How to prove a simple equation? The Next CEO of Stack OverflowProof: For all integers $x$ and $y$, if $x^3+x = y^3+y$ then $x = y$Simple question about proof by contrapositivity.Does there exist a $(m,n)inmathbb N$ such that $m^3-2^n=3$?Proof: For all integers $x$ and $y$, if $x^2+ y^2= 0$ then $x =0$ and $y =0$disprove : $forall n in mathbbN exists m in mathbbN$ such that $n<m<n^2$Proof writing involving propositional logic: (x ∨ y) ≡ ( x ∧ y ) → x ≡ yIs the following statement about rationals true or false?How many massively palindromic primes exist?The Number Theoretic Statement is …Show that $n^2-1+nsqrtd$ is the fundamental unit in $mathbbZ[sqrtd]$ for all $ngeq 3$

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How to prove a simple equation?

The Next CEO of Stack OverflowProof: For all integers $x$ and $y$, if $x^3+x = y^3+y$ then $x = y$Simple question about proof by contrapositivity.Does there exist a $(m,n)inmathbb N$ such that $m^3-2^n=3$?Proof: For all integers $x$ and $y$, if $x^2+ y^2= 0$ then $x =0$ and $y =0$disprove : $forall n in mathbbN exists m in mathbbN$ such that $n<m<n^2$Proof writing involving propositional logic: (x ∨ y) ≡ ( x ∧ y ) → x ≡ yIs the following statement about rationals true or false?How many massively palindromic primes exist?The Number Theoretic Statement is …Show that $n^2-1+nsqrtd$ is the fundamental unit in $mathbbZ[sqrtd]$ for all $ngeq 3$



I have reason(empirical calculations) to think the following statement is true:

For any $k in mathbbN$, there exist $s in mathbbN$ such that the expression


is a power of $2$.

To me it seems like a silly statement, but I don't know how I would go about proving it. Any ideas, or references?

THank you.

share|cite|improve this question




    I have reason(empirical calculations) to think the following statement is true:

    For any $k in mathbbN$, there exist $s in mathbbN$ such that the expression


    is a power of $2$.

    To me it seems like a silly statement, but I don't know how I would go about proving it. Any ideas, or references?

    THank you.

    share|cite|improve this question






      I have reason(empirical calculations) to think the following statement is true:

      For any $k in mathbbN$, there exist $s in mathbbN$ such that the expression


      is a power of $2$.

      To me it seems like a silly statement, but I don't know how I would go about proving it. Any ideas, or references?

      THank you.

      share|cite|improve this question


      I have reason(empirical calculations) to think the following statement is true:

      For any $k in mathbbN$, there exist $s in mathbbN$ such that the expression


      is a power of $2$.

      To me it seems like a silly statement, but I don't know how I would go about proving it. Any ideas, or references?

      THank you.

      number-theory discrete-mathematics recreational-mathematics

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      asked 1 hour ago




          5 Answers






          The statement that $9s + 3 + 2^k$ is a power of $2$ for some $sinBbbN$ is equivalent to saying $2^k + 3 equiv 2^n pmod 9$ for some $ngt k$. Since the values of $2^kbmod 9$ are the periodic sequence $1,2,4,8,7,5,1,2,4,8,7,5,ldots$ consisting of all values which are not multiples of $3$, this is true.

          For example, take $k = 5$. Then $2^k + 3 = 35 equiv 8 pmod 9$ and the next power of $2$ which is congruent to $8$ is $2^9 = 512$. So in this case $s = (512 - 35)/9 = 53$.

          share|cite|improve this answer




            $9cdot s+3+2^k=2^j+k Rightarrow 2^k(2^j-1)-3 equiv 0 mod 9 Rightarrow 2^k(2^j-1) equiv 3 mod 9$

            $2^k mod 9$ cycles through $2,4,8,7,5,1,$ etc. so $2^j-1 mod 9$ cycles through $1,3,7,6,4,0$ etc.

            For any residue of $2^k$ it is possible to find a residue of $2^j-1$ such that their product equals $3 mod 9$, viz: $2cdot 6; 4cdot 3; 8cdot 6; 7cdot 3; 5cdot 6; 1cdot 3$

            So your observation is true.

            NB As I typed this, I see that Fred H has given a similar answer.

            share|cite|improve this answer




              Euler's Theorem tells us $2^6 equiv 1 pmod 9$ and direct calculation shows so

              $2^6k + i; i=0...5equiv 1,2,4,8,7,5 pmod 9$.

              So $2^m - 2^k equiv 3 pmod 9$ if

              $kequiv 0 pmod 6;2^kequiv 1pmod 9$ and $mequiv 2pmod 6; 2^mequiv 4pmod 9$.

              $kequiv 1 pmod 6;2^kequiv 2pmod 9$ and $mequiv 5pmod 6; 2^mequiv 5pmod 9$.

              $kequiv 2 pmod 6;2^kequiv 4pmod 9$ and $mequiv 4pmod 6; 2^mequiv 7pmod 9$.

              $kequiv 3 pmod 6;2^kequiv 8pmod 9$ and $mequiv 1pmod 6; 2^mequiv 2pmod 9$ (So $2^m - 2^k equiv 2-8equiv -6equiv 3 pmod 9$).

              $kequiv 4 pmod 6;2^kequiv 7pmod 9$ and $mequiv 0pmod 6; 2^mequiv 1pmod 9$.

              $kequiv 5 pmod 6;2^kequiv 5pmod 9$ and $mequiv 3pmod 6; 2^mequiv 9pmod 9$.

              So for any $k$ there will exist infinitely many $m > k$ (Actually we don't need $m > k$ as $s$ may be negative but... nice answers are nicer) so that $2^m - 2^k equiv 3 pmod 9$.

              So that means for any $k$ there will exist $s$ and $m$ (actually infinitely many $s$ and $m$) so that

              $2^m - 2^k = 9s + 3$ or

              $9s+3 + 2^k$ a power of $2$.

              (I take a dog for a walk and three people post a similar to identical answer. sigh. Anyway hopefully this answer may (or may not) provide a possible fresh take... There's always more than one way to do or explain things.)

              share|cite|improve this answer




                If $9s+3 = 3cdot 2^k$,
                this will work.

                $3s+1 = 2^k$,
                so $3|2^k-1$.

                This works for even $k$.

                More generally,
                it works if
                $9s+3 = (2^m-1)2^k$
                for some $m$.

                To get rid of the 3
                requires $m$ even,
                so write this as
                = (4^m-1)2^k
                = 3sum_j=0^m-14^j2^k

                = 2^ksum_j=0^m-14^j

                Mod 3,
                we want

                so if
                $2^km = 1 bmod 3$
                we are done,
                and this can always be done.

                share|cite|improve this answer




                  Suppose $k in mathbbN = mathbbZ_>0$ is given.

                  Set beginalign*
                  s &= 2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) text, and \
                  n &= (-1)^k+1 + k + 3 text.

                  Then $s$ and $n$ are positive integers and
                  $$ 9s + 3 + 2^k = 2^n text. $$

                  This looks like a job for induction, but we can show it directly.

                  The expression for $n$ is a sum of integers, so $n$ is an integer, and the value of the expression lies in $[k+3-1, k+3+1]$. Since $k > 0$, this entire interval contains only positive numbers, so $n$ is a positive integer.

                  For $s$, note that $(-2)^k+1 - 1 cong 1^k+1 - 1 cong 1 - 1 cong 0 pmod3$, so the division by $3$ yields an integer. We wish to ensure $s > 0$, so beginalign*
                  2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) overset?> 0 \
                  2^k + frac13 left( (-1)^k+12^k+1 - 1 right) overset?> 0 \
                  1 + frac13 left( (-1)^k+12^1 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0

                  If $k$ is even, beginalign*
                  1 + frac13 left( -2 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0 text,

                  $-2 -2^-k in (-3,-2)$, so $1 + frac13 left( -2 - 2^-k right) in (0,1/3)$, all elements of which are positive, so $s$ is positive when $k$ is even. If $k$ is odd, beginalign*
                  1 + frac13 left( 2 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0 text,

                  $2 - 2^-k in (1,2)$, so $1 + frac13 left( 2 - 2^-k right) in (4/3, 5/3)$, all elements of which are positive, so $s$ is an integer when $k$ is odd. Therefore, $s$ is positive when $k$ is odd. Therefore, $s$ is always a positive integer.

                  Plugging in the above expressions into the given equation, we have
                  $$ 9 left( 2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) right) + 3 + 2^k = 2^(-1)^k+1 + k + 3 text. $$
                  After a little manipulation, this is
                  $$ 2^(-1)^k+1 + k + 2 = 5 cdot 2^k - 3(-2)^k text. tag1 $$

                  First suppose $k$ is even, so $k = 2m$. Substituting this into (1) and simplifying a little, we have
                  $$ 2^-1 + 2m + 2 = 2 cdot 2^2m text, $$
                  a tautology.

                  Then suppose $k$ is odd, so $k = 2m+1$. Sustituting this into (1) and simplifying a little, we have
                  $$ 2^2m + 4 = 8 cdot 2^2m+1 text, $$
                  a tautology.

                  Therefore, the given $s$ and $n$ are positive integers which satisfy the given equation.

                  Aside: The above choices for $s$ and $n$ do not exhaust the solution set. For instance $(k,s,n) = (2, 131,176,846,746,379,033,713, 70)$ is another solution. (This is implicit in the other answers that use the fact that the powers of $2$ are cyclic modulo $9$.)

                  share|cite|improve this answer


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                    5 Answers




                    5 Answers












                    The statement that $9s + 3 + 2^k$ is a power of $2$ for some $sinBbbN$ is equivalent to saying $2^k + 3 equiv 2^n pmod 9$ for some $ngt k$. Since the values of $2^kbmod 9$ are the periodic sequence $1,2,4,8,7,5,1,2,4,8,7,5,ldots$ consisting of all values which are not multiples of $3$, this is true.

                    For example, take $k = 5$. Then $2^k + 3 = 35 equiv 8 pmod 9$ and the next power of $2$ which is congruent to $8$ is $2^9 = 512$. So in this case $s = (512 - 35)/9 = 53$.

                    share|cite|improve this answer




                      The statement that $9s + 3 + 2^k$ is a power of $2$ for some $sinBbbN$ is equivalent to saying $2^k + 3 equiv 2^n pmod 9$ for some $ngt k$. Since the values of $2^kbmod 9$ are the periodic sequence $1,2,4,8,7,5,1,2,4,8,7,5,ldots$ consisting of all values which are not multiples of $3$, this is true.

                      For example, take $k = 5$. Then $2^k + 3 = 35 equiv 8 pmod 9$ and the next power of $2$ which is congruent to $8$ is $2^9 = 512$. So in this case $s = (512 - 35)/9 = 53$.

                      share|cite|improve this answer






                        The statement that $9s + 3 + 2^k$ is a power of $2$ for some $sinBbbN$ is equivalent to saying $2^k + 3 equiv 2^n pmod 9$ for some $ngt k$. Since the values of $2^kbmod 9$ are the periodic sequence $1,2,4,8,7,5,1,2,4,8,7,5,ldots$ consisting of all values which are not multiples of $3$, this is true.

                        For example, take $k = 5$. Then $2^k + 3 = 35 equiv 8 pmod 9$ and the next power of $2$ which is congruent to $8$ is $2^9 = 512$. So in this case $s = (512 - 35)/9 = 53$.

                        share|cite|improve this answer


                        The statement that $9s + 3 + 2^k$ is a power of $2$ for some $sinBbbN$ is equivalent to saying $2^k + 3 equiv 2^n pmod 9$ for some $ngt k$. Since the values of $2^kbmod 9$ are the periodic sequence $1,2,4,8,7,5,1,2,4,8,7,5,ldots$ consisting of all values which are not multiples of $3$, this is true.

                        For example, take $k = 5$. Then $2^k + 3 = 35 equiv 8 pmod 9$ and the next power of $2$ which is congruent to $8$ is $2^9 = 512$. So in this case $s = (512 - 35)/9 = 53$.

                        share|cite|improve this answer

                        share|cite|improve this answer

                        share|cite|improve this answer

                        answered 1 hour ago






                            $9cdot s+3+2^k=2^j+k Rightarrow 2^k(2^j-1)-3 equiv 0 mod 9 Rightarrow 2^k(2^j-1) equiv 3 mod 9$

                            $2^k mod 9$ cycles through $2,4,8,7,5,1,$ etc. so $2^j-1 mod 9$ cycles through $1,3,7,6,4,0$ etc.

                            For any residue of $2^k$ it is possible to find a residue of $2^j-1$ such that their product equals $3 mod 9$, viz: $2cdot 6; 4cdot 3; 8cdot 6; 7cdot 3; 5cdot 6; 1cdot 3$

                            So your observation is true.

                            NB As I typed this, I see that Fred H has given a similar answer.

                            share|cite|improve this answer




                              $9cdot s+3+2^k=2^j+k Rightarrow 2^k(2^j-1)-3 equiv 0 mod 9 Rightarrow 2^k(2^j-1) equiv 3 mod 9$

                              $2^k mod 9$ cycles through $2,4,8,7,5,1,$ etc. so $2^j-1 mod 9$ cycles through $1,3,7,6,4,0$ etc.

                              For any residue of $2^k$ it is possible to find a residue of $2^j-1$ such that their product equals $3 mod 9$, viz: $2cdot 6; 4cdot 3; 8cdot 6; 7cdot 3; 5cdot 6; 1cdot 3$

                              So your observation is true.

                              NB As I typed this, I see that Fred H has given a similar answer.

                              share|cite|improve this answer






                                $9cdot s+3+2^k=2^j+k Rightarrow 2^k(2^j-1)-3 equiv 0 mod 9 Rightarrow 2^k(2^j-1) equiv 3 mod 9$

                                $2^k mod 9$ cycles through $2,4,8,7,5,1,$ etc. so $2^j-1 mod 9$ cycles through $1,3,7,6,4,0$ etc.

                                For any residue of $2^k$ it is possible to find a residue of $2^j-1$ such that their product equals $3 mod 9$, viz: $2cdot 6; 4cdot 3; 8cdot 6; 7cdot 3; 5cdot 6; 1cdot 3$

                                So your observation is true.

                                NB As I typed this, I see that Fred H has given a similar answer.

                                share|cite|improve this answer


                                $9cdot s+3+2^k=2^j+k Rightarrow 2^k(2^j-1)-3 equiv 0 mod 9 Rightarrow 2^k(2^j-1) equiv 3 mod 9$

                                $2^k mod 9$ cycles through $2,4,8,7,5,1,$ etc. so $2^j-1 mod 9$ cycles through $1,3,7,6,4,0$ etc.

                                For any residue of $2^k$ it is possible to find a residue of $2^j-1$ such that their product equals $3 mod 9$, viz: $2cdot 6; 4cdot 3; 8cdot 6; 7cdot 3; 5cdot 6; 1cdot 3$

                                So your observation is true.

                                NB As I typed this, I see that Fred H has given a similar answer.

                                share|cite|improve this answer

                                share|cite|improve this answer

                                share|cite|improve this answer

                                answered 1 hour ago

                                Keith BackmanKeith Backman





                                    Euler's Theorem tells us $2^6 equiv 1 pmod 9$ and direct calculation shows so

                                    $2^6k + i; i=0...5equiv 1,2,4,8,7,5 pmod 9$.

                                    So $2^m - 2^k equiv 3 pmod 9$ if

                                    $kequiv 0 pmod 6;2^kequiv 1pmod 9$ and $mequiv 2pmod 6; 2^mequiv 4pmod 9$.

                                    $kequiv 1 pmod 6;2^kequiv 2pmod 9$ and $mequiv 5pmod 6; 2^mequiv 5pmod 9$.

                                    $kequiv 2 pmod 6;2^kequiv 4pmod 9$ and $mequiv 4pmod 6; 2^mequiv 7pmod 9$.

                                    $kequiv 3 pmod 6;2^kequiv 8pmod 9$ and $mequiv 1pmod 6; 2^mequiv 2pmod 9$ (So $2^m - 2^k equiv 2-8equiv -6equiv 3 pmod 9$).

                                    $kequiv 4 pmod 6;2^kequiv 7pmod 9$ and $mequiv 0pmod 6; 2^mequiv 1pmod 9$.

                                    $kequiv 5 pmod 6;2^kequiv 5pmod 9$ and $mequiv 3pmod 6; 2^mequiv 9pmod 9$.

                                    So for any $k$ there will exist infinitely many $m > k$ (Actually we don't need $m > k$ as $s$ may be negative but... nice answers are nicer) so that $2^m - 2^k equiv 3 pmod 9$.

                                    So that means for any $k$ there will exist $s$ and $m$ (actually infinitely many $s$ and $m$) so that

                                    $2^m - 2^k = 9s + 3$ or

                                    $9s+3 + 2^k$ a power of $2$.

                                    (I take a dog for a walk and three people post a similar to identical answer. sigh. Anyway hopefully this answer may (or may not) provide a possible fresh take... There's always more than one way to do or explain things.)

                                    share|cite|improve this answer




                                      Euler's Theorem tells us $2^6 equiv 1 pmod 9$ and direct calculation shows so

                                      $2^6k + i; i=0...5equiv 1,2,4,8,7,5 pmod 9$.

                                      So $2^m - 2^k equiv 3 pmod 9$ if

                                      $kequiv 0 pmod 6;2^kequiv 1pmod 9$ and $mequiv 2pmod 6; 2^mequiv 4pmod 9$.

                                      $kequiv 1 pmod 6;2^kequiv 2pmod 9$ and $mequiv 5pmod 6; 2^mequiv 5pmod 9$.

                                      $kequiv 2 pmod 6;2^kequiv 4pmod 9$ and $mequiv 4pmod 6; 2^mequiv 7pmod 9$.

                                      $kequiv 3 pmod 6;2^kequiv 8pmod 9$ and $mequiv 1pmod 6; 2^mequiv 2pmod 9$ (So $2^m - 2^k equiv 2-8equiv -6equiv 3 pmod 9$).

                                      $kequiv 4 pmod 6;2^kequiv 7pmod 9$ and $mequiv 0pmod 6; 2^mequiv 1pmod 9$.

                                      $kequiv 5 pmod 6;2^kequiv 5pmod 9$ and $mequiv 3pmod 6; 2^mequiv 9pmod 9$.

                                      So for any $k$ there will exist infinitely many $m > k$ (Actually we don't need $m > k$ as $s$ may be negative but... nice answers are nicer) so that $2^m - 2^k equiv 3 pmod 9$.

                                      So that means for any $k$ there will exist $s$ and $m$ (actually infinitely many $s$ and $m$) so that

                                      $2^m - 2^k = 9s + 3$ or

                                      $9s+3 + 2^k$ a power of $2$.

                                      (I take a dog for a walk and three people post a similar to identical answer. sigh. Anyway hopefully this answer may (or may not) provide a possible fresh take... There's always more than one way to do or explain things.)

                                      share|cite|improve this answer






                                        Euler's Theorem tells us $2^6 equiv 1 pmod 9$ and direct calculation shows so

                                        $2^6k + i; i=0...5equiv 1,2,4,8,7,5 pmod 9$.

                                        So $2^m - 2^k equiv 3 pmod 9$ if

                                        $kequiv 0 pmod 6;2^kequiv 1pmod 9$ and $mequiv 2pmod 6; 2^mequiv 4pmod 9$.

                                        $kequiv 1 pmod 6;2^kequiv 2pmod 9$ and $mequiv 5pmod 6; 2^mequiv 5pmod 9$.

                                        $kequiv 2 pmod 6;2^kequiv 4pmod 9$ and $mequiv 4pmod 6; 2^mequiv 7pmod 9$.

                                        $kequiv 3 pmod 6;2^kequiv 8pmod 9$ and $mequiv 1pmod 6; 2^mequiv 2pmod 9$ (So $2^m - 2^k equiv 2-8equiv -6equiv 3 pmod 9$).

                                        $kequiv 4 pmod 6;2^kequiv 7pmod 9$ and $mequiv 0pmod 6; 2^mequiv 1pmod 9$.

                                        $kequiv 5 pmod 6;2^kequiv 5pmod 9$ and $mequiv 3pmod 6; 2^mequiv 9pmod 9$.

                                        So for any $k$ there will exist infinitely many $m > k$ (Actually we don't need $m > k$ as $s$ may be negative but... nice answers are nicer) so that $2^m - 2^k equiv 3 pmod 9$.

                                        So that means for any $k$ there will exist $s$ and $m$ (actually infinitely many $s$ and $m$) so that

                                        $2^m - 2^k = 9s + 3$ or

                                        $9s+3 + 2^k$ a power of $2$.

                                        (I take a dog for a walk and three people post a similar to identical answer. sigh. Anyway hopefully this answer may (or may not) provide a possible fresh take... There's always more than one way to do or explain things.)

                                        share|cite|improve this answer


                                        Euler's Theorem tells us $2^6 equiv 1 pmod 9$ and direct calculation shows so

                                        $2^6k + i; i=0...5equiv 1,2,4,8,7,5 pmod 9$.

                                        So $2^m - 2^k equiv 3 pmod 9$ if

                                        $kequiv 0 pmod 6;2^kequiv 1pmod 9$ and $mequiv 2pmod 6; 2^mequiv 4pmod 9$.

                                        $kequiv 1 pmod 6;2^kequiv 2pmod 9$ and $mequiv 5pmod 6; 2^mequiv 5pmod 9$.

                                        $kequiv 2 pmod 6;2^kequiv 4pmod 9$ and $mequiv 4pmod 6; 2^mequiv 7pmod 9$.

                                        $kequiv 3 pmod 6;2^kequiv 8pmod 9$ and $mequiv 1pmod 6; 2^mequiv 2pmod 9$ (So $2^m - 2^k equiv 2-8equiv -6equiv 3 pmod 9$).

                                        $kequiv 4 pmod 6;2^kequiv 7pmod 9$ and $mequiv 0pmod 6; 2^mequiv 1pmod 9$.

                                        $kequiv 5 pmod 6;2^kequiv 5pmod 9$ and $mequiv 3pmod 6; 2^mequiv 9pmod 9$.

                                        So for any $k$ there will exist infinitely many $m > k$ (Actually we don't need $m > k$ as $s$ may be negative but... nice answers are nicer) so that $2^m - 2^k equiv 3 pmod 9$.

                                        So that means for any $k$ there will exist $s$ and $m$ (actually infinitely many $s$ and $m$) so that

                                        $2^m - 2^k = 9s + 3$ or

                                        $9s+3 + 2^k$ a power of $2$.

                                        (I take a dog for a walk and three people post a similar to identical answer. sigh. Anyway hopefully this answer may (or may not) provide a possible fresh take... There's always more than one way to do or explain things.)

                                        share|cite|improve this answer

                                        share|cite|improve this answer

                                        share|cite|improve this answer

                                        edited 38 mins ago

                                        answered 46 mins ago






                                            If $9s+3 = 3cdot 2^k$,
                                            this will work.

                                            $3s+1 = 2^k$,
                                            so $3|2^k-1$.

                                            This works for even $k$.

                                            More generally,
                                            it works if
                                            $9s+3 = (2^m-1)2^k$
                                            for some $m$.

                                            To get rid of the 3
                                            requires $m$ even,
                                            so write this as
                                            = (4^m-1)2^k
                                            = 3sum_j=0^m-14^j2^k

                                            = 2^ksum_j=0^m-14^j

                                            Mod 3,
                                            we want

                                            so if
                                            $2^km = 1 bmod 3$
                                            we are done,
                                            and this can always be done.

                                            share|cite|improve this answer




                                              If $9s+3 = 3cdot 2^k$,
                                              this will work.

                                              $3s+1 = 2^k$,
                                              so $3|2^k-1$.

                                              This works for even $k$.

                                              More generally,
                                              it works if
                                              $9s+3 = (2^m-1)2^k$
                                              for some $m$.

                                              To get rid of the 3
                                              requires $m$ even,
                                              so write this as
                                              = (4^m-1)2^k
                                              = 3sum_j=0^m-14^j2^k

                                              = 2^ksum_j=0^m-14^j

                                              Mod 3,
                                              we want

                                              so if
                                              $2^km = 1 bmod 3$
                                              we are done,
                                              and this can always be done.

                                              share|cite|improve this answer






                                                If $9s+3 = 3cdot 2^k$,
                                                this will work.

                                                $3s+1 = 2^k$,
                                                so $3|2^k-1$.

                                                This works for even $k$.

                                                More generally,
                                                it works if
                                                $9s+3 = (2^m-1)2^k$
                                                for some $m$.

                                                To get rid of the 3
                                                requires $m$ even,
                                                so write this as
                                                = (4^m-1)2^k
                                                = 3sum_j=0^m-14^j2^k

                                                = 2^ksum_j=0^m-14^j

                                                Mod 3,
                                                we want

                                                so if
                                                $2^km = 1 bmod 3$
                                                we are done,
                                                and this can always be done.

                                                share|cite|improve this answer


                                                If $9s+3 = 3cdot 2^k$,
                                                this will work.

                                                $3s+1 = 2^k$,
                                                so $3|2^k-1$.

                                                This works for even $k$.

                                                More generally,
                                                it works if
                                                $9s+3 = (2^m-1)2^k$
                                                for some $m$.

                                                To get rid of the 3
                                                requires $m$ even,
                                                so write this as
                                                = (4^m-1)2^k
                                                = 3sum_j=0^m-14^j2^k

                                                = 2^ksum_j=0^m-14^j

                                                Mod 3,
                                                we want

                                                so if
                                                $2^km = 1 bmod 3$
                                                we are done,
                                                and this can always be done.

                                                share|cite|improve this answer

                                                share|cite|improve this answer

                                                share|cite|improve this answer

                                                answered 1 hour ago

                                                marty cohenmarty cohen





                                                    Suppose $k in mathbbN = mathbbZ_>0$ is given.

                                                    Set beginalign*
                                                    s &= 2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) text, and \
                                                    n &= (-1)^k+1 + k + 3 text.

                                                    Then $s$ and $n$ are positive integers and
                                                    $$ 9s + 3 + 2^k = 2^n text. $$

                                                    This looks like a job for induction, but we can show it directly.

                                                    The expression for $n$ is a sum of integers, so $n$ is an integer, and the value of the expression lies in $[k+3-1, k+3+1]$. Since $k > 0$, this entire interval contains only positive numbers, so $n$ is a positive integer.

                                                    For $s$, note that $(-2)^k+1 - 1 cong 1^k+1 - 1 cong 1 - 1 cong 0 pmod3$, so the division by $3$ yields an integer. We wish to ensure $s > 0$, so beginalign*
                                                    2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) overset?> 0 \
                                                    2^k + frac13 left( (-1)^k+12^k+1 - 1 right) overset?> 0 \
                                                    1 + frac13 left( (-1)^k+12^1 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0

                                                    If $k$ is even, beginalign*
                                                    1 + frac13 left( -2 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0 text,

                                                    $-2 -2^-k in (-3,-2)$, so $1 + frac13 left( -2 - 2^-k right) in (0,1/3)$, all elements of which are positive, so $s$ is positive when $k$ is even. If $k$ is odd, beginalign*
                                                    1 + frac13 left( 2 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0 text,

                                                    $2 - 2^-k in (1,2)$, so $1 + frac13 left( 2 - 2^-k right) in (4/3, 5/3)$, all elements of which are positive, so $s$ is an integer when $k$ is odd. Therefore, $s$ is positive when $k$ is odd. Therefore, $s$ is always a positive integer.

                                                    Plugging in the above expressions into the given equation, we have
                                                    $$ 9 left( 2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) right) + 3 + 2^k = 2^(-1)^k+1 + k + 3 text. $$
                                                    After a little manipulation, this is
                                                    $$ 2^(-1)^k+1 + k + 2 = 5 cdot 2^k - 3(-2)^k text. tag1 $$

                                                    First suppose $k$ is even, so $k = 2m$. Substituting this into (1) and simplifying a little, we have
                                                    $$ 2^-1 + 2m + 2 = 2 cdot 2^2m text, $$
                                                    a tautology.

                                                    Then suppose $k$ is odd, so $k = 2m+1$. Sustituting this into (1) and simplifying a little, we have
                                                    $$ 2^2m + 4 = 8 cdot 2^2m+1 text, $$
                                                    a tautology.

                                                    Therefore, the given $s$ and $n$ are positive integers which satisfy the given equation.

                                                    Aside: The above choices for $s$ and $n$ do not exhaust the solution set. For instance $(k,s,n) = (2, 131,176,846,746,379,033,713, 70)$ is another solution. (This is implicit in the other answers that use the fact that the powers of $2$ are cyclic modulo $9$.)

                                                    share|cite|improve this answer




                                                      Suppose $k in mathbbN = mathbbZ_>0$ is given.

                                                      Set beginalign*
                                                      s &= 2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) text, and \
                                                      n &= (-1)^k+1 + k + 3 text.

                                                      Then $s$ and $n$ are positive integers and
                                                      $$ 9s + 3 + 2^k = 2^n text. $$

                                                      This looks like a job for induction, but we can show it directly.

                                                      The expression for $n$ is a sum of integers, so $n$ is an integer, and the value of the expression lies in $[k+3-1, k+3+1]$. Since $k > 0$, this entire interval contains only positive numbers, so $n$ is a positive integer.

                                                      For $s$, note that $(-2)^k+1 - 1 cong 1^k+1 - 1 cong 1 - 1 cong 0 pmod3$, so the division by $3$ yields an integer. We wish to ensure $s > 0$, so beginalign*
                                                      2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) overset?> 0 \
                                                      2^k + frac13 left( (-1)^k+12^k+1 - 1 right) overset?> 0 \
                                                      1 + frac13 left( (-1)^k+12^1 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0

                                                      If $k$ is even, beginalign*
                                                      1 + frac13 left( -2 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0 text,

                                                      $-2 -2^-k in (-3,-2)$, so $1 + frac13 left( -2 - 2^-k right) in (0,1/3)$, all elements of which are positive, so $s$ is positive when $k$ is even. If $k$ is odd, beginalign*
                                                      1 + frac13 left( 2 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0 text,

                                                      $2 - 2^-k in (1,2)$, so $1 + frac13 left( 2 - 2^-k right) in (4/3, 5/3)$, all elements of which are positive, so $s$ is an integer when $k$ is odd. Therefore, $s$ is positive when $k$ is odd. Therefore, $s$ is always a positive integer.

                                                      Plugging in the above expressions into the given equation, we have
                                                      $$ 9 left( 2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) right) + 3 + 2^k = 2^(-1)^k+1 + k + 3 text. $$
                                                      After a little manipulation, this is
                                                      $$ 2^(-1)^k+1 + k + 2 = 5 cdot 2^k - 3(-2)^k text. tag1 $$

                                                      First suppose $k$ is even, so $k = 2m$. Substituting this into (1) and simplifying a little, we have
                                                      $$ 2^-1 + 2m + 2 = 2 cdot 2^2m text, $$
                                                      a tautology.

                                                      Then suppose $k$ is odd, so $k = 2m+1$. Sustituting this into (1) and simplifying a little, we have
                                                      $$ 2^2m + 4 = 8 cdot 2^2m+1 text, $$
                                                      a tautology.

                                                      Therefore, the given $s$ and $n$ are positive integers which satisfy the given equation.

                                                      Aside: The above choices for $s$ and $n$ do not exhaust the solution set. For instance $(k,s,n) = (2, 131,176,846,746,379,033,713, 70)$ is another solution. (This is implicit in the other answers that use the fact that the powers of $2$ are cyclic modulo $9$.)

                                                      share|cite|improve this answer






                                                        Suppose $k in mathbbN = mathbbZ_>0$ is given.

                                                        Set beginalign*
                                                        s &= 2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) text, and \
                                                        n &= (-1)^k+1 + k + 3 text.

                                                        Then $s$ and $n$ are positive integers and
                                                        $$ 9s + 3 + 2^k = 2^n text. $$

                                                        This looks like a job for induction, but we can show it directly.

                                                        The expression for $n$ is a sum of integers, so $n$ is an integer, and the value of the expression lies in $[k+3-1, k+3+1]$. Since $k > 0$, this entire interval contains only positive numbers, so $n$ is a positive integer.

                                                        For $s$, note that $(-2)^k+1 - 1 cong 1^k+1 - 1 cong 1 - 1 cong 0 pmod3$, so the division by $3$ yields an integer. We wish to ensure $s > 0$, so beginalign*
                                                        2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) overset?> 0 \
                                                        2^k + frac13 left( (-1)^k+12^k+1 - 1 right) overset?> 0 \
                                                        1 + frac13 left( (-1)^k+12^1 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0

                                                        If $k$ is even, beginalign*
                                                        1 + frac13 left( -2 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0 text,

                                                        $-2 -2^-k in (-3,-2)$, so $1 + frac13 left( -2 - 2^-k right) in (0,1/3)$, all elements of which are positive, so $s$ is positive when $k$ is even. If $k$ is odd, beginalign*
                                                        1 + frac13 left( 2 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0 text,

                                                        $2 - 2^-k in (1,2)$, so $1 + frac13 left( 2 - 2^-k right) in (4/3, 5/3)$, all elements of which are positive, so $s$ is an integer when $k$ is odd. Therefore, $s$ is positive when $k$ is odd. Therefore, $s$ is always a positive integer.

                                                        Plugging in the above expressions into the given equation, we have
                                                        $$ 9 left( 2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) right) + 3 + 2^k = 2^(-1)^k+1 + k + 3 text. $$
                                                        After a little manipulation, this is
                                                        $$ 2^(-1)^k+1 + k + 2 = 5 cdot 2^k - 3(-2)^k text. tag1 $$

                                                        First suppose $k$ is even, so $k = 2m$. Substituting this into (1) and simplifying a little, we have
                                                        $$ 2^-1 + 2m + 2 = 2 cdot 2^2m text, $$
                                                        a tautology.

                                                        Then suppose $k$ is odd, so $k = 2m+1$. Sustituting this into (1) and simplifying a little, we have
                                                        $$ 2^2m + 4 = 8 cdot 2^2m+1 text, $$
                                                        a tautology.

                                                        Therefore, the given $s$ and $n$ are positive integers which satisfy the given equation.

                                                        Aside: The above choices for $s$ and $n$ do not exhaust the solution set. For instance $(k,s,n) = (2, 131,176,846,746,379,033,713, 70)$ is another solution. (This is implicit in the other answers that use the fact that the powers of $2$ are cyclic modulo $9$.)

                                                        share|cite|improve this answer


                                                        Suppose $k in mathbbN = mathbbZ_>0$ is given.

                                                        Set beginalign*
                                                        s &= 2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) text, and \
                                                        n &= (-1)^k+1 + k + 3 text.

                                                        Then $s$ and $n$ are positive integers and
                                                        $$ 9s + 3 + 2^k = 2^n text. $$

                                                        This looks like a job for induction, but we can show it directly.

                                                        The expression for $n$ is a sum of integers, so $n$ is an integer, and the value of the expression lies in $[k+3-1, k+3+1]$. Since $k > 0$, this entire interval contains only positive numbers, so $n$ is a positive integer.

                                                        For $s$, note that $(-2)^k+1 - 1 cong 1^k+1 - 1 cong 1 - 1 cong 0 pmod3$, so the division by $3$ yields an integer. We wish to ensure $s > 0$, so beginalign*
                                                        2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) overset?> 0 \
                                                        2^k + frac13 left( (-1)^k+12^k+1 - 1 right) overset?> 0 \
                                                        1 + frac13 left( (-1)^k+12^1 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0

                                                        If $k$ is even, beginalign*
                                                        1 + frac13 left( -2 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0 text,

                                                        $-2 -2^-k in (-3,-2)$, so $1 + frac13 left( -2 - 2^-k right) in (0,1/3)$, all elements of which are positive, so $s$ is positive when $k$ is even. If $k$ is odd, beginalign*
                                                        1 + frac13 left( 2 - 2^-k right) overset?> 0 text,

                                                        $2 - 2^-k in (1,2)$, so $1 + frac13 left( 2 - 2^-k right) in (4/3, 5/3)$, all elements of which are positive, so $s$ is an integer when $k$ is odd. Therefore, $s$ is positive when $k$ is odd. Therefore, $s$ is always a positive integer.

                                                        Plugging in the above expressions into the given equation, we have
                                                        $$ 9 left( 2^k + frac13 left( (-2)^k+1 - 1 right) right) + 3 + 2^k = 2^(-1)^k+1 + k + 3 text. $$
                                                        After a little manipulation, this is
                                                        $$ 2^(-1)^k+1 + k + 2 = 5 cdot 2^k - 3(-2)^k text. tag1 $$

                                                        First suppose $k$ is even, so $k = 2m$. Substituting this into (1) and simplifying a little, we have
                                                        $$ 2^-1 + 2m + 2 = 2 cdot 2^2m text, $$
                                                        a tautology.

                                                        Then suppose $k$ is odd, so $k = 2m+1$. Sustituting this into (1) and simplifying a little, we have
                                                        $$ 2^2m + 4 = 8 cdot 2^2m+1 text, $$
                                                        a tautology.

                                                        Therefore, the given $s$ and $n$ are positive integers which satisfy the given equation.

                                                        Aside: The above choices for $s$ and $n$ do not exhaust the solution set. For instance $(k,s,n) = (2, 131,176,846,746,379,033,713, 70)$ is another solution. (This is implicit in the other answers that use the fact that the powers of $2$ are cyclic modulo $9$.)

                                                        share|cite|improve this answer

                                                        share|cite|improve this answer

                                                        share|cite|improve this answer

                                                        answered 39 mins ago

                                                        Eric TowersEric Towers



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