (which seems really unlikely)

    Furthermore I would like the function to return an integer (i - the number of iterations) but I really struggle with how to correctly use the synthax of Mathematica to do that.

    Thanks in advance to everyone who is so keen to stop by and help :)

    share|improve this question

    New contributor

    JacquesLeen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.






      Beeing used to programming in C-like languages I am struggling with iterations and loops with mathematica. I am trying not to use the For command, as already lots of people recommended.

      I am trying to solve the following problem:

      Given the map $z_i+1= z_i^2 +c$ with $z_i, c in mathbbC$ and $z_0 = 0$ evaluate the contours that represents given the parameter $c$ the number of iterations $i$ that I have to perform in order to have $|z_i|> 2$. Perform the computation with $-0.6 leq Re(z_i)leq -0.4 $ and $0.6 leq Im(z_i)leq 0.4$ and 100 points per axis.

      Given the condition I though I could use a While Loop to perform the task

      i=0; (*init counter*)
      z[i]=0; (*init z[i]*)
      g[c_]:= While[
      Abs[z[i]]<= 2, (*condition*)
      z[i+1]= z[i]^2 +c; (*process*)
      i++; (*increment*)
      g[0.2 + 0.2 I]

      This computation with the input, say, $(-0.2 +0.2 i)$ (and with many others) takes all the memory of the machine I am using (Wolfram online). I don't understand whether I am just missing something or the amount of computation I can perform on the server just isn't enough (which seems really unlikely)

      Furthermore I would like the function to return an integer (i - the number of iterations) but I really struggle with how to correctly use the synthax of Mathematica to do that.

      Thanks in advance to everyone who is so keen to stop by and help :)

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      JacquesLeen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.


      Beeing used to programming in C-like languages I am struggling with iterations and loops with mathematica. I am trying not to use the For command, as already lots of people recommended.

      I am trying to solve the following problem:

      Given the map $z_i+1= z_i^2 +c$ with $z_i, c in mathbbC$ and $z_0 = 0$ evaluate the contours that represents given the parameter $c$ the number of iterations $i$ that I have to perform in order to have $|z_i|> 2$. Perform the computation with $-0.6 leq Re(z_i)leq -0.4 $ and $0.6 leq Im(z_i)leq 0.4$ and 100 points per axis.

      Given the condition I though I could use a While Loop to perform the task

      i=0; (*init counter*)
      z[i]=0; (*init z[i]*)
      g[c_]:= While[
      Abs[z[i]]<= 2, (*condition*)
      z[i+1]= z[i]^2 +c; (*process*)
      i++; (*increment*)
      g[0.2 + 0.2 I]

      This computation with the input, say, $(-0.2 +0.2 i)$ (and with many others) takes all the memory of the machine I am using (Wolfram online). I don't understand whether I am just missing something or the amount of computation I can perform on the server just isn't enough (which seems really unlikely)

      Furthermore I would like the function to return an integer (i - the number of iterations) but I really struggle with how to correctly use the synthax of Mathematica to do that.

      Thanks in advance to everyone who is so keen to stop by and help :)


      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      JacquesLeen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      JacquesLeen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      JacquesLeen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      asked 1 hour ago




      New contributor

      JacquesLeen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      New contributor

      JacquesLeen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      JacquesLeen is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

          3 Answers






          The problem with your code is that for some values of c, Abs[z] will never become larger than 2. You need to cap the number of iterations.

          For this type of iteration, the typical function to use is Nest and related functions.

          countIter[c_] := 
          #^2 + c &,
          Abs[#] <= 2 &,
          100 (* limit number of iterations to 100 *)

          result =
          countIter[re + im I],
          re, -0.6, -0.4, 0.2/100,
          im, 0.4, 0.6, 0.2/100

          ArrayPlot[result, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow"]

          enter image description here

          However, this type of problem is quite amenable to compilation with Compile. When using Compile, the usual advice does not apply: a procedural style is still the best. (This does not mean that For is good, I'd still argue against that. But there are many other procedural constructs such as Do and While).

          countIterCompiled = Compile[c, _Complex,
          Block[z = 0.0 + 0.0 I, i = 0,
          While[i <= 100 && Abs[z] <= 2,
          z = z^2 + c;

          Using countIterCompiled will be much faster than countIter.

          share|improve this answer


          • $begingroup$
            thank u very much for the suggestion... I previously had a similar idea using Module instead of Block, and the problem was that the exercise did not specify that for many values the map was converging so I had to cap the number of iterations.
            – JacquesLeen
            43 mins ago

          • $begingroup$
            @JacquesLeen Maybe that was part of the exercise: will you discover it on your own? Inside Compile, Module and Block are the same, I think. (Not outside of it.)
            – Szabolcs
            16 mins ago



          For iterated function systems like this, Nest and relatives are the preferred tools. Just exploring your (rather famous) map:

          f[z_, c_] := z^2 + c
          Abs[NestList[f[#, 0.2 + 0.2 I] &, 0, 30]]
          (* 0, 0.282843, 0.344093, 0.351367, 0.327239, 0.304778, 0.303605,
          0.311545, 0.316158, 0.315818, 0.313773, 0.312729, 0.31295, 0.313482,
          0.313697, 0.313611, 0.313477, 0.313435, 0.313464, 0.313497, 0.313504,
          0.313495, 0.313487, 0.313486, 0.313489, 0.313491, 0.313491, 0.31349,
          0.31349, 0.31349, 0.31349 *)

          As you can see, it converges to a value inside your radius. That's why your function doesn't terminate.

          share|improve this answer




            You could also use MandelbrotSetPlot to create Szabolcs' graphic:

            MandelbrotSetPlot[-0.6 + 0.4 I, -0.4 + 0.6 I, PlotLegends -> Automatic]

            enter image description here

            share|improve this answer


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              3 Answers




              3 Answers












              The problem with your code is that for some values of c, Abs[z] will never become larger than 2. You need to cap the number of iterations.

              For this type of iteration, the typical function to use is Nest and related functions.

              countIter[c_] := 
              #^2 + c &,
              Abs[#] <= 2 &,
              100 (* limit number of iterations to 100 *)

              result =
              countIter[re + im I],
              re, -0.6, -0.4, 0.2/100,
              im, 0.4, 0.6, 0.2/100

              ArrayPlot[result, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow"]

              enter image description here

              However, this type of problem is quite amenable to compilation with Compile. When using Compile, the usual advice does not apply: a procedural style is still the best. (This does not mean that For is good, I'd still argue against that. But there are many other procedural constructs such as Do and While).

              countIterCompiled = Compile[c, _Complex,
              Block[z = 0.0 + 0.0 I, i = 0,
              While[i <= 100 && Abs[z] <= 2,
              z = z^2 + c;

              Using countIterCompiled will be much faster than countIter.

              share|improve this answer


              • $begingroup$
                thank u very much for the suggestion... I previously had a similar idea using Module instead of Block, and the problem was that the exercise did not specify that for many values the map was converging so I had to cap the number of iterations.
                – JacquesLeen
                43 mins ago

              • $begingroup$
                @JacquesLeen Maybe that was part of the exercise: will you discover it on your own? Inside Compile, Module and Block are the same, I think. (Not outside of it.)
                – Szabolcs
                16 mins ago



              The problem with your code is that for some values of c, Abs[z] will never become larger than 2. You need to cap the number of iterations.

              For this type of iteration, the typical function to use is Nest and related functions.

              countIter[c_] := 
              #^2 + c &,
              Abs[#] <= 2 &,
              100 (* limit number of iterations to 100 *)

              result =
              countIter[re + im I],
              re, -0.6, -0.4, 0.2/100,
              im, 0.4, 0.6, 0.2/100

              ArrayPlot[result, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow"]

              enter image description here

              However, this type of problem is quite amenable to compilation with Compile. When using Compile, the usual advice does not apply: a procedural style is still the best. (This does not mean that For is good, I'd still argue against that. But there are many other procedural constructs such as Do and While).

              countIterCompiled = Compile[c, _Complex,
              Block[z = 0.0 + 0.0 I, i = 0,
              While[i <= 100 && Abs[z] <= 2,
              z = z^2 + c;

              Using countIterCompiled will be much faster than countIter.

              share|improve this answer


              • $begingroup$
                thank u very much for the suggestion... I previously had a similar idea using Module instead of Block, and the problem was that the exercise did not specify that for many values the map was converging so I had to cap the number of iterations.
                – JacquesLeen
                43 mins ago

              • $begingroup$
                @JacquesLeen Maybe that was part of the exercise: will you discover it on your own? Inside Compile, Module and Block are the same, I think. (Not outside of it.)
                – Szabolcs
                16 mins ago





              The problem with your code is that for some values of c, Abs[z] will never become larger than 2. You need to cap the number of iterations.

              For this type of iteration, the typical function to use is Nest and related functions.

              countIter[c_] := 
              #^2 + c &,
              Abs[#] <= 2 &,
              100 (* limit number of iterations to 100 *)

              result =
              countIter[re + im I],
              re, -0.6, -0.4, 0.2/100,
              im, 0.4, 0.6, 0.2/100

              ArrayPlot[result, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow"]

              enter image description here

              However, this type of problem is quite amenable to compilation with Compile. When using Compile, the usual advice does not apply: a procedural style is still the best. (This does not mean that For is good, I'd still argue against that. But there are many other procedural constructs such as Do and While).

              countIterCompiled = Compile[c, _Complex,
              Block[z = 0.0 + 0.0 I, i = 0,
              While[i <= 100 && Abs[z] <= 2,
              z = z^2 + c;

              Using countIterCompiled will be much faster than countIter.

              share|improve this answer


              The problem with your code is that for some values of c, Abs[z] will never become larger than 2. You need to cap the number of iterations.

              For this type of iteration, the typical function to use is Nest and related functions.

              countIter[c_] := 
              #^2 + c &,
              Abs[#] <= 2 &,
              100 (* limit number of iterations to 100 *)

              result =
              countIter[re + im I],
              re, -0.6, -0.4, 0.2/100,
              im, 0.4, 0.6, 0.2/100

              ArrayPlot[result, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow"]

              enter image description here

              However, this type of problem is quite amenable to compilation with Compile. When using Compile, the usual advice does not apply: a procedural style is still the best. (This does not mean that For is good, I'd still argue against that. But there are many other procedural constructs such as Do and While).

              countIterCompiled = Compile[c, _Complex,
              Block[z = 0.0 + 0.0 I, i = 0,
              While[i <= 100 && Abs[z] <= 2,
              z = z^2 + c;

              Using countIterCompiled will be much faster than countIter.

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited 1 hour ago

              answered 1 hour ago




              • $begingroup$
                thank u very much for the suggestion... I previously had a similar idea using Module instead of Block, and the problem was that the exercise did not specify that for many values the map was converging so I had to cap the number of iterations.
                – JacquesLeen
                43 mins ago

              • $begingroup$
                @JacquesLeen Maybe that was part of the exercise: will you discover it on your own? Inside Compile, Module and Block are the same, I think. (Not outside of it.)
                – Szabolcs
                16 mins ago

              • $begingroup$
                thank u very much for the suggestion... I previously had a similar idea using Module instead of Block, and the problem was that the exercise did not specify that for many values the map was converging so I had to cap the number of iterations.
                – JacquesLeen
                43 mins ago

              • $begingroup$
                @JacquesLeen Maybe that was part of the exercise: will you discover it on your own? Inside Compile, Module and Block are the same, I think. (Not outside of it.)
                – Szabolcs
                16 mins ago

              thank u very much for the suggestion... I previously had a similar idea using Module instead of Block, and the problem was that the exercise did not specify that for many values the map was converging so I had to cap the number of iterations.
              – JacquesLeen
              43 mins ago

              thank u very much for the suggestion... I previously had a similar idea using Module instead of Block, and the problem was that the exercise did not specify that for many values the map was converging so I had to cap the number of iterations.
              – JacquesLeen
              43 mins ago

              @JacquesLeen Maybe that was part of the exercise: will you discover it on your own? Inside Compile, Module and Block are the same, I think. (Not outside of it.)
              – Szabolcs
              16 mins ago

              @JacquesLeen Maybe that was part of the exercise: will you discover it on your own? Inside Compile, Module and Block are the same, I think. (Not outside of it.)
              – Szabolcs
              16 mins ago



              For iterated function systems like this, Nest and relatives are the preferred tools. Just exploring your (rather famous) map:

              f[z_, c_] := z^2 + c
              Abs[NestList[f[#, 0.2 + 0.2 I] &, 0, 30]]
              (* 0, 0.282843, 0.344093, 0.351367, 0.327239, 0.304778, 0.303605,
              0.311545, 0.316158, 0.315818, 0.313773, 0.312729, 0.31295, 0.313482,
              0.313697, 0.313611, 0.313477, 0.313435, 0.313464, 0.313497, 0.313504,
              0.313495, 0.313487, 0.313486, 0.313489, 0.313491, 0.313491, 0.31349,
              0.31349, 0.31349, 0.31349 *)

              As you can see, it converges to a value inside your radius. That's why your function doesn't terminate.

              share|improve this answer




                For iterated function systems like this, Nest and relatives are the preferred tools. Just exploring your (rather famous) map:

                f[z_, c_] := z^2 + c
                Abs[NestList[f[#, 0.2 + 0.2 I] &, 0, 30]]
                (* 0, 0.282843, 0.344093, 0.351367, 0.327239, 0.304778, 0.303605,
                0.311545, 0.316158, 0.315818, 0.313773, 0.312729, 0.31295, 0.313482,
                0.313697, 0.313611, 0.313477, 0.313435, 0.313464, 0.313497, 0.313504,
                0.313495, 0.313487, 0.313486, 0.313489, 0.313491, 0.313491, 0.31349,
                0.31349, 0.31349, 0.31349 *)

                As you can see, it converges to a value inside your radius. That's why your function doesn't terminate.

                share|improve this answer






                  For iterated function systems like this, Nest and relatives are the preferred tools. Just exploring your (rather famous) map:

                  f[z_, c_] := z^2 + c
                  Abs[NestList[f[#, 0.2 + 0.2 I] &, 0, 30]]
                  (* 0, 0.282843, 0.344093, 0.351367, 0.327239, 0.304778, 0.303605,
                  0.311545, 0.316158, 0.315818, 0.313773, 0.312729, 0.31295, 0.313482,
                  0.313697, 0.313611, 0.313477, 0.313435, 0.313464, 0.313497, 0.313504,
                  0.313495, 0.313487, 0.313486, 0.313489, 0.313491, 0.313491, 0.31349,
                  0.31349, 0.31349, 0.31349 *)

                  As you can see, it converges to a value inside your radius. That's why your function doesn't terminate.

                  share|improve this answer


                  For iterated function systems like this, Nest and relatives are the preferred tools. Just exploring your (rather famous) map:

                  f[z_, c_] := z^2 + c
                  Abs[NestList[f[#, 0.2 + 0.2 I] &, 0, 30]]
                  (* 0, 0.282843, 0.344093, 0.351367, 0.327239, 0.304778, 0.303605,
                  0.311545, 0.316158, 0.315818, 0.313773, 0.312729, 0.31295, 0.313482,
                  0.313697, 0.313611, 0.313477, 0.313435, 0.313464, 0.313497, 0.313504,
                  0.313495, 0.313487, 0.313486, 0.313489, 0.313491, 0.313491, 0.31349,
                  0.31349, 0.31349, 0.31349 *)

                  As you can see, it converges to a value inside your radius. That's why your function doesn't terminate.

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered 1 hour ago

                  John DotyJohn Doty





                      You could also use MandelbrotSetPlot to create Szabolcs' graphic:

                      MandelbrotSetPlot[-0.6 + 0.4 I, -0.4 + 0.6 I, PlotLegends -> Automatic]

                      enter image description here

                      share|improve this answer




                        You could also use MandelbrotSetPlot to create Szabolcs' graphic:

                        MandelbrotSetPlot[-0.6 + 0.4 I, -0.4 + 0.6 I, PlotLegends -> Automatic]

                        enter image description here

                        share|improve this answer






                          You could also use MandelbrotSetPlot to create Szabolcs' graphic:

                          MandelbrotSetPlot[-0.6 + 0.4 I, -0.4 + 0.6 I, PlotLegends -> Automatic]

                          enter image description here

                          share|improve this answer


                          You could also use MandelbrotSetPlot to create Szabolcs' graphic:

                          MandelbrotSetPlot[-0.6 + 0.4 I, -0.4 + 0.6 I, PlotLegends -> Automatic]

                          enter image description here

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          answered 14 mins ago

                          Carl WollCarl Woll



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