Greatest common substringShortest Longest Common Subsequence CodeFinding “sub-palindromes” 2: subsequences.Decompose a StringFind Patterns in StringsShortest Longest Common Subsequence CodeMaximal Substring ConstructionVisualize the greatest common divisorShortest Unique SubstringFind the original string, without the repetition without the repetition in the middleMinimal Fresh SubstringsStitch Together a Palindrome from Palindromic Substrings

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Greatest common substring

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Greatest common substring

Shortest Longest Common Subsequence CodeFinding “sub-palindromes” 2: subsequences.Decompose a StringFind Patterns in StringsShortest Longest Common Subsequence CodeMaximal Substring ConstructionVisualize the greatest common divisorShortest Unique SubstringFind the original string, without the repetition without the repetition in the middleMinimal Fresh SubstringsStitch Together a Palindrome from Palindromic Substrings



Create a program or function which takes a list of strings as input, and outputs the longest string that is a substring of all input strings. If there are several substrings of equal length, and no longer substring, output any one of them.

  • This may mean outputting the empty string.

  • If there are several valid outputs, you may output any one of them. You are not required to give consistent outpput for a given input so long as the output is always valid.

  • There will always be at least one string in the input, but there might not be a non-empty string.

  • All printable ASCII characters may appear in the input. You may assume those are the only characters that appear.

  • You may take input or produce output by any of the default methods.

  • Standard loopholes aren't allowed.

  • This is code-golf - the fewer bytes of code, the better.

Test cases:

[Inputs] -> [Valid outputs (choose one)]

["hello", "'ello"] -> ["ello"]
["very", "much", "different"] -> [""]
["empty", "", "STRING"] -> [""]
["identical", "identical"] -> ["identical"]
["string", "stRIng"] -> ["st", "ng"]
["this one", "is a substring of this one"] -> ["this one"]
["just one"] -> ["just one"]
["", "", ""] -> [""]
["many outputs", "stuptuo ynam"] -> ["m", "a", "n", "y", " ", "o", "u", "t", "p", "s"]
["many inputs", "any inputs", "ny iii", "yanny"] -> ["ny"]
["%%not&", "ju&#st", "[&]alpha_numeric"] -> ["%"]

share|improve this question


  • $begingroup$
    Possible duplicate
    – Adám
    1 hour ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Adám That question asks for the longest common subsequence, not substring.
    – Doorknob
    1 hour ago

  • 1

    Will the strings be only alphanumeric, or alphabetic, or only printable-ascii?
    – Embodiment of Ignorance
    30 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    @EmbodimentofIgnorance All printable ASCII characters can appear in the input.
    – Sara J
    16 mins ago



Create a program or function which takes a list of strings as input, and outputs the longest string that is a substring of all input strings. If there are several substrings of equal length, and no longer substring, output any one of them.

  • This may mean outputting the empty string.

  • If there are several valid outputs, you may output any one of them. You are not required to give consistent outpput for a given input so long as the output is always valid.

  • There will always be at least one string in the input, but there might not be a non-empty string.

  • All printable ASCII characters may appear in the input. You may assume those are the only characters that appear.

  • You may take input or produce output by any of the default methods.

  • Standard loopholes aren't allowed.

  • This is code-golf - the fewer bytes of code, the better.

Test cases:

[Inputs] -> [Valid outputs (choose one)]

["hello", "'ello"] -> ["ello"]
["very", "much", "different"] -> [""]
["empty", "", "STRING"] -> [""]
["identical", "identical"] -> ["identical"]
["string", "stRIng"] -> ["st", "ng"]
["this one", "is a substring of this one"] -> ["this one"]
["just one"] -> ["just one"]
["", "", ""] -> [""]
["many outputs", "stuptuo ynam"] -> ["m", "a", "n", "y", " ", "o", "u", "t", "p", "s"]
["many inputs", "any inputs", "ny iii", "yanny"] -> ["ny"]
["%%not&", "ju&#st", "[&]alpha_numeric"] -> ["%"]

share|improve this question


  • $begingroup$
    Possible duplicate
    – Adám
    1 hour ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Adám That question asks for the longest common subsequence, not substring.
    – Doorknob
    1 hour ago

  • 1

    Will the strings be only alphanumeric, or alphabetic, or only printable-ascii?
    – Embodiment of Ignorance
    30 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    @EmbodimentofIgnorance All printable ASCII characters can appear in the input.
    – Sara J
    16 mins ago





Create a program or function which takes a list of strings as input, and outputs the longest string that is a substring of all input strings. If there are several substrings of equal length, and no longer substring, output any one of them.

  • This may mean outputting the empty string.

  • If there are several valid outputs, you may output any one of them. You are not required to give consistent outpput for a given input so long as the output is always valid.

  • There will always be at least one string in the input, but there might not be a non-empty string.

  • All printable ASCII characters may appear in the input. You may assume those are the only characters that appear.

  • You may take input or produce output by any of the default methods.

  • Standard loopholes aren't allowed.

  • This is code-golf - the fewer bytes of code, the better.

Test cases:

[Inputs] -> [Valid outputs (choose one)]

["hello", "'ello"] -> ["ello"]
["very", "much", "different"] -> [""]
["empty", "", "STRING"] -> [""]
["identical", "identical"] -> ["identical"]
["string", "stRIng"] -> ["st", "ng"]
["this one", "is a substring of this one"] -> ["this one"]
["just one"] -> ["just one"]
["", "", ""] -> [""]
["many outputs", "stuptuo ynam"] -> ["m", "a", "n", "y", " ", "o", "u", "t", "p", "s"]
["many inputs", "any inputs", "ny iii", "yanny"] -> ["ny"]
["%%not&", "ju&#st", "[&]alpha_numeric"] -> ["%"]

share|improve this question


Create a program or function which takes a list of strings as input, and outputs the longest string that is a substring of all input strings. If there are several substrings of equal length, and no longer substring, output any one of them.

  • This may mean outputting the empty string.

  • If there are several valid outputs, you may output any one of them. You are not required to give consistent outpput for a given input so long as the output is always valid.

  • There will always be at least one string in the input, but there might not be a non-empty string.

  • All printable ASCII characters may appear in the input. You may assume those are the only characters that appear.

  • You may take input or produce output by any of the default methods.

  • Standard loopholes aren't allowed.

  • This is code-golf - the fewer bytes of code, the better.

Test cases:

[Inputs] -> [Valid outputs (choose one)]

["hello", "'ello"] -> ["ello"]
["very", "much", "different"] -> [""]
["empty", "", "STRING"] -> [""]
["identical", "identical"] -> ["identical"]
["string", "stRIng"] -> ["st", "ng"]
["this one", "is a substring of this one"] -> ["this one"]
["just one"] -> ["just one"]
["", "", ""] -> [""]
["many outputs", "stuptuo ynam"] -> ["m", "a", "n", "y", " ", "o", "u", "t", "p", "s"]
["many inputs", "any inputs", "ny iii", "yanny"] -> ["ny"]
["%%not&", "ju&#st", "[&]alpha_numeric"] -> ["%"]

code-golf string subsequence

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited 12 mins ago

Sara J

asked 1 hour ago

Sara JSara J



  • $begingroup$
    Possible duplicate
    – Adám
    1 hour ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Adám That question asks for the longest common subsequence, not substring.
    – Doorknob
    1 hour ago

  • 1

    Will the strings be only alphanumeric, or alphabetic, or only printable-ascii?
    – Embodiment of Ignorance
    30 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    @EmbodimentofIgnorance All printable ASCII characters can appear in the input.
    – Sara J
    16 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Possible duplicate
    – Adám
    1 hour ago

  • $begingroup$
    @Adám That question asks for the longest common subsequence, not substring.
    – Doorknob
    1 hour ago

  • 1

    Will the strings be only alphanumeric, or alphabetic, or only printable-ascii?
    – Embodiment of Ignorance
    30 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    @EmbodimentofIgnorance All printable ASCII characters can appear in the input.
    – Sara J
    16 mins ago

Possible duplicate
– Adám
1 hour ago

Possible duplicate
– Adám
1 hour ago

@Adám That question asks for the longest common subsequence, not substring.
– Doorknob
1 hour ago

@Adám That question asks for the longest common subsequence, not substring.
– Doorknob
1 hour ago



Will the strings be only alphanumeric, or alphabetic, or only printable-ascii?
– Embodiment of Ignorance
30 mins ago

Will the strings be only alphanumeric, or alphabetic, or only printable-ascii?
– Embodiment of Ignorance
30 mins ago

@EmbodimentofIgnorance All printable ASCII characters can appear in the input.
– Sara J
16 mins ago

@EmbodimentofIgnorance All printable ASCII characters can appear in the input.
– Sara J
16 mins ago

4 Answers






Jelly, 12 bytes


Try it online!

Last four bytes are there because of the requirement to only output one answer.

share|improve this answer




    JavaScript (Node.js), 114 105 bytes


    Try it online!

    Probably still golfable.
    y.indexOf must be used in place of if the strings may contain special regex characters, at the cost of 1 more byte.

    share|improve this answer




      Brachylog (v2), 3 bytes


      Try it online!

      Full program. Input from standard input (as a JSON-style list of strings), output to standard output.


      s Find a substring
      ᵛ of every element of the input; the same one for each
      w and output it.

      Tiebreak order here is set by the s, favouring the longest substring (the secondary tiebreak doesn't matter, but IIRC it's position within the first element of the input).

      Brachylog's s doesn't return empty substrings, so we need a bit of a trick to get around that: instead of making a function submission (which is what's normally done), we write a full program, outputting to standard output. That way, if there's a common substring, we just output it, and we're done. If there isn't a common substring, the program errors out – but it still prints nothing to standard output, thus it outputs the null string as intended.

      share|improve this answer




        Python 3, 174 bytes

        def a(b):
        a=();c=list(sum((list(d[f:e]for f in range(e+1))for e in range(len(d)+1)),[])for d in b)
        for i in c[0]:
        if all(i in j for j in c):a+=(i,)
        return max(a,key=len)

        Try it online!

        share|improve this answer

        New contributor

        Artemis Fowl is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
        Check out our Code of Conduct.


        • $begingroup$
          You may want to use single spaces as indentation instead of 4 that seems to shave more than 100 bytes.
          – Shieru Asakoto
          1 hour ago

        • $begingroup$
          @ShieruAsakoto Oops yeah.
          – Artemis Fowl
          1 hour ago

        • $begingroup$
          135 bytes by simplifying the c declaration and condensing the for loop. I would recommend adding the title and bytecount to the header, or using TIO's formatter to create the body of your post
          – Jo King
          30 mins ago

        • $begingroup$
          102 bytes by using set operators instead
          – Jo King
          26 mins ago

        • $begingroup$
          – Artemis Fowl
          7 mins ago

        Your Answer

        StackExchange.ifUsing("editor", function ()
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        StackExchange.using("externalEditor", function()
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        if (StackExchange.settings.snippets.snippetsEnabled)
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        draft discarded

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        Post as a guest

        Required, but never shown

        4 Answers




        4 Answers












        Jelly, 12 bytes


        Try it online!

        Last four bytes are there because of the requirement to only output one answer.

        share|improve this answer




          Jelly, 12 bytes


          Try it online!

          Last four bytes are there because of the requirement to only output one answer.

          share|improve this answer






            Jelly, 12 bytes


            Try it online!

            Last four bytes are there because of the requirement to only output one answer.

            share|improve this answer


            Jelly, 12 bytes


            Try it online!

            Last four bytes are there because of the requirement to only output one answer.

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            share|improve this answer

            answered 1 hour ago

            Nick KennedyNick Kennedy





                JavaScript (Node.js), 114 105 bytes


                Try it online!

                Probably still golfable.
                y.indexOf must be used in place of if the strings may contain special regex characters, at the cost of 1 more byte.

                share|improve this answer




                  JavaScript (Node.js), 114 105 bytes


                  Try it online!

                  Probably still golfable.
                  y.indexOf must be used in place of if the strings may contain special regex characters, at the cost of 1 more byte.

                  share|improve this answer






                    JavaScript (Node.js), 114 105 bytes


                    Try it online!

                    Probably still golfable.
                    y.indexOf must be used in place of if the strings may contain special regex characters, at the cost of 1 more byte.

                    share|improve this answer


                    JavaScript (Node.js), 114 105 bytes


                    Try it online!

                    Probably still golfable.
                    y.indexOf must be used in place of if the strings may contain special regex characters, at the cost of 1 more byte.

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    edited 29 mins ago

                    answered 39 mins ago

                    Shieru AsakotoShieru Asakoto





                        Brachylog (v2), 3 bytes


                        Try it online!

                        Full program. Input from standard input (as a JSON-style list of strings), output to standard output.


                        s Find a substring
                        ᵛ of every element of the input; the same one for each
                        w and output it.

                        Tiebreak order here is set by the s, favouring the longest substring (the secondary tiebreak doesn't matter, but IIRC it's position within the first element of the input).

                        Brachylog's s doesn't return empty substrings, so we need a bit of a trick to get around that: instead of making a function submission (which is what's normally done), we write a full program, outputting to standard output. That way, if there's a common substring, we just output it, and we're done. If there isn't a common substring, the program errors out – but it still prints nothing to standard output, thus it outputs the null string as intended.

                        share|improve this answer




                          Brachylog (v2), 3 bytes


                          Try it online!

                          Full program. Input from standard input (as a JSON-style list of strings), output to standard output.


                          s Find a substring
                          ᵛ of every element of the input; the same one for each
                          w and output it.

                          Tiebreak order here is set by the s, favouring the longest substring (the secondary tiebreak doesn't matter, but IIRC it's position within the first element of the input).

                          Brachylog's s doesn't return empty substrings, so we need a bit of a trick to get around that: instead of making a function submission (which is what's normally done), we write a full program, outputting to standard output. That way, if there's a common substring, we just output it, and we're done. If there isn't a common substring, the program errors out – but it still prints nothing to standard output, thus it outputs the null string as intended.

                          share|improve this answer






                            Brachylog (v2), 3 bytes


                            Try it online!

                            Full program. Input from standard input (as a JSON-style list of strings), output to standard output.


                            s Find a substring
                            ᵛ of every element of the input; the same one for each
                            w and output it.

                            Tiebreak order here is set by the s, favouring the longest substring (the secondary tiebreak doesn't matter, but IIRC it's position within the first element of the input).

                            Brachylog's s doesn't return empty substrings, so we need a bit of a trick to get around that: instead of making a function submission (which is what's normally done), we write a full program, outputting to standard output. That way, if there's a common substring, we just output it, and we're done. If there isn't a common substring, the program errors out – but it still prints nothing to standard output, thus it outputs the null string as intended.

                            share|improve this answer


                            Brachylog (v2), 3 bytes


                            Try it online!

                            Full program. Input from standard input (as a JSON-style list of strings), output to standard output.


                            s Find a substring
                            ᵛ of every element of the input; the same one for each
                            w and output it.

                            Tiebreak order here is set by the s, favouring the longest substring (the secondary tiebreak doesn't matter, but IIRC it's position within the first element of the input).

                            Brachylog's s doesn't return empty substrings, so we need a bit of a trick to get around that: instead of making a function submission (which is what's normally done), we write a full program, outputting to standard output. That way, if there's a common substring, we just output it, and we're done. If there isn't a common substring, the program errors out – but it still prints nothing to standard output, thus it outputs the null string as intended.

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            share|improve this answer

                            answered 26 mins ago

                            community wiki




                                Python 3, 174 bytes

                                def a(b):
                                a=();c=list(sum((list(d[f:e]for f in range(e+1))for e in range(len(d)+1)),[])for d in b)
                                for i in c[0]:
                                if all(i in j for j in c):a+=(i,)
                                return max(a,key=len)

                                Try it online!

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Artemis Fowl is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.


                                • $begingroup$
                                  You may want to use single spaces as indentation instead of 4 that seems to shave more than 100 bytes.
                                  – Shieru Asakoto
                                  1 hour ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  @ShieruAsakoto Oops yeah.
                                  – Artemis Fowl
                                  1 hour ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  135 bytes by simplifying the c declaration and condensing the for loop. I would recommend adding the title and bytecount to the header, or using TIO's formatter to create the body of your post
                                  – Jo King
                                  30 mins ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  102 bytes by using set operators instead
                                  – Jo King
                                  26 mins ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  – Artemis Fowl
                                  7 mins ago



                                Python 3, 174 bytes

                                def a(b):
                                a=();c=list(sum((list(d[f:e]for f in range(e+1))for e in range(len(d)+1)),[])for d in b)
                                for i in c[0]:
                                if all(i in j for j in c):a+=(i,)
                                return max(a,key=len)

                                Try it online!

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Artemis Fowl is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.


                                • $begingroup$
                                  You may want to use single spaces as indentation instead of 4 that seems to shave more than 100 bytes.
                                  – Shieru Asakoto
                                  1 hour ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  @ShieruAsakoto Oops yeah.
                                  – Artemis Fowl
                                  1 hour ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  135 bytes by simplifying the c declaration and condensing the for loop. I would recommend adding the title and bytecount to the header, or using TIO's formatter to create the body of your post
                                  – Jo King
                                  30 mins ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  102 bytes by using set operators instead
                                  – Jo King
                                  26 mins ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  – Artemis Fowl
                                  7 mins ago





                                Python 3, 174 bytes

                                def a(b):
                                a=();c=list(sum((list(d[f:e]for f in range(e+1))for e in range(len(d)+1)),[])for d in b)
                                for i in c[0]:
                                if all(i in j for j in c):a+=(i,)
                                return max(a,key=len)

                                Try it online!

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Artemis Fowl is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.


                                Python 3, 174 bytes

                                def a(b):
                                a=();c=list(sum((list(d[f:e]for f in range(e+1))for e in range(len(d)+1)),[])for d in b)
                                for i in c[0]:
                                if all(i in j for j in c):a+=(i,)
                                return max(a,key=len)

                                Try it online!

                                share|improve this answer

                                New contributor

                                Artemis Fowl is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                share|improve this answer

                                share|improve this answer

                                edited 4 mins ago

                                New contributor

                                Artemis Fowl is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                answered 1 hour ago

                                Artemis FowlArtemis Fowl



                                New contributor

                                Artemis Fowl is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                New contributor

                                Artemis Fowl is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                Artemis Fowl is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
                                Check out our Code of Conduct.

                                • $begingroup$
                                  You may want to use single spaces as indentation instead of 4 that seems to shave more than 100 bytes.
                                  – Shieru Asakoto
                                  1 hour ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  @ShieruAsakoto Oops yeah.
                                  – Artemis Fowl
                                  1 hour ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  135 bytes by simplifying the c declaration and condensing the for loop. I would recommend adding the title and bytecount to the header, or using TIO's formatter to create the body of your post
                                  – Jo King
                                  30 mins ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  102 bytes by using set operators instead
                                  – Jo King
                                  26 mins ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  – Artemis Fowl
                                  7 mins ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  You may want to use single spaces as indentation instead of 4 that seems to shave more than 100 bytes.
                                  – Shieru Asakoto
                                  1 hour ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  @ShieruAsakoto Oops yeah.
                                  – Artemis Fowl
                                  1 hour ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  135 bytes by simplifying the c declaration and condensing the for loop. I would recommend adding the title and bytecount to the header, or using TIO's formatter to create the body of your post
                                  – Jo King
                                  30 mins ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  102 bytes by using set operators instead
                                  – Jo King
                                  26 mins ago

                                • $begingroup$
                                  – Artemis Fowl
                                  7 mins ago

                                You may want to use single spaces as indentation instead of 4 that seems to shave more than 100 bytes.
                                – Shieru Asakoto
                                1 hour ago

                                You may want to use single spaces as indentation instead of 4 that seems to shave more than 100 bytes.
                                – Shieru Asakoto
                                1 hour ago

                                @ShieruAsakoto Oops yeah.
                                – Artemis Fowl
                                1 hour ago

                                @ShieruAsakoto Oops yeah.
                                – Artemis Fowl
                                1 hour ago

                                135 bytes by simplifying the c declaration and condensing the for loop. I would recommend adding the title and bytecount to the header, or using TIO's formatter to create the body of your post
                                – Jo King
                                30 mins ago

                                135 bytes by simplifying the c declaration and condensing the for loop. I would recommend adding the title and bytecount to the header, or using TIO's formatter to create the body of your post
                                – Jo King
                                30 mins ago

                                102 bytes by using set operators instead
                                – Jo King
                                26 mins ago

                                102 bytes by using set operators instead
                                – Jo King
                                26 mins ago

                                – Artemis Fowl
                                7 mins ago

                                – Artemis Fowl
                                7 mins ago

                                draft saved

                                draft discarded

                                If this is an answer to a challenge…

                                • …Be sure to follow the challenge specification. However, please refrain from exploiting obvious loopholes. Answers abusing any of the standard loopholes are considered invalid. If you think a specification is unclear or underspecified, comment on the question instead.

                                • …Try to optimize your score. For instance, answers to code-golf challenges should attempt to be as short as possible. You can always include a readable version of the code in addition to the competitive one.
                                  Explanations of your answer make it more interesting to read and are very much encouraged.

                                • …Include a short header which indicates the language(s) of your code and its score, as defined by the challenge.

                                More generally…

                                • …Please make sure to answer the question and provide sufficient detail.

                                • …Avoid asking for help, clarification or responding to other answers (use comments instead).

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