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What is the logic behind how bash tests for true/false?

What is the difference between : and true?What is the builtin `:` used for in Bash?bash script trap for exit and err and logic for differenceWhat is the rationale behind $array not expanding the whole array in ksh and bash?extract columns from TRUE/FALSE matrix based on proportion of TRUE values within the columnExpression evaluates to false in for loop whereas it's true in ifWhy does `source foo && true` exit the script in bash?for loop logic porting from bash to cshBash: how can I run `sudo -n true` in the background without interfering with `read`?What's the purpose of “true” in bash “if sudo true; then”

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echo $VAR

yields: something

And this:

[[ -z "$VAR" ]]
echo $?

yields: 1

Yet this:

if [[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]]; then

This screws with my head and I need some kind logical way to think about this before I go insane.


Here's some real code. I can't get this to fucking work for the life of me. Fuck bash. :)

if [[ "$TERM" =~ 'screen' ]] && [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then
tmux list-panes -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE &> /dev/null
echo $?
[[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]]
echo $?
if ! [[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]] && [[ $? ]]; then
echo luck
tmux -q respawn-pane -k -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE man $1
echo fuck
tmux split-window -vf man $1
TMUX_MAN_PANE=$(tmux display-message -p "#pane_id")
tmux select-pane -t last

UPDATE 2: Success

Finally figured it out. Was hvaing a hell of a time getting the status of the first line in the if statement. Had to do some trickery to get the output of the tmux statement in the first line of the if statement. If anyone knows a cleaner way to do this, I'm all ears.

Holy shit, I don't know how people program in Bash. Drives me nuts. Sorry for the foul language. I was apeshit. :) Here's the working code:

if [[ "$TERM" =~ 'screen' ]] && [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then
fucker=$(tmux list-panes -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE 2>&1)
if ! [[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]] && ! [[ $fucker =~ 'find pane' ]]; then
tmux -q respawn-pane -k -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE man $1
tmux split-window -vf man $1
TMUX_MAN_PANE=$(tmux display-message -p "#pane_id")
tmux select-pane -t last

if [ $TMUX_MAN_PANE ]; then
tmux kill-pane -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE

share|improve this question

  • 1

    Your update does not include enough information. Please (a) include the values of TERM, TMUX, and TMUX_MAN_PANE from before the function runs and (b) include the output of the function and then (c) explain how that output differs from what you expect.

    – John1024
    1 hour ago

  • It's all a mess. In the first line of the if statement, I just want to know if that command is throwing an error. There is no seemingly rational way to do that. I don't want the output from the command, I want to know if it's throwing an error. That's it.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • It's showing the command was a success even though it can't find the pane. I see no way to extract the output from that tmux command.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • I should just be going this in perl. Fuck this crazy shit.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • Jesus, finally figured it out. Posting solution.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago



echo $VAR

yields: something

And this:

[[ -z "$VAR" ]]
echo $?

yields: 1

Yet this:

if [[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]]; then

This screws with my head and I need some kind logical way to think about this before I go insane.


Here's some real code. I can't get this to fucking work for the life of me. Fuck bash. :)

if [[ "$TERM" =~ 'screen' ]] && [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then
tmux list-panes -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE &> /dev/null
echo $?
[[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]]
echo $?
if ! [[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]] && [[ $? ]]; then
echo luck
tmux -q respawn-pane -k -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE man $1
echo fuck
tmux split-window -vf man $1
TMUX_MAN_PANE=$(tmux display-message -p "#pane_id")
tmux select-pane -t last

UPDATE 2: Success

Finally figured it out. Was hvaing a hell of a time getting the status of the first line in the if statement. Had to do some trickery to get the output of the tmux statement in the first line of the if statement. If anyone knows a cleaner way to do this, I'm all ears.

Holy shit, I don't know how people program in Bash. Drives me nuts. Sorry for the foul language. I was apeshit. :) Here's the working code:

if [[ "$TERM" =~ 'screen' ]] && [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then
fucker=$(tmux list-panes -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE 2>&1)
if ! [[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]] && ! [[ $fucker =~ 'find pane' ]]; then
tmux -q respawn-pane -k -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE man $1
tmux split-window -vf man $1
TMUX_MAN_PANE=$(tmux display-message -p "#pane_id")
tmux select-pane -t last

if [ $TMUX_MAN_PANE ]; then
tmux kill-pane -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE

share|improve this question

  • 1

    Your update does not include enough information. Please (a) include the values of TERM, TMUX, and TMUX_MAN_PANE from before the function runs and (b) include the output of the function and then (c) explain how that output differs from what you expect.

    – John1024
    1 hour ago

  • It's all a mess. In the first line of the if statement, I just want to know if that command is throwing an error. There is no seemingly rational way to do that. I don't want the output from the command, I want to know if it's throwing an error. That's it.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • It's showing the command was a success even though it can't find the pane. I see no way to extract the output from that tmux command.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • I should just be going this in perl. Fuck this crazy shit.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • Jesus, finally figured it out. Posting solution.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago





echo $VAR

yields: something

And this:

[[ -z "$VAR" ]]
echo $?

yields: 1

Yet this:

if [[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]]; then

This screws with my head and I need some kind logical way to think about this before I go insane.


Here's some real code. I can't get this to fucking work for the life of me. Fuck bash. :)

if [[ "$TERM" =~ 'screen' ]] && [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then
tmux list-panes -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE &> /dev/null
echo $?
[[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]]
echo $?
if ! [[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]] && [[ $? ]]; then
echo luck
tmux -q respawn-pane -k -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE man $1
echo fuck
tmux split-window -vf man $1
TMUX_MAN_PANE=$(tmux display-message -p "#pane_id")
tmux select-pane -t last

UPDATE 2: Success

Finally figured it out. Was hvaing a hell of a time getting the status of the first line in the if statement. Had to do some trickery to get the output of the tmux statement in the first line of the if statement. If anyone knows a cleaner way to do this, I'm all ears.

Holy shit, I don't know how people program in Bash. Drives me nuts. Sorry for the foul language. I was apeshit. :) Here's the working code:

if [[ "$TERM" =~ 'screen' ]] && [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then
fucker=$(tmux list-panes -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE 2>&1)
if ! [[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]] && ! [[ $fucker =~ 'find pane' ]]; then
tmux -q respawn-pane -k -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE man $1
tmux split-window -vf man $1
TMUX_MAN_PANE=$(tmux display-message -p "#pane_id")
tmux select-pane -t last

if [ $TMUX_MAN_PANE ]; then
tmux kill-pane -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE

share|improve this question


echo $VAR

yields: something

And this:

[[ -z "$VAR" ]]
echo $?

yields: 1

Yet this:

if [[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]]; then

This screws with my head and I need some kind logical way to think about this before I go insane.


Here's some real code. I can't get this to fucking work for the life of me. Fuck bash. :)

if [[ "$TERM" =~ 'screen' ]] && [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then
tmux list-panes -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE &> /dev/null
echo $?
[[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]]
echo $?
if ! [[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]] && [[ $? ]]; then
echo luck
tmux -q respawn-pane -k -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE man $1
echo fuck
tmux split-window -vf man $1
TMUX_MAN_PANE=$(tmux display-message -p "#pane_id")
tmux select-pane -t last

UPDATE 2: Success

Finally figured it out. Was hvaing a hell of a time getting the status of the first line in the if statement. Had to do some trickery to get the output of the tmux statement in the first line of the if statement. If anyone knows a cleaner way to do this, I'm all ears.

Holy shit, I don't know how people program in Bash. Drives me nuts. Sorry for the foul language. I was apeshit. :) Here's the working code:

if [[ "$TERM" =~ 'screen' ]] && [[ -n "$TMUX" ]]; then
fucker=$(tmux list-panes -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE 2>&1)
if ! [[ -z "$TMUX_MAN_PANE" ]] && ! [[ $fucker =~ 'find pane' ]]; then
tmux -q respawn-pane -k -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE man $1
tmux split-window -vf man $1
TMUX_MAN_PANE=$(tmux display-message -p "#pane_id")
tmux select-pane -t last

if [ $TMUX_MAN_PANE ]; then
tmux kill-pane -t $TMUX_MAN_PANE


share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited 58 mins ago


asked 1 hour ago




  • 1

    Your update does not include enough information. Please (a) include the values of TERM, TMUX, and TMUX_MAN_PANE from before the function runs and (b) include the output of the function and then (c) explain how that output differs from what you expect.

    – John1024
    1 hour ago

  • It's all a mess. In the first line of the if statement, I just want to know if that command is throwing an error. There is no seemingly rational way to do that. I don't want the output from the command, I want to know if it's throwing an error. That's it.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • It's showing the command was a success even though it can't find the pane. I see no way to extract the output from that tmux command.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • I should just be going this in perl. Fuck this crazy shit.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • Jesus, finally figured it out. Posting solution.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • 1

    Your update does not include enough information. Please (a) include the values of TERM, TMUX, and TMUX_MAN_PANE from before the function runs and (b) include the output of the function and then (c) explain how that output differs from what you expect.

    – John1024
    1 hour ago

  • It's all a mess. In the first line of the if statement, I just want to know if that command is throwing an error. There is no seemingly rational way to do that. I don't want the output from the command, I want to know if it's throwing an error. That's it.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • It's showing the command was a success even though it can't find the pane. I see no way to extract the output from that tmux command.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • I should just be going this in perl. Fuck this crazy shit.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • Jesus, finally figured it out. Posting solution.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago



Your update does not include enough information. Please (a) include the values of TERM, TMUX, and TMUX_MAN_PANE from before the function runs and (b) include the output of the function and then (c) explain how that output differs from what you expect.

– John1024
1 hour ago

Your update does not include enough information. Please (a) include the values of TERM, TMUX, and TMUX_MAN_PANE from before the function runs and (b) include the output of the function and then (c) explain how that output differs from what you expect.

– John1024
1 hour ago

It's all a mess. In the first line of the if statement, I just want to know if that command is throwing an error. There is no seemingly rational way to do that. I don't want the output from the command, I want to know if it's throwing an error. That's it.

– StevieD
1 hour ago

It's all a mess. In the first line of the if statement, I just want to know if that command is throwing an error. There is no seemingly rational way to do that. I don't want the output from the command, I want to know if it's throwing an error. That's it.

– StevieD
1 hour ago

It's showing the command was a success even though it can't find the pane. I see no way to extract the output from that tmux command.

– StevieD
1 hour ago

It's showing the command was a success even though it can't find the pane. I see no way to extract the output from that tmux command.

– StevieD
1 hour ago

I should just be going this in perl. Fuck this crazy shit.

– StevieD
1 hour ago

I should just be going this in perl. Fuck this crazy shit.

– StevieD
1 hour ago

Jesus, finally figured it out. Posting solution.

– StevieD
1 hour ago

Jesus, finally figured it out. Posting solution.

– StevieD
1 hour ago

1 Answer





The key is that 0 means true and 1 (or any other non-zero value) means false.

In shell, a test that is true (or a program which completes successfully), exits with code 0. The test [[ -z "$VAR" ]] returns code zero (true) if $VAR is empty or one (false) if it is not empty:

$ var=""; [[ -z "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ -z "$var" ]]; echo $?

In sum, if $VAR is non-empty, then [[ -z "$VAR" ]] is false (returns 1) and the then statement does not execute.

Did you intend for the test to return true if the variable was non-empty? If so, replace -z with -n:

$ var=""; [[ -n "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ -n "$var" ]]; echo $?

For brevity, the same test is performed if -n is omitted:

$ var=""; [[ "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ "$var" ]]; echo $?

share|improve this answer

  • I just posted my real code. I cannot, for the life of me, get that to work. I'm literally going fucking nuts.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • 1

    @StevieD Run set -x and then run your code. This will show you how every step is evaluated.

    – John1024
    1 hour ago

  • Ah, shit. Forgot about that setting. I'll try it.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

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1 Answer




1 Answer











The key is that 0 means true and 1 (or any other non-zero value) means false.

In shell, a test that is true (or a program which completes successfully), exits with code 0. The test [[ -z "$VAR" ]] returns code zero (true) if $VAR is empty or one (false) if it is not empty:

$ var=""; [[ -z "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ -z "$var" ]]; echo $?

In sum, if $VAR is non-empty, then [[ -z "$VAR" ]] is false (returns 1) and the then statement does not execute.

Did you intend for the test to return true if the variable was non-empty? If so, replace -z with -n:

$ var=""; [[ -n "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ -n "$var" ]]; echo $?

For brevity, the same test is performed if -n is omitted:

$ var=""; [[ "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ "$var" ]]; echo $?

share|improve this answer

  • I just posted my real code. I cannot, for the life of me, get that to work. I'm literally going fucking nuts.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • 1

    @StevieD Run set -x and then run your code. This will show you how every step is evaluated.

    – John1024
    1 hour ago

  • Ah, shit. Forgot about that setting. I'll try it.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago


The key is that 0 means true and 1 (or any other non-zero value) means false.

In shell, a test that is true (or a program which completes successfully), exits with code 0. The test [[ -z "$VAR" ]] returns code zero (true) if $VAR is empty or one (false) if it is not empty:

$ var=""; [[ -z "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ -z "$var" ]]; echo $?

In sum, if $VAR is non-empty, then [[ -z "$VAR" ]] is false (returns 1) and the then statement does not execute.

Did you intend for the test to return true if the variable was non-empty? If so, replace -z with -n:

$ var=""; [[ -n "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ -n "$var" ]]; echo $?

For brevity, the same test is performed if -n is omitted:

$ var=""; [[ "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ "$var" ]]; echo $?

share|improve this answer

  • I just posted my real code. I cannot, for the life of me, get that to work. I'm literally going fucking nuts.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • 1

    @StevieD Run set -x and then run your code. This will show you how every step is evaluated.

    – John1024
    1 hour ago

  • Ah, shit. Forgot about that setting. I'll try it.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago




The key is that 0 means true and 1 (or any other non-zero value) means false.

In shell, a test that is true (or a program which completes successfully), exits with code 0. The test [[ -z "$VAR" ]] returns code zero (true) if $VAR is empty or one (false) if it is not empty:

$ var=""; [[ -z "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ -z "$var" ]]; echo $?

In sum, if $VAR is non-empty, then [[ -z "$VAR" ]] is false (returns 1) and the then statement does not execute.

Did you intend for the test to return true if the variable was non-empty? If so, replace -z with -n:

$ var=""; [[ -n "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ -n "$var" ]]; echo $?

For brevity, the same test is performed if -n is omitted:

$ var=""; [[ "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ "$var" ]]; echo $?

share|improve this answer

The key is that 0 means true and 1 (or any other non-zero value) means false.

In shell, a test that is true (or a program which completes successfully), exits with code 0. The test [[ -z "$VAR" ]] returns code zero (true) if $VAR is empty or one (false) if it is not empty:

$ var=""; [[ -z "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ -z "$var" ]]; echo $?

In sum, if $VAR is non-empty, then [[ -z "$VAR" ]] is false (returns 1) and the then statement does not execute.

Did you intend for the test to return true if the variable was non-empty? If so, replace -z with -n:

$ var=""; [[ -n "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ -n "$var" ]]; echo $?

For brevity, the same test is performed if -n is omitted:

$ var=""; [[ "$var" ]]; echo $?
$ var="NOT EMPTY"; [[ "$var" ]]; echo $?

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited 1 hour ago

answered 1 hour ago




  • I just posted my real code. I cannot, for the life of me, get that to work. I'm literally going fucking nuts.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • 1

    @StevieD Run set -x and then run your code. This will show you how every step is evaluated.

    – John1024
    1 hour ago

  • Ah, shit. Forgot about that setting. I'll try it.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • I just posted my real code. I cannot, for the life of me, get that to work. I'm literally going fucking nuts.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

  • 1

    @StevieD Run set -x and then run your code. This will show you how every step is evaluated.

    – John1024
    1 hour ago

  • Ah, shit. Forgot about that setting. I'll try it.

    – StevieD
    1 hour ago

I just posted my real code. I cannot, for the life of me, get that to work. I'm literally going fucking nuts.

– StevieD
1 hour ago

I just posted my real code. I cannot, for the life of me, get that to work. I'm literally going fucking nuts.

– StevieD
1 hour ago



@StevieD Run set -x and then run your code. This will show you how every step is evaluated.

– John1024
1 hour ago

@StevieD Run set -x and then run your code. This will show you how every step is evaluated.

– John1024
1 hour ago

Ah, shit. Forgot about that setting. I'll try it.

– StevieD
1 hour ago

Ah, shit. Forgot about that setting. I'll try it.

– StevieD
1 hour ago

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