Ductus biliaris Notae | Nexus interniTabula navigationis"Anatomy and embryology of the biliary tract""Biliary carcinogenesis in pancreaticobiliary maljunction"

Apparatus digestoriusHepatologia

canaliculorum biliferorumductulorum biliferorumductulorum interlobulariumductus hepatici communisvesicae biliarisductūs cysticiductūs choledochiampullae hepatopancreaticaebilemiecoreduodenumcancri

Ductus biliaris

Ductus bilaris

Descriptio structurae ductūs biliaris.

Tractus biliaris sive ductūs biliares coniungunt structuras et intrahepaticas et extrahepaticas canaliculorum biliferorum, ductulorum biliferorum, ductulorum interlobularium, ductuum hepaticorum, ductus hepatici communis, vesicae biliaris, ductūs cystici, ductūs choledochi, ampullae hepatopancreaticae, quae viridem bilem de iecore secretam in duodenum transmittunt. Decursus in hominibus non uniformis est, et diversae perfectiones descriptae sunt[1].

Etiam malformationes cum periculo cancri notae sunt[2].

Notae |

  1. Keplinger K. M., Bloomston M. (2014). "Anatomy and embryology of the biliary tract". The Surgical clinics of North America 94 (2): 203-17 

  2. Kamisawa T., Kuruma S., Chiba K., Tabata T., Koizumi S., Kikuyama M. (201). "Biliary carcinogenesis in pancreaticobiliary maljunction". Journal of gastroenterology 52 (2): 158-63 

Nexus interni

  • Digestio

  • Pancreas

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