Scrophulariaceae Index Genera | Genera exclusa | Notae | Nexus externi | Tabula navigationis"Disintegration of the Scrophulariaceae"here"Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Aptosimeae""Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Buddlejeae""Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Hemimerideae""Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Leucophylleae""Further disintegration of the Scrophulariaceae""Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Limoselleae""Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Myoporeae""Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Scrophularieae""Genera of Scrophulariaceae"Besseya"Piecing together the "new" Plantaginaceae""Lindernia All.""The Evolution of Parasitism in Scrophulariaceae/Orobanchaceae: Plastid Gene Sequences Refute an Evolutionary Transition Series"Familia Scrophulariaceae apud Flores in IsraelTabula Scrophulariacearum apud Hortos Kew

Plantae medicinalesScrophulariaceaeTaxa Jussieu

familiaplantarum florentiumordinisLamialiumPlantaeherbaefloribussymmetriazygomorphicaactinomorphicadistributio cosmopolitanatemperatismontibustropicisgenerisL.specierumphylogeniaemolecularespolyphyleticamLamialesPlantaginaceasOrobanchaceasplantas medicinales


Scrophularia nodosa












Vide commentarium.

Scrophulariaceae sunt familia plantarum florentium ordinis Lamialium. Plantae sunt herbae annuae vel perennes, floribus symmetria bilatera (zygomorphica) vel raro radiali (actinomorphica) praeditis. Scrophulariaceis est distributio cosmopolitana, plurimis in regionibus temperatis inventis, montibus tropicis inclusis. Nomen familiare in nomine generis Scrophulariae L. conditur.

Familia olim in circa 275 generibus et plus quam 5000 specierum consistebat, sed sua circumscriptio penitus mutata est cum multae phylogeniae moleculares monstrarent usitatam circumscriptionem latam graviter polyphyleticam fuisse. Multa genera in alias familias intra Lamiales nuper transferuntur, insigniter in Plantaginaceas et Orobanchaceas, sed etiam in aliquas familias novas.[1][2] Circumscriptiones nonnullarum familiarum Lamialium amplificatae sunt ut se ad genera ex Scrophulariaceis sensu lato translata accommodent.

Familia nonnullas plantas medicinales comprehendit, inter quas:

  • Leptandra

  • Scrophularia

  • Verbascum


  • 1 Genera

    • 1.1 Tribus Aptosimeae

    • 1.2 Tribus Buddlejeae

    • 1.3 Tribus Hemimerideae

    • 1.4 Tribus Leucophylleae

    • 1.5 Tribus Limoselleae

    • 1.6 Tribus Myoporeae

    • 1.7 Tribus Scrophularieae

    • 1.8 Tribus Teedieae

    • 1.9 Genera inordinata

  • 2 Genera exclusa

  • 3 Notae

  • 4 Nexus externi

Genera |

Tribus Aptosimeae |

  • Anticharis Endl.

  • Aptosimum Burch. ex Benth.

  • Peliostomum E. Mey. ex Benth.[3]

Tribus Buddlejeae |

  • Buddleja L.

  • Emorya Torr.

  • Gomphostigma Turcz.[4]

Tribus Hemimerideae |

  • Alonsoa Ruiz & Pav.

  • Colpias E.Mey. ex Benth.

  • Diascia Link & Otto

  • Diclis Benth.

  • Hemimeris L.f.

  • Nemesia Vent.[5]

Tribus Leucophylleae |

  • Eremogeton Standl. & L.O.Williams

    Leucophyllum frutescens

  • Leucophyllum Humb. & Bonpl.[6]

Tribus Limoselleae |

  • Barthlottia Eb.Fisch.

  • Camptoloma Benth.

  • Chaenostoma Benth. (aliquando in Sutera descriptum, sed a Kornhall et Bremer separatum[7])

  • Chenopodiopsis Hilliard

  • Cromidon Compton

  • Dischisma Choisy

  • Glekia Hilliard

  • Globulariopsis Compton

  • Glumicalyx Hiern

  • Gosela Choisy

  • Hebenstretia L

  • Jamesbrittenia Kuntze[7]

  • Limosella L. → Plantaginaceae → Scrophulariaceae (secundum Oxelman et al. 2005)[8]

  • Lyperia Benth.

  • Manuleopsis Thell. ex Schinz

  • Melanospermum Hilliard

  • Microdon Choisy

  • Phyllopodium Benth.

  • Polycarena Benth.

  • Reyemia Hilliard

  • Selago L.

  • Strobilopsis Hilliard & B.L.Burtt

  • Sutera Roth syn. Manulea Thun.

  • Tetraselago Junell

  • Trieenea Hilliard

  • Zaluzianskya F.W.Schmidt[9]

Tribus Myoporeae |

  • Bontia L.

  • Calamphoreus Chinnock

  • Diocirea Chinnock

  • Eremophila R.Br.

  • Glycocystis Chinnock

  • Myoporum Sol. ex G.Forst.

  • Pentacoelium Siebold & Zucc.[10]

Tribus Scrophularieae |

  • Antherothamnus N.E.Br.

  • Nathaliella B.Fedtsch.

  • Oreosolen Hook.f.

  • Scrophularia L.

  • Verbascum L.[11]

Tribus Teedieae |

  • Dermatobotrys Bolus

  • Freylinia Colla

  • Oftia Adans.

  • Ranopisoa J.F.Leroy

  • Teedia Rudolphi

Genera inordinata |

  • Brachystigma Pennell

  • Dasistoma Raf.

  • Hemianthus Nutt.

  • Leucosalpa Scott-Elliot

  • Phygelius E.Mey. ex Benth.[12]

Genera exclusa |

Genera sequentes, olim in Scrophulariaceis descripta, in aliis familiis nuper ponuntur:

  • Agalinis → Orobanchaceae

  • Amphianthus → Plantaginaceae

  • Angelonia → Plantaginaceae

  • Antirrhinum → Plantaginaceae

  • Asarina → Plantaginaceae

  • Bacopa → Plantaginaceae

  • Bartsia → Orobanchaceae

  • Bellardia → Orobanchaceae

  • Besseya → Plantaginaceae[13]

  • Calceolaria → Calceolariaceae

  • Castilleja → Orobanchaceae

  • Chaenorrhinum → Plantaginaceae

  • Chelone → Plantaginaceae

  • Chionophila → Plantaginaceae

  • Collinsia → Plantaginaceae

  • Cordylanthus → Orobanchaceae

  • Craterostigma Hochst. → prope Linderniam[14] vel intra Linderniam[15]

  • Cymbalaria → Plantaginaceae

  • Digitalis → Plantaginaceae

  • Dopatrium → Plantaginaceae

  • Epixiphium → Plantaginaceae

  • Euphrasia → Orobanchaceae

  • Galvezia → Plantaginaceae

  • Gambelia → Plantaginaceae

  • Glossostigma → Phrymaceae

  • Gratiola → Plantaginaceae

  • Hebe → Plantaginaceae

  • Holmgrenanthe → Plantaginaceae

  • Howelliella → Plantaginaceae

  • Keckiella → Plantaginaceae

  • Kickxia → Plantaginaceae

  • Lagotis → Plantaginaceae

  • Limnophila → Plantaginaceae

  • Linaria → Plantaginaceae

  • Lindernia → Plantaginaceae; etiam in sua familia, Linderniaceis, descripta, secundum Haston et al. 2007 (etiam appellatum LAPG II).[16]

  • Lophospermum → Plantaginaceae

  • Mabrya → Plantaginaceae

  • Maurandella → Plantaginaceae

  • Maurandya → Plantaginaceae

  • Mazus → Phrymaceae

  • Mecardonia → Plantaginaceae

  • Melampyrum → Orobanchaceae

  • Micranthemum → Plantaginaceae

  • Mimulus → Phrymaceae

  • Misopates → Plantaginaceae

  • Mohavea → Plantaginaceae

  • Nemesia → Plantaginaceae

  • Neogaerrhinum → Plantaginaceae

  • Nothochelone → Plantaginaceae

  • Nuttallanthus → Plantaginaceae

  • Odontites → Orobanchaceae

  • Orobanche → Orobanchaceae

  • Orthocarpus → Orobanchaceae

  • Parentucellia → Orobanchaceae

  • Paulownia → Paulowniaceae

  • Pedicularis → Orobanchaceae

  • Penstemon → Plantaginaceae

  • Pseudorontium → Plantaginaceae

  • Rhinanthus → Orobanchaceae

  • Russelia → Plantaginaceae

  • Sairocarpus → Plantaginaceae

  • Schistophragma → Plantaginaceae

  • Scoparia (planta) → Plantaginaceae

  • Stemodia → Plantaginaceae

  • Striga → Orobanchaceae[1][17]

  • Synthyris → Plantaginaceae

  • Tonella → Plantaginaceae

  • Torenia L. → Linderniaceae

  • Tozzia → Orobanchaceae

  • Triphysaria → Orobanchaceae

  • Veronica → Plantaginaceae

  • Veronicastrum → Plantaginaceae

Notae |

  1. 1.01.1 Olmstead, R. G., dePamphilis, C. W., Wolfe, A. D., Young, N. D., Elisons, W. J. & Reeves P. A. (2001). "Disintegration of the Scrophulariaceae". American Journal of Botany 88 (2): 348–361 

  2. Olmstead, R. G. (2003). "Whatever happened to the Scrophulariaceae?". Fremontia 30: 13–22  in interrete here

  3. "Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Aptosimeae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture .

  4. "Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Buddlejeae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture .

  5. "Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Hemimerideae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture .

  6. "Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Leucophylleae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture .

  7. 7.07.1 Kornhall, Per et Bremer, Birgitta (2004). "New circumscription of the tribe Limoselleae (Scrophulariaceae) that includes the taxa of the tribe Manuleeae". Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 146 (4): 453–467 .

  8. Oxelman, B.; Kornhall, P.; Olmstead, R.G.; Bremer, B. (2005). "Further disintegration of the Scrophulariaceae". Taxon 54 (2): 411–425 .

  9. "Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Limoselleae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture .

  10. "Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Myoporeae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture .

  11. "Genera of Scrophulariaceae tribe Scrophularieae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture .

  12. "Genera of Scrophulariaceae". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture .

  13. Besseya at GRIN Taxonomy for Plants

  14. Albach, D. C.; Meudt, H. M.; Oxelman, B. (2005). "Piecing together the "new" Plantaginaceae". American Journal of Botany 92: 297 

  15. "Lindernia All.". A Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar. Missouri Botanical Garden and Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle .

  16. Haston, E., Richardson, J. E., Stevens, P. F., Chase, M. W., Harris, D. J. (2007). "A linear sequence of Angiosperm Phylogeny Group II families". Taxon 56 (1): 7–12 .

  17. Nelson D. Young, Kim E. Steiner, Claude W. dePamphilis (Autumn, 1999). "The Evolution of Parasitism in Scrophulariaceae/Orobanchaceae: Plastid Gene Sequences Refute an Evolutionary Transition Series". Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 86 (4): 876 .

Nexus externi |


Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Scrophulariaceas spectant.

  • Familia Scrophulariaceae apud Flores in Israel

  • Tabula Scrophulariacearum apud Hortos Kew

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