De statu politico Notae | Bibliographia | Tabula navigationisThe so-called great Persian embassies to Byzantium during the reign of Justinian I and their logistical support

Libri deperditiGraeciae scriptaLitterae Graecae mediaevalesLibri de re politicaScripta saeculo 6

GraecePetro Patricio550GraeceConstantino PorphyrogenitoMenandro Protectore

De statu politico (Graece Περὶ πολιτικῆς καταστάσεως)[1] fuit opus a Petro Patricio circa annum 550 Graece scriptum de gubernio et legationibus imperii Romani. Hoc opus in fragmentis servatur in libro Constantino Porphyrogenito dicato De caerimoniis aulae Byzantinae. Liber titulo Συναγωγή, eidem Petro adscriptus a scriptore coaevali Menandro Protectore[2] fortasse idem fuit ac De statu politico.

Notae |

  1. Suda.

  2. Historiae fr. 6.2 Blockley.

Bibliographia |

  • P. Antonopoulos, "Petrus Patricius. Some Aspects of his Life and Career" in From Late Antiquity to Early Byzantium ed. V. Vavrínek (Pragae, 1985) pp. 49–53

  • Ioannis Telelis, "The so-called great Persian embassies to Byzantium during the reign of Justinian I and their logistical support" in Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies, London (Londinii: Ashgate, 2006. ISBN 075465740X) pp. 51-53.

Bullet blue.pngDe hac re nexus intervici usque adhuc absunt. Adde, si reppereris.

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