Proof of Lemma: Every nonzero integer can be written as a product of primesComplete induction proof that every $n > 1$ can be written as a product of primesWhat's wrong with this proof of the infinity of primes?Induction Proof - Primes and Euclid's LemmaEuclid's proof of Infinitude of Primes: If a prime divides an integer, why would it have to divide 1?Proof or disproof that every integer can be written as the sum of a prime and a square.Prove two subsequent primes cannot be written as a product of two primesProof by well ordering: Every positive integer greater than one can be factored as a product of primes.Difficult Q: Show that every integer $n$ can be written in the form $n = a^2 b$….product of distinct primesWhy is the proof not right ? Every positive integer can be written as a product of primes?Proof by well ordering: Every positive integer greater than one can be factored as a product of primes. Part II

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Proof of Lemma: Every nonzero integer can be written as a product of primes

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Proof of Lemma: Every nonzero integer can be written as a product of primes

Complete induction proof that every $n > 1$ can be written as a product of primesWhat's wrong with this proof of the infinity of primes?Induction Proof - Primes and Euclid's LemmaEuclid's proof of Infinitude of Primes: If a prime divides an integer, why would it have to divide 1?Proof or disproof that every integer can be written as the sum of a prime and a square.Prove two subsequent primes cannot be written as a product of two primesProof by well ordering: Every positive integer greater than one can be factored as a product of primes.Difficult Q: Show that every integer $n$ can be written in the form $n = a^2 b$….product of distinct primesWhy is the proof not right ? Every positive integer can be written as a product of primes?Proof by well ordering: Every positive integer greater than one can be factored as a product of primes. Part II



I'm new to number theory. This might be kind of a silly question, so I'm sorry if it is.

I encountered the classic lemma about every nonzero integer being the product of primes in a textbook about number theory. In this textbook there is also a proof for it provided, and I'd like to understand why it is that the proof actually works.

The proof is as follows:

Assume, for contradiction, that there is an integer $N$ that cannot be written as a product of primes. Let $N$ be the smallest positive integer with this property. Since $N$ cannot itself be prime we must have $N = mn$, where $1 < m$, $n < N$. However, since $m$, $n$ are positive and smaller than $N$ they must each be a product of primes. But then so is $N = mn$. This is a contradiction.

I feel like this proof kind of presupposes the lemma. I think this line of reasoning could be strengthened using induction, and I've seen other proofs of this lemma that use induction. Can someone help me out? What am I missing and why do I think that this proof of the lemma is circular?

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Alena Gusakov is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 2

    That argument is by induction. the result is easy to check for small numbers, so assume it holds up to $N-1$. Then $N$ is either prime, in which case we are done, or it factors as $atimes b$ with $1<a≤b<N-1$ and you can apply the inductive hypothesis to $a,b$. Same argument.
    – lulu
    2 hours ago

  • 1

    There is nothing missing in this proof. It is just fine. And why “two primes”?
    – José Carlos Santos
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @JoséCarlosSantos Typo. Fixed.
    – Alena Gusakov
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    It's not circular, but it could be a lot clearer. It's not strictly necessary to say $n > 1$, since $m$ is positive and $mn$ is also positive.
    – Robert Soupe
    1 hour ago



I'm new to number theory. This might be kind of a silly question, so I'm sorry if it is.

I encountered the classic lemma about every nonzero integer being the product of primes in a textbook about number theory. In this textbook there is also a proof for it provided, and I'd like to understand why it is that the proof actually works.

The proof is as follows:

Assume, for contradiction, that there is an integer $N$ that cannot be written as a product of primes. Let $N$ be the smallest positive integer with this property. Since $N$ cannot itself be prime we must have $N = mn$, where $1 < m$, $n < N$. However, since $m$, $n$ are positive and smaller than $N$ they must each be a product of primes. But then so is $N = mn$. This is a contradiction.

I feel like this proof kind of presupposes the lemma. I think this line of reasoning could be strengthened using induction, and I've seen other proofs of this lemma that use induction. Can someone help me out? What am I missing and why do I think that this proof of the lemma is circular?

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New contributor

Alena Gusakov is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • 2

    That argument is by induction. the result is easy to check for small numbers, so assume it holds up to $N-1$. Then $N$ is either prime, in which case we are done, or it factors as $atimes b$ with $1<a≤b<N-1$ and you can apply the inductive hypothesis to $a,b$. Same argument.
    – lulu
    2 hours ago

  • 1

    There is nothing missing in this proof. It is just fine. And why “two primes”?
    – José Carlos Santos
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @JoséCarlosSantos Typo. Fixed.
    – Alena Gusakov
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    It's not circular, but it could be a lot clearer. It's not strictly necessary to say $n > 1$, since $m$ is positive and $mn$ is also positive.
    – Robert Soupe
    1 hour ago





I'm new to number theory. This might be kind of a silly question, so I'm sorry if it is.

I encountered the classic lemma about every nonzero integer being the product of primes in a textbook about number theory. In this textbook there is also a proof for it provided, and I'd like to understand why it is that the proof actually works.

The proof is as follows:

Assume, for contradiction, that there is an integer $N$ that cannot be written as a product of primes. Let $N$ be the smallest positive integer with this property. Since $N$ cannot itself be prime we must have $N = mn$, where $1 < m$, $n < N$. However, since $m$, $n$ are positive and smaller than $N$ they must each be a product of primes. But then so is $N = mn$. This is a contradiction.

I feel like this proof kind of presupposes the lemma. I think this line of reasoning could be strengthened using induction, and I've seen other proofs of this lemma that use induction. Can someone help me out? What am I missing and why do I think that this proof of the lemma is circular?

share|cite|improve this question

New contributor

Alena Gusakov is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


I'm new to number theory. This might be kind of a silly question, so I'm sorry if it is.

I encountered the classic lemma about every nonzero integer being the product of primes in a textbook about number theory. In this textbook there is also a proof for it provided, and I'd like to understand why it is that the proof actually works.

The proof is as follows:

Assume, for contradiction, that there is an integer $N$ that cannot be written as a product of primes. Let $N$ be the smallest positive integer with this property. Since $N$ cannot itself be prime we must have $N = mn$, where $1 < m$, $n < N$. However, since $m$, $n$ are positive and smaller than $N$ they must each be a product of primes. But then so is $N = mn$. This is a contradiction.

I feel like this proof kind of presupposes the lemma. I think this line of reasoning could be strengthened using induction, and I've seen other proofs of this lemma that use induction. Can someone help me out? What am I missing and why do I think that this proof of the lemma is circular?

elementary-number-theory prime-numbers proof-explanation integers

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Alena Gusakov is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Alena Gusakov is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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edited 1 hour ago

Robert Soupe



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Alena Gusakov is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

asked 2 hours ago

Alena GusakovAlena Gusakov



New contributor

Alena Gusakov is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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New contributor

Alena Gusakov is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

Alena Gusakov is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • 2

    That argument is by induction. the result is easy to check for small numbers, so assume it holds up to $N-1$. Then $N$ is either prime, in which case we are done, or it factors as $atimes b$ with $1<a≤b<N-1$ and you can apply the inductive hypothesis to $a,b$. Same argument.
    – lulu
    2 hours ago

  • 1

    There is nothing missing in this proof. It is just fine. And why “two primes”?
    – José Carlos Santos
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @JoséCarlosSantos Typo. Fixed.
    – Alena Gusakov
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    It's not circular, but it could be a lot clearer. It's not strictly necessary to say $n > 1$, since $m$ is positive and $mn$ is also positive.
    – Robert Soupe
    1 hour ago

  • 2

    That argument is by induction. the result is easy to check for small numbers, so assume it holds up to $N-1$. Then $N$ is either prime, in which case we are done, or it factors as $atimes b$ with $1<a≤b<N-1$ and you can apply the inductive hypothesis to $a,b$. Same argument.
    – lulu
    2 hours ago

  • 1

    There is nothing missing in this proof. It is just fine. And why “two primes”?
    – José Carlos Santos
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    @JoséCarlosSantos Typo. Fixed.
    – Alena Gusakov
    2 hours ago

  • $begingroup$
    It's not circular, but it could be a lot clearer. It's not strictly necessary to say $n > 1$, since $m$ is positive and $mn$ is also positive.
    – Robert Soupe
    1 hour ago



That argument is by induction. the result is easy to check for small numbers, so assume it holds up to $N-1$. Then $N$ is either prime, in which case we are done, or it factors as $atimes b$ with $1<a≤b<N-1$ and you can apply the inductive hypothesis to $a,b$. Same argument.
– lulu
2 hours ago

That argument is by induction. the result is easy to check for small numbers, so assume it holds up to $N-1$. Then $N$ is either prime, in which case we are done, or it factors as $atimes b$ with $1<a≤b<N-1$ and you can apply the inductive hypothesis to $a,b$. Same argument.
– lulu
2 hours ago



There is nothing missing in this proof. It is just fine. And why “two primes”?
– José Carlos Santos
2 hours ago

There is nothing missing in this proof. It is just fine. And why “two primes”?
– José Carlos Santos
2 hours ago

@JoséCarlosSantos Typo. Fixed.
– Alena Gusakov
2 hours ago

@JoséCarlosSantos Typo. Fixed.
– Alena Gusakov
2 hours ago

It's not circular, but it could be a lot clearer. It's not strictly necessary to say $n > 1$, since $m$ is positive and $mn$ is also positive.
– Robert Soupe
1 hour ago

It's not circular, but it could be a lot clearer. It's not strictly necessary to say $n > 1$, since $m$ is positive and $mn$ is also positive.
– Robert Soupe
1 hour ago

2 Answers






The proof is not circular, the key is in the second sentence: Let N be the smallest positive integer with this property.

We are allowed to say a least $N$ exists because of the well-ordering principle.

share|cite|improve this answer


  • $begingroup$
    I don't know if it's because of the well-ordering principle ... that's like using a hammer to slice through butter. One does not need the full strength of the AOC to prove such a simple statement.
    – Don Thousand
    1 hour ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Don What's AOC? I presume you're not talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
    – Robert Soupe
    1 hour ago

  • $begingroup$
    @RobertSoupe: Axiom of choice. The more usual abbreviation is AC.
    – Nate Eldredge
    30 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    @DonThousand: I think "well-ordering principle" here refers to the statement "the usual ordering on the natural numbers is a well order". The Axiom of Choice equivalent is "every set admits an ordering which is a well order" - that wouldn't really even help with this proof, since it would only tell us that there is some ordering of the natural numbers which is a well order - it doesn't tell us that the usual ordering is one.
    – Nate Eldredge
    28 mins ago



Although the proof by contradiction is correct, your feeling of unease is fine, because the direct proof by induction is so much clearer:

Take an integer $N$. If $N$ is prime, there is nothing to prove. Otherwise, we must have $N = mn$, where $1 < m, n < N$. By induction, since $m, n$ are smaller than $N$, they must each be a product of primes. Then so is $N = mn$. Done.

share|cite|improve this answer


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    2 Answers




    2 Answers












    The proof is not circular, the key is in the second sentence: Let N be the smallest positive integer with this property.

    We are allowed to say a least $N$ exists because of the well-ordering principle.

    share|cite|improve this answer


    • $begingroup$
      I don't know if it's because of the well-ordering principle ... that's like using a hammer to slice through butter. One does not need the full strength of the AOC to prove such a simple statement.
      – Don Thousand
      1 hour ago

    • $begingroup$
      @Don What's AOC? I presume you're not talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
      – Robert Soupe
      1 hour ago

    • $begingroup$
      @RobertSoupe: Axiom of choice. The more usual abbreviation is AC.
      – Nate Eldredge
      30 mins ago

    • $begingroup$
      @DonThousand: I think "well-ordering principle" here refers to the statement "the usual ordering on the natural numbers is a well order". The Axiom of Choice equivalent is "every set admits an ordering which is a well order" - that wouldn't really even help with this proof, since it would only tell us that there is some ordering of the natural numbers which is a well order - it doesn't tell us that the usual ordering is one.
      – Nate Eldredge
      28 mins ago



    The proof is not circular, the key is in the second sentence: Let N be the smallest positive integer with this property.

    We are allowed to say a least $N$ exists because of the well-ordering principle.

    share|cite|improve this answer


    • $begingroup$
      I don't know if it's because of the well-ordering principle ... that's like using a hammer to slice through butter. One does not need the full strength of the AOC to prove such a simple statement.
      – Don Thousand
      1 hour ago

    • $begingroup$
      @Don What's AOC? I presume you're not talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
      – Robert Soupe
      1 hour ago

    • $begingroup$
      @RobertSoupe: Axiom of choice. The more usual abbreviation is AC.
      – Nate Eldredge
      30 mins ago

    • $begingroup$
      @DonThousand: I think "well-ordering principle" here refers to the statement "the usual ordering on the natural numbers is a well order". The Axiom of Choice equivalent is "every set admits an ordering which is a well order" - that wouldn't really even help with this proof, since it would only tell us that there is some ordering of the natural numbers which is a well order - it doesn't tell us that the usual ordering is one.
      – Nate Eldredge
      28 mins ago





    The proof is not circular, the key is in the second sentence: Let N be the smallest positive integer with this property.

    We are allowed to say a least $N$ exists because of the well-ordering principle.

    share|cite|improve this answer


    The proof is not circular, the key is in the second sentence: Let N be the smallest positive integer with this property.

    We are allowed to say a least $N$ exists because of the well-ordering principle.

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    share|cite|improve this answer

    answered 2 hours ago

    Edgar Jaramillo RodriguezEdgar Jaramillo Rodriguez



    • $begingroup$
      I don't know if it's because of the well-ordering principle ... that's like using a hammer to slice through butter. One does not need the full strength of the AOC to prove such a simple statement.
      – Don Thousand
      1 hour ago

    • $begingroup$
      @Don What's AOC? I presume you're not talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
      – Robert Soupe
      1 hour ago

    • $begingroup$
      @RobertSoupe: Axiom of choice. The more usual abbreviation is AC.
      – Nate Eldredge
      30 mins ago

    • $begingroup$
      @DonThousand: I think "well-ordering principle" here refers to the statement "the usual ordering on the natural numbers is a well order". The Axiom of Choice equivalent is "every set admits an ordering which is a well order" - that wouldn't really even help with this proof, since it would only tell us that there is some ordering of the natural numbers which is a well order - it doesn't tell us that the usual ordering is one.
      – Nate Eldredge
      28 mins ago

    • $begingroup$
      I don't know if it's because of the well-ordering principle ... that's like using a hammer to slice through butter. One does not need the full strength of the AOC to prove such a simple statement.
      – Don Thousand
      1 hour ago

    • $begingroup$
      @Don What's AOC? I presume you're not talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
      – Robert Soupe
      1 hour ago

    • $begingroup$
      @RobertSoupe: Axiom of choice. The more usual abbreviation is AC.
      – Nate Eldredge
      30 mins ago

    • $begingroup$
      @DonThousand: I think "well-ordering principle" here refers to the statement "the usual ordering on the natural numbers is a well order". The Axiom of Choice equivalent is "every set admits an ordering which is a well order" - that wouldn't really even help with this proof, since it would only tell us that there is some ordering of the natural numbers which is a well order - it doesn't tell us that the usual ordering is one.
      – Nate Eldredge
      28 mins ago

    I don't know if it's because of the well-ordering principle ... that's like using a hammer to slice through butter. One does not need the full strength of the AOC to prove such a simple statement.
    – Don Thousand
    1 hour ago

    I don't know if it's because of the well-ordering principle ... that's like using a hammer to slice through butter. One does not need the full strength of the AOC to prove such a simple statement.
    – Don Thousand
    1 hour ago

    @Don What's AOC? I presume you're not talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
    – Robert Soupe
    1 hour ago

    @Don What's AOC? I presume you're not talking about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
    – Robert Soupe
    1 hour ago

    @RobertSoupe: Axiom of choice. The more usual abbreviation is AC.
    – Nate Eldredge
    30 mins ago

    @RobertSoupe: Axiom of choice. The more usual abbreviation is AC.
    – Nate Eldredge
    30 mins ago

    @DonThousand: I think "well-ordering principle" here refers to the statement "the usual ordering on the natural numbers is a well order". The Axiom of Choice equivalent is "every set admits an ordering which is a well order" - that wouldn't really even help with this proof, since it would only tell us that there is some ordering of the natural numbers which is a well order - it doesn't tell us that the usual ordering is one.
    – Nate Eldredge
    28 mins ago

    @DonThousand: I think "well-ordering principle" here refers to the statement "the usual ordering on the natural numbers is a well order". The Axiom of Choice equivalent is "every set admits an ordering which is a well order" - that wouldn't really even help with this proof, since it would only tell us that there is some ordering of the natural numbers which is a well order - it doesn't tell us that the usual ordering is one.
    – Nate Eldredge
    28 mins ago



    Although the proof by contradiction is correct, your feeling of unease is fine, because the direct proof by induction is so much clearer:

    Take an integer $N$. If $N$ is prime, there is nothing to prove. Otherwise, we must have $N = mn$, where $1 < m, n < N$. By induction, since $m, n$ are smaller than $N$, they must each be a product of primes. Then so is $N = mn$. Done.

    share|cite|improve this answer




      Although the proof by contradiction is correct, your feeling of unease is fine, because the direct proof by induction is so much clearer:

      Take an integer $N$. If $N$ is prime, there is nothing to prove. Otherwise, we must have $N = mn$, where $1 < m, n < N$. By induction, since $m, n$ are smaller than $N$, they must each be a product of primes. Then so is $N = mn$. Done.

      share|cite|improve this answer






        Although the proof by contradiction is correct, your feeling of unease is fine, because the direct proof by induction is so much clearer:

        Take an integer $N$. If $N$ is prime, there is nothing to prove. Otherwise, we must have $N = mn$, where $1 < m, n < N$. By induction, since $m, n$ are smaller than $N$, they must each be a product of primes. Then so is $N = mn$. Done.

        share|cite|improve this answer


        Although the proof by contradiction is correct, your feeling of unease is fine, because the direct proof by induction is so much clearer:

        Take an integer $N$. If $N$ is prime, there is nothing to prove. Otherwise, we must have $N = mn$, where $1 < m, n < N$. By induction, since $m, n$ are smaller than $N$, they must each be a product of primes. Then so is $N = mn$. Done.

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        share|cite|improve this answer

        answered 1 hour ago




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