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How to interpret this form of Heaps' Law?

The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InAre there natural languages that do not obey Zipf's law?What is the relationship between lambda calculus and logical form?Calculating writing system efficiency with respect to reading ambiguity?How can I calculate if the difference between two word frequencies in one corpus is significant?How can I automatically build a domain specific corpus from scratch?How to proceed with this Maasai translation?How to quantify and compare different ways of segmenting and transliterating (reading) a text in terms of uncertainty/leeway?Syntax tree for this sentenceThe determiner “a” in lambda formHow can I know if a log-likelihood score is high enough?


Heaps' Law basically is an empirical function that says the number of distinct words you'll find in a document grows as a function to the length of the document. The equation given in the Wikipedia link is

enter image description here

where $V_R$ is the number of distinct words in a document of size $n$, and $K$ and $beta$ are free parameters that are chosen empirically (usually $0 le K le 100$ and $0.4 le beta le 0.6$).

I'm currently following a course on Youtube called Deep Learning for NLP by Oxford University and DeepMind. There is a slide in a lecture that demonstrates Heaps' Law in a rather different way:

enter image description here

The equation given with the logarithms apparently is also Heaps' Law. The fastest growing curve is a corpus for Twitter data and the slowest is for the Wall Street Journal. Tweets usually have less structure and more spelling errors, etc. compared to the WSJ which would explain the faster-growing curve.

The main question that I had is how Heaps' Law seems to have taken on the form that the author has given? It's a bit of a reach but the author didn't specify what any of these parameters are and I was wondering if anybody might be familiar with Heaps' Law to give me some advise on how to solve my question.

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New contributor

Seankala is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


    Heaps' Law basically is an empirical function that says the number of distinct words you'll find in a document grows as a function to the length of the document. The equation given in the Wikipedia link is

    enter image description here

    where $V_R$ is the number of distinct words in a document of size $n$, and $K$ and $beta$ are free parameters that are chosen empirically (usually $0 le K le 100$ and $0.4 le beta le 0.6$).

    I'm currently following a course on Youtube called Deep Learning for NLP by Oxford University and DeepMind. There is a slide in a lecture that demonstrates Heaps' Law in a rather different way:

    enter image description here

    The equation given with the logarithms apparently is also Heaps' Law. The fastest growing curve is a corpus for Twitter data and the slowest is for the Wall Street Journal. Tweets usually have less structure and more spelling errors, etc. compared to the WSJ which would explain the faster-growing curve.

    The main question that I had is how Heaps' Law seems to have taken on the form that the author has given? It's a bit of a reach but the author didn't specify what any of these parameters are and I was wondering if anybody might be familiar with Heaps' Law to give me some advise on how to solve my question.

    share|improve this question

    New contributor

    Seankala is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.




      Heaps' Law basically is an empirical function that says the number of distinct words you'll find in a document grows as a function to the length of the document. The equation given in the Wikipedia link is

      enter image description here

      where $V_R$ is the number of distinct words in a document of size $n$, and $K$ and $beta$ are free parameters that are chosen empirically (usually $0 le K le 100$ and $0.4 le beta le 0.6$).

      I'm currently following a course on Youtube called Deep Learning for NLP by Oxford University and DeepMind. There is a slide in a lecture that demonstrates Heaps' Law in a rather different way:

      enter image description here

      The equation given with the logarithms apparently is also Heaps' Law. The fastest growing curve is a corpus for Twitter data and the slowest is for the Wall Street Journal. Tweets usually have less structure and more spelling errors, etc. compared to the WSJ which would explain the faster-growing curve.

      The main question that I had is how Heaps' Law seems to have taken on the form that the author has given? It's a bit of a reach but the author didn't specify what any of these parameters are and I was wondering if anybody might be familiar with Heaps' Law to give me some advise on how to solve my question.

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Seankala is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      Heaps' Law basically is an empirical function that says the number of distinct words you'll find in a document grows as a function to the length of the document. The equation given in the Wikipedia link is

      enter image description here

      where $V_R$ is the number of distinct words in a document of size $n$, and $K$ and $beta$ are free parameters that are chosen empirically (usually $0 le K le 100$ and $0.4 le beta le 0.6$).

      I'm currently following a course on Youtube called Deep Learning for NLP by Oxford University and DeepMind. There is a slide in a lecture that demonstrates Heaps' Law in a rather different way:

      enter image description here

      The equation given with the logarithms apparently is also Heaps' Law. The fastest growing curve is a corpus for Twitter data and the slowest is for the Wall Street Journal. Tweets usually have less structure and more spelling errors, etc. compared to the WSJ which would explain the faster-growing curve.

      The main question that I had is how Heaps' Law seems to have taken on the form that the author has given? It's a bit of a reach but the author didn't specify what any of these parameters are and I was wondering if anybody might be familiar with Heaps' Law to give me some advise on how to solve my question.

      computational-linguistics corpora quantitative-linguistics

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Seankala is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Seankala is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 2 hours ago




      New contributor

      Seankala is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      asked 4 hours ago




      New contributor

      Seankala is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      New contributor

      Seankala is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      Seankala is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

          2 Answers





          A straightforward rewriting of the Wikipedia formula gives

          log V_R(n) = log K*n^beta
          = log K + log n^beta
          = log K + beta*log n

          This allows us to identify K=C and beta=-alpha (probably the WSJ uses a different formulation of Heaps' law

          V_R (n) = fracKn^alpha

          ). The remaining b is a strange additional parameter not present in the original formulation of the law (and irrelevant, too, because the law is about large numbers where n-b is approximately equal to n).

          share|improve this answer

          • Thanks for the answer. I tried to apply logarithms to each side but it didn't come to mind that K = C and β = -α. This may also sound like a bit of an out-of-placed question, but would you happen to know what a "singleton" in this context is? My knowledge of set theory tells me that it means a single perceptual unit, or a word in this context.

            – Seankala
            2 hours ago

          • From the small context given, I can only guess what a singleton could be here. My guess is that it refers to a hapax legomenon, i.e., a word form that occurs exactly once in the corpus (or sample).

            – jknappen
            2 hours ago

          • alpha in the chart is notably not in the same range as implied for beta in the question. I'm not sure whether that makes a huge difference. I guess it does.

            – vectory
            16 mins ago

          • singleton 34.3%, 70% must mean hapax legomenon percentage of new words. However, that still seems quite high. Edit: that wouldn't even make sense, if every word is new at some point, unless they don't count a seizable number of basic vocabulary as new, like, compact OED sized.

            – vectory
            13 mins ago


          I am going to guess and I hope someone has a clearer idea.

          The question is interesting from a (my) novice math perspective, the wording suggests it was moved from

          From a basic linguistic perspective, there is little to no difference, all you need is a slowly decreasing slope. Both describe standard distributions, a concepts that's naturally observed in nature, from the distribution of raindrops to the dispersion of a laser beam. The specific choice depends on an accurate model. If it's instead just chosen to fit the data somehow, it doesn't hold much explanatory power, but it's a heuristic. For the specifics you should check out, or whatever it's called where statistics are treated (compression of text is also rather important in signal processing).

          The first one, V = k * n ^ b, is akin to the area of a circle, A = pi * r ^ 2, but inverted (taking the square root) and with a random factor, instead of pi, which can be pictured various ways, e.g. as a circle projected onto a wavy area or through a lense (doesn't really matter unless there's a specific need). If b is not exactly 0.5 the picture is a little different, but not really. The point is, this appears as the inverse square law, e.g. if a light cone hits a wall further away, the radius will increase linearly, but the power per square are will diminish proportionally with the inverse square of the distance. A^1/2 ~ r. The length of a text, n, increases likewise proportionally with the number of new words, n^0.5 ~ V. In other words, the text grows squarely with each new new word. That's also proportional to the circumference.

          The second one seems more elaborate. I too have no idea what the extra variables are. Removing the logarithm we have *f(w) = C * (r(w)-b)^(-alpha)*. And transposed 1/C * (r(w)-b)^a = 1 / f(w). This is in principle the same polynomial form as V=K*n^b with several new parameters, if it were that V = 1 / f(w), k = 1/C, n = (r(w) - b), beta = -alpha.

          There are a few notable differences. What's with those parameters? I'd assume the following:

          • b is likely a threshold under which the distribution is useless, because if r(w)Basic vocabulary.

          • If C is a constant as usual, then writing log(C), which would be constant as well, might just be a courtesy to ease solving for (w). It's inversely proportional to k, but that shouldn't trouble us now. One way or another it will be normalizing the results. I'm keen to assume that it means Corpus, but that gives me troubles. [todo]

          • That leaves alpha to be explained, which seems to be a variable nudge factor determined per corpus by a specific statistical procedure for error correction.

          The last one is crucial. Raising to a negative power of alpha (=reciproke of the power of alpha) is not quite the same as taking the square root (power of 0.5). But it is similar in effect because the ranges of the exponents are also different, b < 1 < alpha. The very important difference is that the number of new words will tend to zero as the number of typed words tends to infinity--which, if I may say so, is a rather real possibility with twitter ;-) While the old formula would require ever new words to grow the text.

          Somehow I'm trying to see 1/f as a derivative, compared to mechanical accelleration. But I'll rather leave the rest of the exercise to the reader. Please add a link to the video to your question. thx bye

          share|improve this answer

            Your Answer

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers











            A straightforward rewriting of the Wikipedia formula gives

            log V_R(n) = log K*n^beta
            = log K + log n^beta
            = log K + beta*log n

            This allows us to identify K=C and beta=-alpha (probably the WSJ uses a different formulation of Heaps' law

            V_R (n) = fracKn^alpha

            ). The remaining b is a strange additional parameter not present in the original formulation of the law (and irrelevant, too, because the law is about large numbers where n-b is approximately equal to n).

            share|improve this answer

            • Thanks for the answer. I tried to apply logarithms to each side but it didn't come to mind that K = C and β = -α. This may also sound like a bit of an out-of-placed question, but would you happen to know what a "singleton" in this context is? My knowledge of set theory tells me that it means a single perceptual unit, or a word in this context.

              – Seankala
              2 hours ago

            • From the small context given, I can only guess what a singleton could be here. My guess is that it refers to a hapax legomenon, i.e., a word form that occurs exactly once in the corpus (or sample).

              – jknappen
              2 hours ago

            • alpha in the chart is notably not in the same range as implied for beta in the question. I'm not sure whether that makes a huge difference. I guess it does.

              – vectory
              16 mins ago

            • singleton 34.3%, 70% must mean hapax legomenon percentage of new words. However, that still seems quite high. Edit: that wouldn't even make sense, if every word is new at some point, unless they don't count a seizable number of basic vocabulary as new, like, compact OED sized.

              – vectory
              13 mins ago


            A straightforward rewriting of the Wikipedia formula gives

            log V_R(n) = log K*n^beta
            = log K + log n^beta
            = log K + beta*log n

            This allows us to identify K=C and beta=-alpha (probably the WSJ uses a different formulation of Heaps' law

            V_R (n) = fracKn^alpha

            ). The remaining b is a strange additional parameter not present in the original formulation of the law (and irrelevant, too, because the law is about large numbers where n-b is approximately equal to n).

            share|improve this answer

            • Thanks for the answer. I tried to apply logarithms to each side but it didn't come to mind that K = C and β = -α. This may also sound like a bit of an out-of-placed question, but would you happen to know what a "singleton" in this context is? My knowledge of set theory tells me that it means a single perceptual unit, or a word in this context.

              – Seankala
              2 hours ago

            • From the small context given, I can only guess what a singleton could be here. My guess is that it refers to a hapax legomenon, i.e., a word form that occurs exactly once in the corpus (or sample).

              – jknappen
              2 hours ago

            • alpha in the chart is notably not in the same range as implied for beta in the question. I'm not sure whether that makes a huge difference. I guess it does.

              – vectory
              16 mins ago

            • singleton 34.3%, 70% must mean hapax legomenon percentage of new words. However, that still seems quite high. Edit: that wouldn't even make sense, if every word is new at some point, unless they don't count a seizable number of basic vocabulary as new, like, compact OED sized.

              – vectory
              13 mins ago




            A straightforward rewriting of the Wikipedia formula gives

            log V_R(n) = log K*n^beta
            = log K + log n^beta
            = log K + beta*log n

            This allows us to identify K=C and beta=-alpha (probably the WSJ uses a different formulation of Heaps' law

            V_R (n) = fracKn^alpha

            ). The remaining b is a strange additional parameter not present in the original formulation of the law (and irrelevant, too, because the law is about large numbers where n-b is approximately equal to n).

            share|improve this answer

            A straightforward rewriting of the Wikipedia formula gives

            log V_R(n) = log K*n^beta
            = log K + log n^beta
            = log K + beta*log n

            This allows us to identify K=C and beta=-alpha (probably the WSJ uses a different formulation of Heaps' law

            V_R (n) = fracKn^alpha

            ). The remaining b is a strange additional parameter not present in the original formulation of the law (and irrelevant, too, because the law is about large numbers where n-b is approximately equal to n).

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            edited 2 hours ago

            answered 2 hours ago




            • Thanks for the answer. I tried to apply logarithms to each side but it didn't come to mind that K = C and β = -α. This may also sound like a bit of an out-of-placed question, but would you happen to know what a "singleton" in this context is? My knowledge of set theory tells me that it means a single perceptual unit, or a word in this context.

              – Seankala
              2 hours ago

            • From the small context given, I can only guess what a singleton could be here. My guess is that it refers to a hapax legomenon, i.e., a word form that occurs exactly once in the corpus (or sample).

              – jknappen
              2 hours ago

            • alpha in the chart is notably not in the same range as implied for beta in the question. I'm not sure whether that makes a huge difference. I guess it does.

              – vectory
              16 mins ago

            • singleton 34.3%, 70% must mean hapax legomenon percentage of new words. However, that still seems quite high. Edit: that wouldn't even make sense, if every word is new at some point, unless they don't count a seizable number of basic vocabulary as new, like, compact OED sized.

              – vectory
              13 mins ago

            • Thanks for the answer. I tried to apply logarithms to each side but it didn't come to mind that K = C and β = -α. This may also sound like a bit of an out-of-placed question, but would you happen to know what a "singleton" in this context is? My knowledge of set theory tells me that it means a single perceptual unit, or a word in this context.

              – Seankala
              2 hours ago

            • From the small context given, I can only guess what a singleton could be here. My guess is that it refers to a hapax legomenon, i.e., a word form that occurs exactly once in the corpus (or sample).

              – jknappen
              2 hours ago

            • alpha in the chart is notably not in the same range as implied for beta in the question. I'm not sure whether that makes a huge difference. I guess it does.

              – vectory
              16 mins ago

            • singleton 34.3%, 70% must mean hapax legomenon percentage of new words. However, that still seems quite high. Edit: that wouldn't even make sense, if every word is new at some point, unless they don't count a seizable number of basic vocabulary as new, like, compact OED sized.

              – vectory
              13 mins ago

            Thanks for the answer. I tried to apply logarithms to each side but it didn't come to mind that K = C and β = -α. This may also sound like a bit of an out-of-placed question, but would you happen to know what a "singleton" in this context is? My knowledge of set theory tells me that it means a single perceptual unit, or a word in this context.

            – Seankala
            2 hours ago

            Thanks for the answer. I tried to apply logarithms to each side but it didn't come to mind that K = C and β = -α. This may also sound like a bit of an out-of-placed question, but would you happen to know what a "singleton" in this context is? My knowledge of set theory tells me that it means a single perceptual unit, or a word in this context.

            – Seankala
            2 hours ago

            From the small context given, I can only guess what a singleton could be here. My guess is that it refers to a hapax legomenon, i.e., a word form that occurs exactly once in the corpus (or sample).

            – jknappen
            2 hours ago

            From the small context given, I can only guess what a singleton could be here. My guess is that it refers to a hapax legomenon, i.e., a word form that occurs exactly once in the corpus (or sample).

            – jknappen
            2 hours ago

            alpha in the chart is notably not in the same range as implied for beta in the question. I'm not sure whether that makes a huge difference. I guess it does.

            – vectory
            16 mins ago

            alpha in the chart is notably not in the same range as implied for beta in the question. I'm not sure whether that makes a huge difference. I guess it does.

            – vectory
            16 mins ago

            singleton 34.3%, 70% must mean hapax legomenon percentage of new words. However, that still seems quite high. Edit: that wouldn't even make sense, if every word is new at some point, unless they don't count a seizable number of basic vocabulary as new, like, compact OED sized.

            – vectory
            13 mins ago

            singleton 34.3%, 70% must mean hapax legomenon percentage of new words. However, that still seems quite high. Edit: that wouldn't even make sense, if every word is new at some point, unless they don't count a seizable number of basic vocabulary as new, like, compact OED sized.

            – vectory
            13 mins ago


            I am going to guess and I hope someone has a clearer idea.

            The question is interesting from a (my) novice math perspective, the wording suggests it was moved from

            From a basic linguistic perspective, there is little to no difference, all you need is a slowly decreasing slope. Both describe standard distributions, a concepts that's naturally observed in nature, from the distribution of raindrops to the dispersion of a laser beam. The specific choice depends on an accurate model. If it's instead just chosen to fit the data somehow, it doesn't hold much explanatory power, but it's a heuristic. For the specifics you should check out, or whatever it's called where statistics are treated (compression of text is also rather important in signal processing).

            The first one, V = k * n ^ b, is akin to the area of a circle, A = pi * r ^ 2, but inverted (taking the square root) and with a random factor, instead of pi, which can be pictured various ways, e.g. as a circle projected onto a wavy area or through a lense (doesn't really matter unless there's a specific need). If b is not exactly 0.5 the picture is a little different, but not really. The point is, this appears as the inverse square law, e.g. if a light cone hits a wall further away, the radius will increase linearly, but the power per square are will diminish proportionally with the inverse square of the distance. A^1/2 ~ r. The length of a text, n, increases likewise proportionally with the number of new words, n^0.5 ~ V. In other words, the text grows squarely with each new new word. That's also proportional to the circumference.

            The second one seems more elaborate. I too have no idea what the extra variables are. Removing the logarithm we have *f(w) = C * (r(w)-b)^(-alpha)*. And transposed 1/C * (r(w)-b)^a = 1 / f(w). This is in principle the same polynomial form as V=K*n^b with several new parameters, if it were that V = 1 / f(w), k = 1/C, n = (r(w) - b), beta = -alpha.

            There are a few notable differences. What's with those parameters? I'd assume the following:

            • b is likely a threshold under which the distribution is useless, because if r(w)Basic vocabulary.

            • If C is a constant as usual, then writing log(C), which would be constant as well, might just be a courtesy to ease solving for (w). It's inversely proportional to k, but that shouldn't trouble us now. One way or another it will be normalizing the results. I'm keen to assume that it means Corpus, but that gives me troubles. [todo]

            • That leaves alpha to be explained, which seems to be a variable nudge factor determined per corpus by a specific statistical procedure for error correction.

            The last one is crucial. Raising to a negative power of alpha (=reciproke of the power of alpha) is not quite the same as taking the square root (power of 0.5). But it is similar in effect because the ranges of the exponents are also different, b < 1 < alpha. The very important difference is that the number of new words will tend to zero as the number of typed words tends to infinity--which, if I may say so, is a rather real possibility with twitter ;-) While the old formula would require ever new words to grow the text.

            Somehow I'm trying to see 1/f as a derivative, compared to mechanical accelleration. But I'll rather leave the rest of the exercise to the reader. Please add a link to the video to your question. thx bye

            share|improve this answer


              I am going to guess and I hope someone has a clearer idea.

              The question is interesting from a (my) novice math perspective, the wording suggests it was moved from

              From a basic linguistic perspective, there is little to no difference, all you need is a slowly decreasing slope. Both describe standard distributions, a concepts that's naturally observed in nature, from the distribution of raindrops to the dispersion of a laser beam. The specific choice depends on an accurate model. If it's instead just chosen to fit the data somehow, it doesn't hold much explanatory power, but it's a heuristic. For the specifics you should check out, or whatever it's called where statistics are treated (compression of text is also rather important in signal processing).

              The first one, V = k * n ^ b, is akin to the area of a circle, A = pi * r ^ 2, but inverted (taking the square root) and with a random factor, instead of pi, which can be pictured various ways, e.g. as a circle projected onto a wavy area or through a lense (doesn't really matter unless there's a specific need). If b is not exactly 0.5 the picture is a little different, but not really. The point is, this appears as the inverse square law, e.g. if a light cone hits a wall further away, the radius will increase linearly, but the power per square are will diminish proportionally with the inverse square of the distance. A^1/2 ~ r. The length of a text, n, increases likewise proportionally with the number of new words, n^0.5 ~ V. In other words, the text grows squarely with each new new word. That's also proportional to the circumference.

              The second one seems more elaborate. I too have no idea what the extra variables are. Removing the logarithm we have *f(w) = C * (r(w)-b)^(-alpha)*. And transposed 1/C * (r(w)-b)^a = 1 / f(w). This is in principle the same polynomial form as V=K*n^b with several new parameters, if it were that V = 1 / f(w), k = 1/C, n = (r(w) - b), beta = -alpha.

              There are a few notable differences. What's with those parameters? I'd assume the following:

              • b is likely a threshold under which the distribution is useless, because if r(w)Basic vocabulary.

              • If C is a constant as usual, then writing log(C), which would be constant as well, might just be a courtesy to ease solving for (w). It's inversely proportional to k, but that shouldn't trouble us now. One way or another it will be normalizing the results. I'm keen to assume that it means Corpus, but that gives me troubles. [todo]

              • That leaves alpha to be explained, which seems to be a variable nudge factor determined per corpus by a specific statistical procedure for error correction.

              The last one is crucial. Raising to a negative power of alpha (=reciproke of the power of alpha) is not quite the same as taking the square root (power of 0.5). But it is similar in effect because the ranges of the exponents are also different, b < 1 < alpha. The very important difference is that the number of new words will tend to zero as the number of typed words tends to infinity--which, if I may say so, is a rather real possibility with twitter ;-) While the old formula would require ever new words to grow the text.

              Somehow I'm trying to see 1/f as a derivative, compared to mechanical accelleration. But I'll rather leave the rest of the exercise to the reader. Please add a link to the video to your question. thx bye

              share|improve this answer




                I am going to guess and I hope someone has a clearer idea.

                The question is interesting from a (my) novice math perspective, the wording suggests it was moved from

                From a basic linguistic perspective, there is little to no difference, all you need is a slowly decreasing slope. Both describe standard distributions, a concepts that's naturally observed in nature, from the distribution of raindrops to the dispersion of a laser beam. The specific choice depends on an accurate model. If it's instead just chosen to fit the data somehow, it doesn't hold much explanatory power, but it's a heuristic. For the specifics you should check out, or whatever it's called where statistics are treated (compression of text is also rather important in signal processing).

                The first one, V = k * n ^ b, is akin to the area of a circle, A = pi * r ^ 2, but inverted (taking the square root) and with a random factor, instead of pi, which can be pictured various ways, e.g. as a circle projected onto a wavy area or through a lense (doesn't really matter unless there's a specific need). If b is not exactly 0.5 the picture is a little different, but not really. The point is, this appears as the inverse square law, e.g. if a light cone hits a wall further away, the radius will increase linearly, but the power per square are will diminish proportionally with the inverse square of the distance. A^1/2 ~ r. The length of a text, n, increases likewise proportionally with the number of new words, n^0.5 ~ V. In other words, the text grows squarely with each new new word. That's also proportional to the circumference.

                The second one seems more elaborate. I too have no idea what the extra variables are. Removing the logarithm we have *f(w) = C * (r(w)-b)^(-alpha)*. And transposed 1/C * (r(w)-b)^a = 1 / f(w). This is in principle the same polynomial form as V=K*n^b with several new parameters, if it were that V = 1 / f(w), k = 1/C, n = (r(w) - b), beta = -alpha.

                There are a few notable differences. What's with those parameters? I'd assume the following:

                • b is likely a threshold under which the distribution is useless, because if r(w)Basic vocabulary.

                • If C is a constant as usual, then writing log(C), which would be constant as well, might just be a courtesy to ease solving for (w). It's inversely proportional to k, but that shouldn't trouble us now. One way or another it will be normalizing the results. I'm keen to assume that it means Corpus, but that gives me troubles. [todo]

                • That leaves alpha to be explained, which seems to be a variable nudge factor determined per corpus by a specific statistical procedure for error correction.

                The last one is crucial. Raising to a negative power of alpha (=reciproke of the power of alpha) is not quite the same as taking the square root (power of 0.5). But it is similar in effect because the ranges of the exponents are also different, b < 1 < alpha. The very important difference is that the number of new words will tend to zero as the number of typed words tends to infinity--which, if I may say so, is a rather real possibility with twitter ;-) While the old formula would require ever new words to grow the text.

                Somehow I'm trying to see 1/f as a derivative, compared to mechanical accelleration. But I'll rather leave the rest of the exercise to the reader. Please add a link to the video to your question. thx bye

                share|improve this answer

                I am going to guess and I hope someone has a clearer idea.

                The question is interesting from a (my) novice math perspective, the wording suggests it was moved from

                From a basic linguistic perspective, there is little to no difference, all you need is a slowly decreasing slope. Both describe standard distributions, a concepts that's naturally observed in nature, from the distribution of raindrops to the dispersion of a laser beam. The specific choice depends on an accurate model. If it's instead just chosen to fit the data somehow, it doesn't hold much explanatory power, but it's a heuristic. For the specifics you should check out, or whatever it's called where statistics are treated (compression of text is also rather important in signal processing).

                The first one, V = k * n ^ b, is akin to the area of a circle, A = pi * r ^ 2, but inverted (taking the square root) and with a random factor, instead of pi, which can be pictured various ways, e.g. as a circle projected onto a wavy area or through a lense (doesn't really matter unless there's a specific need). If b is not exactly 0.5 the picture is a little different, but not really. The point is, this appears as the inverse square law, e.g. if a light cone hits a wall further away, the radius will increase linearly, but the power per square are will diminish proportionally with the inverse square of the distance. A^1/2 ~ r. The length of a text, n, increases likewise proportionally with the number of new words, n^0.5 ~ V. In other words, the text grows squarely with each new new word. That's also proportional to the circumference.

                The second one seems more elaborate. I too have no idea what the extra variables are. Removing the logarithm we have *f(w) = C * (r(w)-b)^(-alpha)*. And transposed 1/C * (r(w)-b)^a = 1 / f(w). This is in principle the same polynomial form as V=K*n^b with several new parameters, if it were that V = 1 / f(w), k = 1/C, n = (r(w) - b), beta = -alpha.

                There are a few notable differences. What's with those parameters? I'd assume the following:

                • b is likely a threshold under which the distribution is useless, because if r(w)Basic vocabulary.

                • If C is a constant as usual, then writing log(C), which would be constant as well, might just be a courtesy to ease solving for (w). It's inversely proportional to k, but that shouldn't trouble us now. One way or another it will be normalizing the results. I'm keen to assume that it means Corpus, but that gives me troubles. [todo]

                • That leaves alpha to be explained, which seems to be a variable nudge factor determined per corpus by a specific statistical procedure for error correction.

                The last one is crucial. Raising to a negative power of alpha (=reciproke of the power of alpha) is not quite the same as taking the square root (power of 0.5). But it is similar in effect because the ranges of the exponents are also different, b < 1 < alpha. The very important difference is that the number of new words will tend to zero as the number of typed words tends to infinity--which, if I may say so, is a rather real possibility with twitter ;-) While the old formula would require ever new words to grow the text.

                Somehow I'm trying to see 1/f as a derivative, compared to mechanical accelleration. But I'll rather leave the rest of the exercise to the reader. Please add a link to the video to your question. thx bye

                share|improve this answer

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                answered 27 mins ago




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