Extreme, unacceptable situation and I can't attend work tomorrow morning The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InShould I tell on my colleague for not keeping to assigned work-hours and abusing work-hours as break time?My employer thinks I'm not allowed to work overtime but I am, is it expected that I correct him?Company interested in hiring me, but I want to start in 2 years at the earliestNegotiating with a difficult company offering less than the market rate and trying to invalidate my previous work experienceCan I warn my manager of both professional and personal issues with a potential job applicant?How an employee can terminate a signed contract the starting date of the employment is not until 2 and half months?

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Extreme, unacceptable situation and I can't attend work tomorrow morning

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Extreme, unacceptable situation and I can't attend work tomorrow morning

The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InShould I tell on my colleague for not keeping to assigned work-hours and abusing work-hours as break time?My employer thinks I'm not allowed to work overtime but I am, is it expected that I correct him?Company interested in hiring me, but I want to start in 2 years at the earliestNegotiating with a difficult company offering less than the market rate and trying to invalidate my previous work experienceCan I warn my manager of both professional and personal issues with a potential job applicant?How an employee can terminate a signed contract the starting date of the employment is not until 2 and half months?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;


  • My bride is pregnant.

  • She lives 1500 km away from me, in another country, in a low-developed region where public transport is slow.

  • I did not talk with her for 3 days. It was my mistake. She became shocked and now she wants to abort the child.

  • I am currently on a train, traveling to her.

  • Tomorrow morning I am supposed to go to work, as usual. I won't be able to. (It is now Sunday evening there).

  • Very surely, I will be unable to work on both Monday and Tuesday.

I work for a small company in Germany. I've worked here for some years, longer than most employees, but there is no guarantee that I won't lose my job over an unexpected absence like this. The company seems tolerant above the average for such events, but their patience surely has a limit. I feel I am near this limit now.

Being in the IT department, I could work also remotely, even on the train. This is not the custom of the company, and I need a boss to approve that.

How should I maximize my chances not to lose my job and to lose the least possible respect by my bosses?

Would it be better if I explain this situation? This personal problem probably looks quite different through the eyes of my boss.

share|improve this question

  • 76

    "And feel I near this limit now" why do you feel that way? It seems this is a one-time occurrence for you, what else happened that you think they reached a "limit"?

    – nvoigt

  • 3

    (With a reason, communicated properly) Why not showing up at work will cause you lose your job? That's what extreme.

    – Sourav Ghosh

  • 1

    Are you a regular employee or a contractor? How much of the situation is already known to your boss? Surely they know you are married, do they know your wife is pregnant?

    – nvoigt

  • 8

    I suspect you aren't using "Bride" quite correctly. "Bride" usually refers to a woman who is currently in the process of getting married. "Wife" is a woman who is married. "Engaged" is someone who is going to get married. "My Wife" refers to someone who is married to you; "My Bride" is someone you are currently getting married to. (the exact period over which you are "getting married" as opposed to "being married" is fuzzy, admittedly)

    – Yakk

  • 6

    @Yakk English is probably not their first language. The substance of the question or answers would not be significantly different if it was correctly "girlfriend," "fiance," "wife," "future mother of my child," or even "side piece."

    – corsiKa
    14 hours ago


  • My bride is pregnant.

  • She lives 1500 km away from me, in another country, in a low-developed region where public transport is slow.

  • I did not talk with her for 3 days. It was my mistake. She became shocked and now she wants to abort the child.

  • I am currently on a train, traveling to her.

  • Tomorrow morning I am supposed to go to work, as usual. I won't be able to. (It is now Sunday evening there).

  • Very surely, I will be unable to work on both Monday and Tuesday.

I work for a small company in Germany. I've worked here for some years, longer than most employees, but there is no guarantee that I won't lose my job over an unexpected absence like this. The company seems tolerant above the average for such events, but their patience surely has a limit. I feel I am near this limit now.

Being in the IT department, I could work also remotely, even on the train. This is not the custom of the company, and I need a boss to approve that.

How should I maximize my chances not to lose my job and to lose the least possible respect by my bosses?

Would it be better if I explain this situation? This personal problem probably looks quite different through the eyes of my boss.

share|improve this question

  • 76

    "And feel I near this limit now" why do you feel that way? It seems this is a one-time occurrence for you, what else happened that you think they reached a "limit"?

    – nvoigt

  • 3

    (With a reason, communicated properly) Why not showing up at work will cause you lose your job? That's what extreme.

    – Sourav Ghosh

  • 1

    Are you a regular employee or a contractor? How much of the situation is already known to your boss? Surely they know you are married, do they know your wife is pregnant?

    – nvoigt

  • 8

    I suspect you aren't using "Bride" quite correctly. "Bride" usually refers to a woman who is currently in the process of getting married. "Wife" is a woman who is married. "Engaged" is someone who is going to get married. "My Wife" refers to someone who is married to you; "My Bride" is someone you are currently getting married to. (the exact period over which you are "getting married" as opposed to "being married" is fuzzy, admittedly)

    – Yakk

  • 6

    @Yakk English is probably not their first language. The substance of the question or answers would not be significantly different if it was correctly "girlfriend," "fiance," "wife," "future mother of my child," or even "side piece."

    – corsiKa
    14 hours ago





  • My bride is pregnant.

  • She lives 1500 km away from me, in another country, in a low-developed region where public transport is slow.

  • I did not talk with her for 3 days. It was my mistake. She became shocked and now she wants to abort the child.

  • I am currently on a train, traveling to her.

  • Tomorrow morning I am supposed to go to work, as usual. I won't be able to. (It is now Sunday evening there).

  • Very surely, I will be unable to work on both Monday and Tuesday.

I work for a small company in Germany. I've worked here for some years, longer than most employees, but there is no guarantee that I won't lose my job over an unexpected absence like this. The company seems tolerant above the average for such events, but their patience surely has a limit. I feel I am near this limit now.

Being in the IT department, I could work also remotely, even on the train. This is not the custom of the company, and I need a boss to approve that.

How should I maximize my chances not to lose my job and to lose the least possible respect by my bosses?

Would it be better if I explain this situation? This personal problem probably looks quite different through the eyes of my boss.

share|improve this question

  • My bride is pregnant.

  • She lives 1500 km away from me, in another country, in a low-developed region where public transport is slow.

  • I did not talk with her for 3 days. It was my mistake. She became shocked and now she wants to abort the child.

  • I am currently on a train, traveling to her.

  • Tomorrow morning I am supposed to go to work, as usual. I won't be able to. (It is now Sunday evening there).

  • Very surely, I will be unable to work on both Monday and Tuesday.

I work for a small company in Germany. I've worked here for some years, longer than most employees, but there is no guarantee that I won't lose my job over an unexpected absence like this. The company seems tolerant above the average for such events, but their patience surely has a limit. I feel I am near this limit now.

Being in the IT department, I could work also remotely, even on the train. This is not the custom of the company, and I need a boss to approve that.

How should I maximize my chances not to lose my job and to lose the least possible respect by my bosses?

Would it be better if I explain this situation? This personal problem probably looks quite different through the eyes of my boss.

germany personal-problems

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited 10 mins ago




asked yesterday

Gray SheepGray Sheep



  • 76

    "And feel I near this limit now" why do you feel that way? It seems this is a one-time occurrence for you, what else happened that you think they reached a "limit"?

    – nvoigt

  • 3

    (With a reason, communicated properly) Why not showing up at work will cause you lose your job? That's what extreme.

    – Sourav Ghosh

  • 1

    Are you a regular employee or a contractor? How much of the situation is already known to your boss? Surely they know you are married, do they know your wife is pregnant?

    – nvoigt

  • 8

    I suspect you aren't using "Bride" quite correctly. "Bride" usually refers to a woman who is currently in the process of getting married. "Wife" is a woman who is married. "Engaged" is someone who is going to get married. "My Wife" refers to someone who is married to you; "My Bride" is someone you are currently getting married to. (the exact period over which you are "getting married" as opposed to "being married" is fuzzy, admittedly)

    – Yakk

  • 6

    @Yakk English is probably not their first language. The substance of the question or answers would not be significantly different if it was correctly "girlfriend," "fiance," "wife," "future mother of my child," or even "side piece."

    – corsiKa
    14 hours ago

  • 76

    "And feel I near this limit now" why do you feel that way? It seems this is a one-time occurrence for you, what else happened that you think they reached a "limit"?

    – nvoigt

  • 3

    (With a reason, communicated properly) Why not showing up at work will cause you lose your job? That's what extreme.

    – Sourav Ghosh

  • 1

    Are you a regular employee or a contractor? How much of the situation is already known to your boss? Surely they know you are married, do they know your wife is pregnant?

    – nvoigt

  • 8

    I suspect you aren't using "Bride" quite correctly. "Bride" usually refers to a woman who is currently in the process of getting married. "Wife" is a woman who is married. "Engaged" is someone who is going to get married. "My Wife" refers to someone who is married to you; "My Bride" is someone you are currently getting married to. (the exact period over which you are "getting married" as opposed to "being married" is fuzzy, admittedly)

    – Yakk

  • 6

    @Yakk English is probably not their first language. The substance of the question or answers would not be significantly different if it was correctly "girlfriend," "fiance," "wife," "future mother of my child," or even "side piece."

    – corsiKa
    14 hours ago



"And feel I near this limit now" why do you feel that way? It seems this is a one-time occurrence for you, what else happened that you think they reached a "limit"?

– nvoigt

"And feel I near this limit now" why do you feel that way? It seems this is a one-time occurrence for you, what else happened that you think they reached a "limit"?

– nvoigt



(With a reason, communicated properly) Why not showing up at work will cause you lose your job? That's what extreme.

– Sourav Ghosh

(With a reason, communicated properly) Why not showing up at work will cause you lose your job? That's what extreme.

– Sourav Ghosh



Are you a regular employee or a contractor? How much of the situation is already known to your boss? Surely they know you are married, do they know your wife is pregnant?

– nvoigt

Are you a regular employee or a contractor? How much of the situation is already known to your boss? Surely they know you are married, do they know your wife is pregnant?

– nvoigt



I suspect you aren't using "Bride" quite correctly. "Bride" usually refers to a woman who is currently in the process of getting married. "Wife" is a woman who is married. "Engaged" is someone who is going to get married. "My Wife" refers to someone who is married to you; "My Bride" is someone you are currently getting married to. (the exact period over which you are "getting married" as opposed to "being married" is fuzzy, admittedly)

– Yakk

I suspect you aren't using "Bride" quite correctly. "Bride" usually refers to a woman who is currently in the process of getting married. "Wife" is a woman who is married. "Engaged" is someone who is going to get married. "My Wife" refers to someone who is married to you; "My Bride" is someone you are currently getting married to. (the exact period over which you are "getting married" as opposed to "being married" is fuzzy, admittedly)

– Yakk



@Yakk English is probably not their first language. The substance of the question or answers would not be significantly different if it was correctly "girlfriend," "fiance," "wife," "future mother of my child," or even "side piece."

– corsiKa
14 hours ago

@Yakk English is probably not their first language. The substance of the question or answers would not be significantly different if it was correctly "girlfriend," "fiance," "wife," "future mother of my child," or even "side piece."

– corsiKa
14 hours ago

5 Answers





How to maximize my chance to not lose my job and to lose the least
possible respect by my bosses?

Call as soon as you can get through.

Tell your boss that a family emergency came up and you won't be there Monday or Tuesday.

Good luck.

share|improve this answer

  • 27

    @GraySheep - when I said "as soon as you can get through", I meant get through to work.

    – Joe Strazzere

  • 93

    Realistically, it's not going to make much difference to your boss if he finds out late on Sunday evening or early on Monday morning. In his shoes I'd prefer not to have my sleep interrupted though.

    – Matthew Barber

  • 51

    I think a text message and/or e-mail instead of calling would be better outside of working hours. As long as this doesn’t happen regularly I’d expect most managers to be tolerant and emphatic.

    – Michael

  • 13

    "Außergewöhnliche und unaufschiebbare Familienangelegenheit" for neutral tone that also conveys the seriousness of the situation

    – Magisch

  • 8

    Where is the medical emergency? His wife is pregnant (which in itself is surely no illness).

    – FooTheBar


  • contact your manager/boss by email/text. Tell him that there is a personal situation which requires your presence with your bride

  • call him/her in the morning

Don't be too specific on the details. If you don't ask for such things very often, then I would hope for the best.

share|improve this answer

  • 5

    I doubt "don't be too specific on the details" is a good recommendation. I would say the opposite: be open about the situation.

    – Tero Lahtinen

  • 63

    The boss will almost certainly ask the question "when will you be back at work." Think about the answer to that before you start the phone call!

    – alephzero

  • 3

    @kapex I see your point, but if the boss is likely not to understand the situation, I think she would also not understand the "Family emergency. Period." -approach any better.

    – Tero Lahtinen

  • 7

    There is definitely a lot of options between giving the boss every detail and "Family emergency. Period." Something like "I had a family emergency come up with my fiance so I will be out of the office until at least Wednesday and possibly not until Friday", which give a little more detail, is much more personable, but doesn't go into the fine details of what is going on for the OP

    – Kevin Wells

  • 1

    In addition to @alphazero: Think about the answer before you start the phone call AND provide a realistic prognosis. Dont call on Monday to say you will be there on Wednesday, than call Tuesday night to say you will be there on Thursday, and so on...

    – Ivana
    5 hours ago


The answers so far address the personal angle. Definitely call and explain (leaving out whatever personal details you wish).

From a legal perspective, google "Abwesenheit aus wichtigem persönlichen Grund" or similar phrases. Sadly, I'm in Austria right now and Google forces links related to Austrian law on me, but I remember from my time in Germany that this exists in German employee law as well.

IANAL but I have legal training and from my experience you should be legally in the clear. Another common use for this rule is people staying at home if their child is sick and the other parent can't take care of it (e.g. both parents are working).

Definitely do not falsely claim that you are sick. That would be grounds for an immediate termination if your lie is uncovered.

share|improve this answer


    I live and work in Germany, and have been both boss and employee.

    I would say that the best way to proceed depends on your boss. Every country is like this, but there is certainly still some xenophobia in Germany.

    If your boss is friendly towards foreigners, then I would give him full disclosure. Tell him exactly what is going on.

    If your boss is generally somebody that looks down on foreigners, then I would give him/her as little information as possible. Giving him information, such as the fact that you have a bride in another country will just fuel his/her fire, and give him more reason to dislike the situation. In this case, just say that you have an extremely important life or death family matter that must be dealt with immediately. In this case, we mean life or death of the baby, but do not tell the boss that. If he presses for details, I would just say that, "I would prefer not to discuss it." No respectable person would press you for more details. If he forces you to give a valid excuse, then I would tell him that you would be glad to talk to HR about the situation. I can't see how a boss needs to know about your personal situation.

    share|improve this answer

    • 14

      Not sure this is relevant. Wife is living 1500km away, but that doesn't necessarily imply that OP is not German. In any case, he didn't mention any concern about possible xenophobia from his boss.

      – dim

    • 4

      You are right. I just assumed this to be the case.

      – bremen_matt

    • 3

      In any case, his hesitance toward just telling his boss seems to imply to me that he thinks that his boss will not take this well

      – bremen_matt

    • 5

      Then, again: the employee might still have Ukrain roots, be a russion speaker or whatever. German xenophobs recently came up with the word Passdeutscher meaning soemone is german because their passport says so, Not because of their bloodline/origin.

      – Bernhard Döbler

    • @BernhardDöbler Ah! Like the Swiss Papierschweizer

      – Martin Bonner


    Already a bit late, but at the companies where I have worked this would be handled by calling the immediate superior and asking for a day off or two (Gleitzeit/Urlaub) because of a family emergency. HR and higher management would not even know that something unusual happened. However, if your company is very small, things might work differently.

    Many German employees can also take sick leave for up to three days without seeing the doctor. But I would not recommend that in this case, as employers take that very seriously and some coworkers do not really like that either.

    Even if your employer thinks that "troublesome girlfriend" is not a valid excuse for missing work, you might still just get a Abmahnung (kind of a last warning) instead of firing you. But that obviously depends a lot on your boss.

    P.S. a short google search suggests that an Abmahnung is indeed mandatory before firing someone for missing work. I any case, I would still strongly suggest to try to solve this without getting an Abmahnung.

    share|improve this answer

    • Note that the three sick days count calendar days, so that only allows him Monday.

      – Martin Schröder

    • 1

      No. Three calendar days means that if he gets sick on Friday, he has to see the doctor on Monday. If he gets sick on Monday, he has to see the doctor on Thursday. But as said, this is not what I would recommend anyway.

      – Jan

    • 2

      "Many German employees can also take sick leave for up to three days without seeing the doctor." Faking an illness can be grounds for immediate termination (Fristlose Kuendigung), so yeah that sounds like a less than brilliant plan indeed.

      – Voo
      19 hours ago

    • @Voo OP's situation causes a lot of tension and stress on him, which could/does affect his ability to work. I'd say that qualifies for a sick leave for psychological reasons. And I know there are general practitioners in Germany that certify the incapacity for work.

      – Arsak
      7 hours ago

    • I would still be careful with this. I personally would do this only if a) I am convinced I am unfit for work, b) I am convinced I can convince my boss I am unfit for work, or c) the choice is between potential termination if I get caught and certain termination if I have no excuse for not showing up to work (e.g. after a prior formal warning). I am not sure any of these apply here, thus "not recommended".

      – Jan
      6 hours ago

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    5 Answers




    5 Answers











    How to maximize my chance to not lose my job and to lose the least
    possible respect by my bosses?

    Call as soon as you can get through.

    Tell your boss that a family emergency came up and you won't be there Monday or Tuesday.

    Good luck.

    share|improve this answer

    • 27

      @GraySheep - when I said "as soon as you can get through", I meant get through to work.

      – Joe Strazzere

    • 93

      Realistically, it's not going to make much difference to your boss if he finds out late on Sunday evening or early on Monday morning. In his shoes I'd prefer not to have my sleep interrupted though.

      – Matthew Barber

    • 51

      I think a text message and/or e-mail instead of calling would be better outside of working hours. As long as this doesn’t happen regularly I’d expect most managers to be tolerant and emphatic.

      – Michael

    • 13

      "Außergewöhnliche und unaufschiebbare Familienangelegenheit" for neutral tone that also conveys the seriousness of the situation

      – Magisch

    • 8

      Where is the medical emergency? His wife is pregnant (which in itself is surely no illness).

      – FooTheBar


    How to maximize my chance to not lose my job and to lose the least
    possible respect by my bosses?

    Call as soon as you can get through.

    Tell your boss that a family emergency came up and you won't be there Monday or Tuesday.

    Good luck.

    share|improve this answer

    • 27

      @GraySheep - when I said "as soon as you can get through", I meant get through to work.

      – Joe Strazzere

    • 93

      Realistically, it's not going to make much difference to your boss if he finds out late on Sunday evening or early on Monday morning. In his shoes I'd prefer not to have my sleep interrupted though.

      – Matthew Barber

    • 51

      I think a text message and/or e-mail instead of calling would be better outside of working hours. As long as this doesn’t happen regularly I’d expect most managers to be tolerant and emphatic.

      – Michael

    • 13

      "Außergewöhnliche und unaufschiebbare Familienangelegenheit" for neutral tone that also conveys the seriousness of the situation

      – Magisch

    • 8

      Where is the medical emergency? His wife is pregnant (which in itself is surely no illness).

      – FooTheBar




    How to maximize my chance to not lose my job and to lose the least
    possible respect by my bosses?

    Call as soon as you can get through.

    Tell your boss that a family emergency came up and you won't be there Monday or Tuesday.

    Good luck.

    share|improve this answer

    How to maximize my chance to not lose my job and to lose the least
    possible respect by my bosses?

    Call as soon as you can get through.

    Tell your boss that a family emergency came up and you won't be there Monday or Tuesday.

    Good luck.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    answered yesterday

    Joe StrazzereJoe Strazzere



    • 27

      @GraySheep - when I said "as soon as you can get through", I meant get through to work.

      – Joe Strazzere

    • 93

      Realistically, it's not going to make much difference to your boss if he finds out late on Sunday evening or early on Monday morning. In his shoes I'd prefer not to have my sleep interrupted though.

      – Matthew Barber

    • 51

      I think a text message and/or e-mail instead of calling would be better outside of working hours. As long as this doesn’t happen regularly I’d expect most managers to be tolerant and emphatic.

      – Michael

    • 13

      "Außergewöhnliche und unaufschiebbare Familienangelegenheit" for neutral tone that also conveys the seriousness of the situation

      – Magisch

    • 8

      Where is the medical emergency? His wife is pregnant (which in itself is surely no illness).

      – FooTheBar

    • 27

      @GraySheep - when I said "as soon as you can get through", I meant get through to work.

      – Joe Strazzere

    • 93

      Realistically, it's not going to make much difference to your boss if he finds out late on Sunday evening or early on Monday morning. In his shoes I'd prefer not to have my sleep interrupted though.

      – Matthew Barber

    • 51

      I think a text message and/or e-mail instead of calling would be better outside of working hours. As long as this doesn’t happen regularly I’d expect most managers to be tolerant and emphatic.

      – Michael

    • 13

      "Außergewöhnliche und unaufschiebbare Familienangelegenheit" for neutral tone that also conveys the seriousness of the situation

      – Magisch

    • 8

      Where is the medical emergency? His wife is pregnant (which in itself is surely no illness).

      – FooTheBar



    @GraySheep - when I said "as soon as you can get through", I meant get through to work.

    – Joe Strazzere

    @GraySheep - when I said "as soon as you can get through", I meant get through to work.

    – Joe Strazzere



    Realistically, it's not going to make much difference to your boss if he finds out late on Sunday evening or early on Monday morning. In his shoes I'd prefer not to have my sleep interrupted though.

    – Matthew Barber

    Realistically, it's not going to make much difference to your boss if he finds out late on Sunday evening or early on Monday morning. In his shoes I'd prefer not to have my sleep interrupted though.

    – Matthew Barber



    I think a text message and/or e-mail instead of calling would be better outside of working hours. As long as this doesn’t happen regularly I’d expect most managers to be tolerant and emphatic.

    – Michael

    I think a text message and/or e-mail instead of calling would be better outside of working hours. As long as this doesn’t happen regularly I’d expect most managers to be tolerant and emphatic.

    – Michael



    "Außergewöhnliche und unaufschiebbare Familienangelegenheit" for neutral tone that also conveys the seriousness of the situation

    – Magisch

    "Außergewöhnliche und unaufschiebbare Familienangelegenheit" for neutral tone that also conveys the seriousness of the situation

    – Magisch



    Where is the medical emergency? His wife is pregnant (which in itself is surely no illness).

    – FooTheBar

    Where is the medical emergency? His wife is pregnant (which in itself is surely no illness).

    – FooTheBar


    • contact your manager/boss by email/text. Tell him that there is a personal situation which requires your presence with your bride

    • call him/her in the morning

    Don't be too specific on the details. If you don't ask for such things very often, then I would hope for the best.

    share|improve this answer

    • 5

      I doubt "don't be too specific on the details" is a good recommendation. I would say the opposite: be open about the situation.

      – Tero Lahtinen

    • 63

      The boss will almost certainly ask the question "when will you be back at work." Think about the answer to that before you start the phone call!

      – alephzero

    • 3

      @kapex I see your point, but if the boss is likely not to understand the situation, I think she would also not understand the "Family emergency. Period." -approach any better.

      – Tero Lahtinen

    • 7

      There is definitely a lot of options between giving the boss every detail and "Family emergency. Period." Something like "I had a family emergency come up with my fiance so I will be out of the office until at least Wednesday and possibly not until Friday", which give a little more detail, is much more personable, but doesn't go into the fine details of what is going on for the OP

      – Kevin Wells

    • 1

      In addition to @alphazero: Think about the answer before you start the phone call AND provide a realistic prognosis. Dont call on Monday to say you will be there on Wednesday, than call Tuesday night to say you will be there on Thursday, and so on...

      – Ivana
      5 hours ago


    • contact your manager/boss by email/text. Tell him that there is a personal situation which requires your presence with your bride

    • call him/her in the morning

    Don't be too specific on the details. If you don't ask for such things very often, then I would hope for the best.

    share|improve this answer

    • 5

      I doubt "don't be too specific on the details" is a good recommendation. I would say the opposite: be open about the situation.

      – Tero Lahtinen

    • 63

      The boss will almost certainly ask the question "when will you be back at work." Think about the answer to that before you start the phone call!

      – alephzero

    • 3

      @kapex I see your point, but if the boss is likely not to understand the situation, I think she would also not understand the "Family emergency. Period." -approach any better.

      – Tero Lahtinen

    • 7

      There is definitely a lot of options between giving the boss every detail and "Family emergency. Period." Something like "I had a family emergency come up with my fiance so I will be out of the office until at least Wednesday and possibly not until Friday", which give a little more detail, is much more personable, but doesn't go into the fine details of what is going on for the OP

      – Kevin Wells

    • 1

      In addition to @alphazero: Think about the answer before you start the phone call AND provide a realistic prognosis. Dont call on Monday to say you will be there on Wednesday, than call Tuesday night to say you will be there on Thursday, and so on...

      – Ivana
      5 hours ago




    • contact your manager/boss by email/text. Tell him that there is a personal situation which requires your presence with your bride

    • call him/her in the morning

    Don't be too specific on the details. If you don't ask for such things very often, then I would hope for the best.

    share|improve this answer

    • contact your manager/boss by email/text. Tell him that there is a personal situation which requires your presence with your bride

    • call him/her in the morning

    Don't be too specific on the details. If you don't ask for such things very often, then I would hope for the best.

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited yesterday




    answered yesterday




    • 5

      I doubt "don't be too specific on the details" is a good recommendation. I would say the opposite: be open about the situation.

      – Tero Lahtinen

    • 63

      The boss will almost certainly ask the question "when will you be back at work." Think about the answer to that before you start the phone call!

      – alephzero

    • 3

      @kapex I see your point, but if the boss is likely not to understand the situation, I think she would also not understand the "Family emergency. Period." -approach any better.

      – Tero Lahtinen

    • 7

      There is definitely a lot of options between giving the boss every detail and "Family emergency. Period." Something like "I had a family emergency come up with my fiance so I will be out of the office until at least Wednesday and possibly not until Friday", which give a little more detail, is much more personable, but doesn't go into the fine details of what is going on for the OP

      – Kevin Wells

    • 1

      In addition to @alphazero: Think about the answer before you start the phone call AND provide a realistic prognosis. Dont call on Monday to say you will be there on Wednesday, than call Tuesday night to say you will be there on Thursday, and so on...

      – Ivana
      5 hours ago

    • 5

      I doubt "don't be too specific on the details" is a good recommendation. I would say the opposite: be open about the situation.

      – Tero Lahtinen

    • 63

      The boss will almost certainly ask the question "when will you be back at work." Think about the answer to that before you start the phone call!

      – alephzero

    • 3

      @kapex I see your point, but if the boss is likely not to understand the situation, I think she would also not understand the "Family emergency. Period." -approach any better.

      – Tero Lahtinen

    • 7

      There is definitely a lot of options between giving the boss every detail and "Family emergency. Period." Something like "I had a family emergency come up with my fiance so I will be out of the office until at least Wednesday and possibly not until Friday", which give a little more detail, is much more personable, but doesn't go into the fine details of what is going on for the OP

      – Kevin Wells

    • 1

      In addition to @alphazero: Think about the answer before you start the phone call AND provide a realistic prognosis. Dont call on Monday to say you will be there on Wednesday, than call Tuesday night to say you will be there on Thursday, and so on...

      – Ivana
      5 hours ago



    I doubt "don't be too specific on the details" is a good recommendation. I would say the opposite: be open about the situation.

    – Tero Lahtinen

    I doubt "don't be too specific on the details" is a good recommendation. I would say the opposite: be open about the situation.

    – Tero Lahtinen



    The boss will almost certainly ask the question "when will you be back at work." Think about the answer to that before you start the phone call!

    – alephzero

    The boss will almost certainly ask the question "when will you be back at work." Think about the answer to that before you start the phone call!

    – alephzero



    @kapex I see your point, but if the boss is likely not to understand the situation, I think she would also not understand the "Family emergency. Period." -approach any better.

    – Tero Lahtinen

    @kapex I see your point, but if the boss is likely not to understand the situation, I think she would also not understand the "Family emergency. Period." -approach any better.

    – Tero Lahtinen



    There is definitely a lot of options between giving the boss every detail and "Family emergency. Period." Something like "I had a family emergency come up with my fiance so I will be out of the office until at least Wednesday and possibly not until Friday", which give a little more detail, is much more personable, but doesn't go into the fine details of what is going on for the OP

    – Kevin Wells

    There is definitely a lot of options between giving the boss every detail and "Family emergency. Period." Something like "I had a family emergency come up with my fiance so I will be out of the office until at least Wednesday and possibly not until Friday", which give a little more detail, is much more personable, but doesn't go into the fine details of what is going on for the OP

    – Kevin Wells



    In addition to @alphazero: Think about the answer before you start the phone call AND provide a realistic prognosis. Dont call on Monday to say you will be there on Wednesday, than call Tuesday night to say you will be there on Thursday, and so on...

    – Ivana
    5 hours ago

    In addition to @alphazero: Think about the answer before you start the phone call AND provide a realistic prognosis. Dont call on Monday to say you will be there on Wednesday, than call Tuesday night to say you will be there on Thursday, and so on...

    – Ivana
    5 hours ago


    The answers so far address the personal angle. Definitely call and explain (leaving out whatever personal details you wish).

    From a legal perspective, google "Abwesenheit aus wichtigem persönlichen Grund" or similar phrases. Sadly, I'm in Austria right now and Google forces links related to Austrian law on me, but I remember from my time in Germany that this exists in German employee law as well.

    IANAL but I have legal training and from my experience you should be legally in the clear. Another common use for this rule is people staying at home if their child is sick and the other parent can't take care of it (e.g. both parents are working).

    Definitely do not falsely claim that you are sick. That would be grounds for an immediate termination if your lie is uncovered.

    share|improve this answer


      The answers so far address the personal angle. Definitely call and explain (leaving out whatever personal details you wish).

      From a legal perspective, google "Abwesenheit aus wichtigem persönlichen Grund" or similar phrases. Sadly, I'm in Austria right now and Google forces links related to Austrian law on me, but I remember from my time in Germany that this exists in German employee law as well.

      IANAL but I have legal training and from my experience you should be legally in the clear. Another common use for this rule is people staying at home if their child is sick and the other parent can't take care of it (e.g. both parents are working).

      Definitely do not falsely claim that you are sick. That would be grounds for an immediate termination if your lie is uncovered.

      share|improve this answer




        The answers so far address the personal angle. Definitely call and explain (leaving out whatever personal details you wish).

        From a legal perspective, google "Abwesenheit aus wichtigem persönlichen Grund" or similar phrases. Sadly, I'm in Austria right now and Google forces links related to Austrian law on me, but I remember from my time in Germany that this exists in German employee law as well.

        IANAL but I have legal training and from my experience you should be legally in the clear. Another common use for this rule is people staying at home if their child is sick and the other parent can't take care of it (e.g. both parents are working).

        Definitely do not falsely claim that you are sick. That would be grounds for an immediate termination if your lie is uncovered.

        share|improve this answer

        The answers so far address the personal angle. Definitely call and explain (leaving out whatever personal details you wish).

        From a legal perspective, google "Abwesenheit aus wichtigem persönlichen Grund" or similar phrases. Sadly, I'm in Austria right now and Google forces links related to Austrian law on me, but I remember from my time in Germany that this exists in German employee law as well.

        IANAL but I have legal training and from my experience you should be legally in the clear. Another common use for this rule is people staying at home if their child is sick and the other parent can't take care of it (e.g. both parents are working).

        Definitely do not falsely claim that you are sick. That would be grounds for an immediate termination if your lie is uncovered.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered yesterday





            I live and work in Germany, and have been both boss and employee.

            I would say that the best way to proceed depends on your boss. Every country is like this, but there is certainly still some xenophobia in Germany.

            If your boss is friendly towards foreigners, then I would give him full disclosure. Tell him exactly what is going on.

            If your boss is generally somebody that looks down on foreigners, then I would give him/her as little information as possible. Giving him information, such as the fact that you have a bride in another country will just fuel his/her fire, and give him more reason to dislike the situation. In this case, just say that you have an extremely important life or death family matter that must be dealt with immediately. In this case, we mean life or death of the baby, but do not tell the boss that. If he presses for details, I would just say that, "I would prefer not to discuss it." No respectable person would press you for more details. If he forces you to give a valid excuse, then I would tell him that you would be glad to talk to HR about the situation. I can't see how a boss needs to know about your personal situation.

            share|improve this answer

            • 14

              Not sure this is relevant. Wife is living 1500km away, but that doesn't necessarily imply that OP is not German. In any case, he didn't mention any concern about possible xenophobia from his boss.

              – dim

            • 4

              You are right. I just assumed this to be the case.

              – bremen_matt

            • 3

              In any case, his hesitance toward just telling his boss seems to imply to me that he thinks that his boss will not take this well

              – bremen_matt

            • 5

              Then, again: the employee might still have Ukrain roots, be a russion speaker or whatever. German xenophobs recently came up with the word Passdeutscher meaning soemone is german because their passport says so, Not because of their bloodline/origin.

              – Bernhard Döbler

            • @BernhardDöbler Ah! Like the Swiss Papierschweizer

              – Martin Bonner


            I live and work in Germany, and have been both boss and employee.

            I would say that the best way to proceed depends on your boss. Every country is like this, but there is certainly still some xenophobia in Germany.

            If your boss is friendly towards foreigners, then I would give him full disclosure. Tell him exactly what is going on.

            If your boss is generally somebody that looks down on foreigners, then I would give him/her as little information as possible. Giving him information, such as the fact that you have a bride in another country will just fuel his/her fire, and give him more reason to dislike the situation. In this case, just say that you have an extremely important life or death family matter that must be dealt with immediately. In this case, we mean life or death of the baby, but do not tell the boss that. If he presses for details, I would just say that, "I would prefer not to discuss it." No respectable person would press you for more details. If he forces you to give a valid excuse, then I would tell him that you would be glad to talk to HR about the situation. I can't see how a boss needs to know about your personal situation.

            share|improve this answer

            • 14

              Not sure this is relevant. Wife is living 1500km away, but that doesn't necessarily imply that OP is not German. In any case, he didn't mention any concern about possible xenophobia from his boss.

              – dim

            • 4

              You are right. I just assumed this to be the case.

              – bremen_matt

            • 3

              In any case, his hesitance toward just telling his boss seems to imply to me that he thinks that his boss will not take this well

              – bremen_matt

            • 5

              Then, again: the employee might still have Ukrain roots, be a russion speaker or whatever. German xenophobs recently came up with the word Passdeutscher meaning soemone is german because their passport says so, Not because of their bloodline/origin.

              – Bernhard Döbler

            • @BernhardDöbler Ah! Like the Swiss Papierschweizer

              – Martin Bonner




            I live and work in Germany, and have been both boss and employee.

            I would say that the best way to proceed depends on your boss. Every country is like this, but there is certainly still some xenophobia in Germany.

            If your boss is friendly towards foreigners, then I would give him full disclosure. Tell him exactly what is going on.

            If your boss is generally somebody that looks down on foreigners, then I would give him/her as little information as possible. Giving him information, such as the fact that you have a bride in another country will just fuel his/her fire, and give him more reason to dislike the situation. In this case, just say that you have an extremely important life or death family matter that must be dealt with immediately. In this case, we mean life or death of the baby, but do not tell the boss that. If he presses for details, I would just say that, "I would prefer not to discuss it." No respectable person would press you for more details. If he forces you to give a valid excuse, then I would tell him that you would be glad to talk to HR about the situation. I can't see how a boss needs to know about your personal situation.

            share|improve this answer

            I live and work in Germany, and have been both boss and employee.

            I would say that the best way to proceed depends on your boss. Every country is like this, but there is certainly still some xenophobia in Germany.

            If your boss is friendly towards foreigners, then I would give him full disclosure. Tell him exactly what is going on.

            If your boss is generally somebody that looks down on foreigners, then I would give him/her as little information as possible. Giving him information, such as the fact that you have a bride in another country will just fuel his/her fire, and give him more reason to dislike the situation. In this case, just say that you have an extremely important life or death family matter that must be dealt with immediately. In this case, we mean life or death of the baby, but do not tell the boss that. If he presses for details, I would just say that, "I would prefer not to discuss it." No respectable person would press you for more details. If he forces you to give a valid excuse, then I would tell him that you would be glad to talk to HR about the situation. I can't see how a boss needs to know about your personal situation.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            edited yesterday

            answered yesterday




            • 14

              Not sure this is relevant. Wife is living 1500km away, but that doesn't necessarily imply that OP is not German. In any case, he didn't mention any concern about possible xenophobia from his boss.

              – dim

            • 4

              You are right. I just assumed this to be the case.

              – bremen_matt

            • 3

              In any case, his hesitance toward just telling his boss seems to imply to me that he thinks that his boss will not take this well

              – bremen_matt

            • 5

              Then, again: the employee might still have Ukrain roots, be a russion speaker or whatever. German xenophobs recently came up with the word Passdeutscher meaning soemone is german because their passport says so, Not because of their bloodline/origin.

              – Bernhard Döbler

            • @BernhardDöbler Ah! Like the Swiss Papierschweizer

              – Martin Bonner

            • 14

              Not sure this is relevant. Wife is living 1500km away, but that doesn't necessarily imply that OP is not German. In any case, he didn't mention any concern about possible xenophobia from his boss.

              – dim

            • 4

              You are right. I just assumed this to be the case.

              – bremen_matt

            • 3

              In any case, his hesitance toward just telling his boss seems to imply to me that he thinks that his boss will not take this well

              – bremen_matt

            • 5

              Then, again: the employee might still have Ukrain roots, be a russion speaker or whatever. German xenophobs recently came up with the word Passdeutscher meaning soemone is german because their passport says so, Not because of their bloodline/origin.

              – Bernhard Döbler

            • @BernhardDöbler Ah! Like the Swiss Papierschweizer

              – Martin Bonner



            Not sure this is relevant. Wife is living 1500km away, but that doesn't necessarily imply that OP is not German. In any case, he didn't mention any concern about possible xenophobia from his boss.

            – dim

            Not sure this is relevant. Wife is living 1500km away, but that doesn't necessarily imply that OP is not German. In any case, he didn't mention any concern about possible xenophobia from his boss.

            – dim



            You are right. I just assumed this to be the case.

            – bremen_matt

            You are right. I just assumed this to be the case.

            – bremen_matt



            In any case, his hesitance toward just telling his boss seems to imply to me that he thinks that his boss will not take this well

            – bremen_matt

            In any case, his hesitance toward just telling his boss seems to imply to me that he thinks that his boss will not take this well

            – bremen_matt



            Then, again: the employee might still have Ukrain roots, be a russion speaker or whatever. German xenophobs recently came up with the word Passdeutscher meaning soemone is german because their passport says so, Not because of their bloodline/origin.

            – Bernhard Döbler

            Then, again: the employee might still have Ukrain roots, be a russion speaker or whatever. German xenophobs recently came up with the word Passdeutscher meaning soemone is german because their passport says so, Not because of their bloodline/origin.

            – Bernhard Döbler

            @BernhardDöbler Ah! Like the Swiss Papierschweizer

            – Martin Bonner

            @BernhardDöbler Ah! Like the Swiss Papierschweizer

            – Martin Bonner


            Already a bit late, but at the companies where I have worked this would be handled by calling the immediate superior and asking for a day off or two (Gleitzeit/Urlaub) because of a family emergency. HR and higher management would not even know that something unusual happened. However, if your company is very small, things might work differently.

            Many German employees can also take sick leave for up to three days without seeing the doctor. But I would not recommend that in this case, as employers take that very seriously and some coworkers do not really like that either.

            Even if your employer thinks that "troublesome girlfriend" is not a valid excuse for missing work, you might still just get a Abmahnung (kind of a last warning) instead of firing you. But that obviously depends a lot on your boss.

            P.S. a short google search suggests that an Abmahnung is indeed mandatory before firing someone for missing work. I any case, I would still strongly suggest to try to solve this without getting an Abmahnung.

            share|improve this answer

            • Note that the three sick days count calendar days, so that only allows him Monday.

              – Martin Schröder

            • 1

              No. Three calendar days means that if he gets sick on Friday, he has to see the doctor on Monday. If he gets sick on Monday, he has to see the doctor on Thursday. But as said, this is not what I would recommend anyway.

              – Jan

            • 2

              "Many German employees can also take sick leave for up to three days without seeing the doctor." Faking an illness can be grounds for immediate termination (Fristlose Kuendigung), so yeah that sounds like a less than brilliant plan indeed.

              – Voo
              19 hours ago

            • @Voo OP's situation causes a lot of tension and stress on him, which could/does affect his ability to work. I'd say that qualifies for a sick leave for psychological reasons. And I know there are general practitioners in Germany that certify the incapacity for work.

              – Arsak
              7 hours ago

            • I would still be careful with this. I personally would do this only if a) I am convinced I am unfit for work, b) I am convinced I can convince my boss I am unfit for work, or c) the choice is between potential termination if I get caught and certain termination if I have no excuse for not showing up to work (e.g. after a prior formal warning). I am not sure any of these apply here, thus "not recommended".

              – Jan
              6 hours ago


            Already a bit late, but at the companies where I have worked this would be handled by calling the immediate superior and asking for a day off or two (Gleitzeit/Urlaub) because of a family emergency. HR and higher management would not even know that something unusual happened. However, if your company is very small, things might work differently.

            Many German employees can also take sick leave for up to three days without seeing the doctor. But I would not recommend that in this case, as employers take that very seriously and some coworkers do not really like that either.

            Even if your employer thinks that "troublesome girlfriend" is not a valid excuse for missing work, you might still just get a Abmahnung (kind of a last warning) instead of firing you. But that obviously depends a lot on your boss.

            P.S. a short google search suggests that an Abmahnung is indeed mandatory before firing someone for missing work. I any case, I would still strongly suggest to try to solve this without getting an Abmahnung.

            share|improve this answer

            • Note that the three sick days count calendar days, so that only allows him Monday.

              – Martin Schröder

            • 1

              No. Three calendar days means that if he gets sick on Friday, he has to see the doctor on Monday. If he gets sick on Monday, he has to see the doctor on Thursday. But as said, this is not what I would recommend anyway.

              – Jan

            • 2

              "Many German employees can also take sick leave for up to three days without seeing the doctor." Faking an illness can be grounds for immediate termination (Fristlose Kuendigung), so yeah that sounds like a less than brilliant plan indeed.

              – Voo
              19 hours ago

            • @Voo OP's situation causes a lot of tension and stress on him, which could/does affect his ability to work. I'd say that qualifies for a sick leave for psychological reasons. And I know there are general practitioners in Germany that certify the incapacity for work.

              – Arsak
              7 hours ago

            • I would still be careful with this. I personally would do this only if a) I am convinced I am unfit for work, b) I am convinced I can convince my boss I am unfit for work, or c) the choice is between potential termination if I get caught and certain termination if I have no excuse for not showing up to work (e.g. after a prior formal warning). I am not sure any of these apply here, thus "not recommended".

              – Jan
              6 hours ago




            Already a bit late, but at the companies where I have worked this would be handled by calling the immediate superior and asking for a day off or two (Gleitzeit/Urlaub) because of a family emergency. HR and higher management would not even know that something unusual happened. However, if your company is very small, things might work differently.

            Many German employees can also take sick leave for up to three days without seeing the doctor. But I would not recommend that in this case, as employers take that very seriously and some coworkers do not really like that either.

            Even if your employer thinks that "troublesome girlfriend" is not a valid excuse for missing work, you might still just get a Abmahnung (kind of a last warning) instead of firing you. But that obviously depends a lot on your boss.

            P.S. a short google search suggests that an Abmahnung is indeed mandatory before firing someone for missing work. I any case, I would still strongly suggest to try to solve this without getting an Abmahnung.

            share|improve this answer

            Already a bit late, but at the companies where I have worked this would be handled by calling the immediate superior and asking for a day off or two (Gleitzeit/Urlaub) because of a family emergency. HR and higher management would not even know that something unusual happened. However, if your company is very small, things might work differently.

            Many German employees can also take sick leave for up to three days without seeing the doctor. But I would not recommend that in this case, as employers take that very seriously and some coworkers do not really like that either.

            Even if your employer thinks that "troublesome girlfriend" is not a valid excuse for missing work, you might still just get a Abmahnung (kind of a last warning) instead of firing you. But that obviously depends a lot on your boss.

            P.S. a short google search suggests that an Abmahnung is indeed mandatory before firing someone for missing work. I any case, I would still strongly suggest to try to solve this without getting an Abmahnung.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            edited yesterday

            answered yesterday




            • Note that the three sick days count calendar days, so that only allows him Monday.

              – Martin Schröder

            • 1

              No. Three calendar days means that if he gets sick on Friday, he has to see the doctor on Monday. If he gets sick on Monday, he has to see the doctor on Thursday. But as said, this is not what I would recommend anyway.

              – Jan

            • 2

              "Many German employees can also take sick leave for up to three days without seeing the doctor." Faking an illness can be grounds for immediate termination (Fristlose Kuendigung), so yeah that sounds like a less than brilliant plan indeed.

              – Voo
              19 hours ago

            • @Voo OP's situation causes a lot of tension and stress on him, which could/does affect his ability to work. I'd say that qualifies for a sick leave for psychological reasons. And I know there are general practitioners in Germany that certify the incapacity for work.

              – Arsak
              7 hours ago

            • I would still be careful with this. I personally would do this only if a) I am convinced I am unfit for work, b) I am convinced I can convince my boss I am unfit for work, or c) the choice is between potential termination if I get caught and certain termination if I have no excuse for not showing up to work (e.g. after a prior formal warning). I am not sure any of these apply here, thus "not recommended".

              – Jan
              6 hours ago

            • Note that the three sick days count calendar days, so that only allows him Monday.

              – Martin Schröder

            • 1

              No. Three calendar days means that if he gets sick on Friday, he has to see the doctor on Monday. If he gets sick on Monday, he has to see the doctor on Thursday. But as said, this is not what I would recommend anyway.

              – Jan

            • 2

              "Many German employees can also take sick leave for up to three days without seeing the doctor." Faking an illness can be grounds for immediate termination (Fristlose Kuendigung), so yeah that sounds like a less than brilliant plan indeed.

              – Voo
              19 hours ago

            • @Voo OP's situation causes a lot of tension and stress on him, which could/does affect his ability to work. I'd say that qualifies for a sick leave for psychological reasons. And I know there are general practitioners in Germany that certify the incapacity for work.

              – Arsak
              7 hours ago

            • I would still be careful with this. I personally would do this only if a) I am convinced I am unfit for work, b) I am convinced I can convince my boss I am unfit for work, or c) the choice is between potential termination if I get caught and certain termination if I have no excuse for not showing up to work (e.g. after a prior formal warning). I am not sure any of these apply here, thus "not recommended".

              – Jan
              6 hours ago

            Note that the three sick days count calendar days, so that only allows him Monday.

            – Martin Schröder

            Note that the three sick days count calendar days, so that only allows him Monday.

            – Martin Schröder



            No. Three calendar days means that if he gets sick on Friday, he has to see the doctor on Monday. If he gets sick on Monday, he has to see the doctor on Thursday. But as said, this is not what I would recommend anyway.

            – Jan

            No. Three calendar days means that if he gets sick on Friday, he has to see the doctor on Monday. If he gets sick on Monday, he has to see the doctor on Thursday. But as said, this is not what I would recommend anyway.

            – Jan



            "Many German employees can also take sick leave for up to three days without seeing the doctor." Faking an illness can be grounds for immediate termination (Fristlose Kuendigung), so yeah that sounds like a less than brilliant plan indeed.

            – Voo
            19 hours ago

            "Many German employees can also take sick leave for up to three days without seeing the doctor." Faking an illness can be grounds for immediate termination (Fristlose Kuendigung), so yeah that sounds like a less than brilliant plan indeed.

            – Voo
            19 hours ago

            @Voo OP's situation causes a lot of tension and stress on him, which could/does affect his ability to work. I'd say that qualifies for a sick leave for psychological reasons. And I know there are general practitioners in Germany that certify the incapacity for work.

            – Arsak
            7 hours ago

            @Voo OP's situation causes a lot of tension and stress on him, which could/does affect his ability to work. I'd say that qualifies for a sick leave for psychological reasons. And I know there are general practitioners in Germany that certify the incapacity for work.

            – Arsak
            7 hours ago

            I would still be careful with this. I personally would do this only if a) I am convinced I am unfit for work, b) I am convinced I can convince my boss I am unfit for work, or c) the choice is between potential termination if I get caught and certain termination if I have no excuse for not showing up to work (e.g. after a prior formal warning). I am not sure any of these apply here, thus "not recommended".

            – Jan
            6 hours ago

            I would still be careful with this. I personally would do this only if a) I am convinced I am unfit for work, b) I am convinced I can convince my boss I am unfit for work, or c) the choice is between potential termination if I get caught and certain termination if I have no excuse for not showing up to work (e.g. after a prior formal warning). I am not sure any of these apply here, thus "not recommended".

            – Jan
            6 hours ago

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