Siphonopidae Species | Notae | Bibliographia | Tabula navigationis"A New Species of Skin-Feeding Caecilian and the First Report of Reproductive Mode in Microcaecilia (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Siphonopidae)"

AmphibiaApodaGymnophionaTaxa BonaparteTaxa 1850

familiaamphibiorumordinisGymnophionorumAmericaMediaAustraliqueendemicae suntcaecilianivermibusanguibusqueDermophiidaegrexsororalisovipariovastapesdentesmandibularescalvariisossasolumOsrostrocauda


Siphonops annulatus











Bonaparte, 1850



Siphonopidae, sive caeciliani vulgares,[1] sunt familia amphibiorum ordinis Gymnophionorum, quae in America Media Australique endemicae sunt. Sicut alii caeciliani, vermibus anguibusque strictim similes sunt. Dermophiidae sunt grex sororalis, etiam in America Australi inventae.

Siphonopidae sunt caeciliani ovipari, ova ponentes. Eis sunt stapes imperforatae nullique interiores dentes mandibulares. Sicut species nonnullarum aliarum familiarum caecilianarum, eorum calvariis sunt pauca ossa, ossibus praesentibus fusis, ut fistucam solidam constituant ad fossionem per solum adiuvandam. Os sub rostro latet, et cauda abest.[2]

Species |

  • Genus Brasilotyphlus
    • Brasilotyphlus braziliensis

    • Brasilotyphlus guarantanus

  • Genus Caecilita
    • Caecilita iwokramae

  • Genus Luetkenotyphlus
    • Luetkenotyphlus brasiliensis

  • Genus Microcaecilia
    • Microcaecilia albiceps

    • Microcaecilia dermatophaga[3]

    • Microcaecilia grandis

    • Microcaecilia rabei

    • Microcaecilia supernumeraria

    • Microcaecilia taylori

    • Microcaecilia unicolor

  • Genus Mimosiphonops
    • Mimosiphonops reinhardti

    • Mimosiphonops vermiculatus

  • Genus Parvicaecilia
    • Parvicaecilia nicefori

    • Parvicaecilia pricei

  • Genus Praslinia
    • Praslinia cooperi

  • Genus Siphonops
    • Siphonops annulatus

    • Siphonops hardyi

    • Siphonops insulanus

    • Siphonops leucoderus

    • Siphonops paulensis

Notae |

  1. Warning icon.svg Fons nominis Latini desideratur (addito fonte, hanc formulam remove)

  2. Nussbaum, Ronald A. (1998). Cogger, H. G.. ed. Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians. Didacopoli: Academic Press. p. 57. ISBN 0-12-178560-2 .

  3. Wilkinson, Sherratt, Starace, et Gower (2013). "A New Species of Skin-Feeding Caecilian and the First Report of Reproductive Mode in Microcaecilia (Amphibia: Gymnophiona: Siphonopidae)". PLOS ONE 8 (3): e57756 

Bibliographia |

  • Nussbaum, Ronald A., et Mark Wilkinson. 1989. On the Classification and Phylogeny of Caecilians. Herpetological Monographs 3: 1–42. doi:10.2307/1466984.

  • Frost, Darrel R. 2004. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Editio 3.0 (22 Augusti). Repositorium electronicum apud Novi Eboraci: American Museum of Natural History

  • AmphibiaWeb. 2004. Information on amphibian biology and conservation. [web application]. Berkeleiae Californiae: AmphibiaWeb:

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