Theodorus Roethke Index Opera | In pelliculis et theatro | Notae | Bibliographia | Nexus externi | Tabula navigationisI Remember Theodore Roethke"Theodore Roethke Michigan's Poet" by Linda Robinson Walker at Michigan Today (Summer 2001)De Roethke"National Book Awards—1959.""National Book Awards—1965."Commentarius de doctrina RoethkianaVitae poetae.Stanley Kunitz on Theodore Roethke.Roethke's Revisions and the Tone of 'My Papa's Waltz.'Theodore Roethke: Michigan's Poet.Amici Roethke,Biographia,Biographia,De Roethke,Opera ab / de Theodorus RoethkeRoethke apud NNDB,Roethke Memorial Poetry Readings at University of Washington,"Salvaged Poems of Theodore Roethke: recollected by an old friend,"Theodore Roethke,"Theodore Roethke Remembered,"

L +1Latinitas +1 (bona)ViriNati 1908Mortui 1963Alumni Universitatis HarvardianaeAlumni Universitatis MichiganensisAuctores AngliciFormalismusIncolae MichiganiaePennsilvaniaPoetae Civitatum FoederatarumPostmodernismusPraemiaPraemium BollingenianumPraemium PulitzerProfessores Universitatis VasingtoniensisSocii Guggenheimiani

SaginawoppidoMichiganiae25 Maii1908infarctu cordisInsulae BainbridgianaeVasingtoniae1 Augusti1963poetaAmericanusvoluminapoematumcriticamintrospectiorhythmusimaginesnaturalesPraemium Pulitzeranum1954librumPraemium Librorum Nationale1959mortem1965magisterUniversitate Vasingtoniensiprofessorpraemia PulitzeranapoesisRicardus HugoIacobus WrightCarolyn KizerIacobus GilbertRicardus HugoDavid WagonerIacobus DickeyPoeta Laureatus Civitatum Foederatarumauctorperiodicicivitas

Theodorus Huebner Roethke (IPA [ˈrɛtki],[1]Saginaw in oppido Michiganiae 25 Maii 1908; mortuus infarctu cordis Insulae Bainbridgianae Vasingtoniae 1 Augusti 1963) fuit poeta Americanus. Nonnulla volumina poematum protulit quae praemia et approbationem criticam acceperunt. Roethke unus ex poetis eruditissimis et auctoritate gravissimis suae aetatis late habetur.[2]

Solitae operum Roethkianorum proprietates sunt introspectio, rhythmus, et imagines naturales. Roethle Praemium Pulitzeranum Poesis anno 1954 propter librum The Waking accepit, et annuum Praemium Librorum Nationale pro Poesi bis accepit: anno 1959 propter Words for the Wind ('Vento verba')[3] et post mortem anno 1965 propter The Far Field ('Ager longinquus').[4]

Roethke fuit magister poesis bene agnotus. In Universitate Vasingtoniensi quindecim annos professor docuit. Eius discipuli ex illo tempore duo praemia Pulitzerana poesis acceperunt, et duo alii nominati sunt. "Verisimiliter fuit optimus poesis scribendae magister umquam,"[5] dixit Ricardus Hugo, poeta qui cum Roethke studuit, ipse pro Praemio Pulitzerano bis nominatus. Inter celeberrimos discipulos Roethkianos sunt Iacobus Wright, Carolyn Kizer, Iacobus Gilbert, Ricardus Hugo, et David Wagoner.[6]

Iacobus Dickey, olim Poeta Laureatus Civitatum Foederatarum et auctor, in editione Novembris 1968 periodici Atlantic Monthly, scripsit Roethke fuisse "mea sententia maximum poetam quem haec civitas adhuc produxit."[7][8]


  • 1 Opera

  • 2 In pelliculis et theatro

  • 3 Notae

  • 4 Bibliographia

  • 5 Nexus externi

Opera |

  • 1941. Open House

  • 1948. The Lost Son and Other Poems

  • 1951. Praise to the End!

  • 1953. The Waking

  • 1958. Words For The Wind

  • 1959. The Restored

  • 1961. I Am! Says The Lamb

  • 1963. Party at the Zoo" (A Modern Masters Book for Children, ab Al Swiller adumbrata)

  • 1964. The Far Field

  • 1972. Straw for the Fire: From the Notebooks of Theodore Roethke, 1943–63 (res a Davide Wagoner selectae et ordinatae)

  • 1973. Dirty Dinky and Other Creatures: Poems for Children

  • 2001. On Poetry and Craft: Selected Prose and Craft of Theodore Roethke (Copper Canyon Press)

  • 2006. Straw for the Fire: From the Notebooks of Theodore Roethke, 1943–63 (altera editio, Copper Canyon Press)

In pelliculis et theatro |

  • 1964. In a Dark Time: A Film About Theodore Roethke. A Dan Myers moderata pro McGraw-Hill Films. 25:38 min.

  • 2005. I Remember Theodore Roethke. Producta et edita a Jean Walkinshaw. SCCtv (Seattle Community College District Television). 30 min.

  • Wagoner, David. 2007. "First Class": A Play About Theodore Roethke.

Notae |

  1. "Theodore Roethke Michigan's Poet" by Linda Robinson Walker at Michigan Today (Summer 2001).

  2. The Poetry Foundation, De Roethke (The Poetry Foundation).

  3. "National Book Awards—1959.". National Book Foundation.

  4. "National Book Awards—1965." National Book Foundation.

  5. Anglice: "He was probably the best poetry-writing teacher ever."

  6. Commentarius de doctrina Roethkiana,

  7. Anglice: "in my opinion the greatest poet this country has yet produced."

  8. The New York Review of Books, Vitae poetae.

Bibliographia |

  • Kunitz, Stanley. 2002. Stanley Kunitz on Theodore Roethke. Crossroads, vere.

  • McKenna, John J. 1998 Roethke's Revisions and the Tone of 'My Papa's Waltz.' ANQ 11(2):34.

  • Rāmakr̥ṣṇan, I. Vi. 1988. Crisis and confession: studies in the poetry of Theodore Roethke, Robert Lowell, and Sylvia Plath. Dellii: Chanakya Publications. ISBN 81-7001-034-9.

  • Ross-Bryant, Lynn. 1981. Theodore Roethke: poetry of the earth, poet of the spirit. Port Washington Novi Eboraci: Kennikat Press. ISBN 0-8046-9270-X.

  • Schweizer, Harold. 1985. I was never his son, not I: The poetry of Theodore Roethke. Bernae et Novi Eboraci: P. Lang. ISBN 3-261-04093-9 (charta).

  • Southworth, James G. 1960. The Poetry of Theodore Roethke. College English 21(6):326–330, 335–338.

  • Walker, Linda Robinson. 2001. Theodore Roethke: Michigan's Poet. Michigan Today, aestate.

Nexus externi |


Vicicitatio habet citationes quae ad Theodorum Roethke spectant.

  • Amici Roethke, (Friends of Roethke)

  • Biographia, (Washington State History)

  • Biographia, (PBS)

  • De Roethke, (Modern American Poetry)

  • Opera ab / de Theodorus Roethke in bibliothecis (in catalogo WorldCat)

  • Roethke apud NNDB,

  • Roethke Memorial Poetry Readings at University of Washington,

  • "Salvaged Poems of Theodore Roethke: recollected by an old friend," (ArtsEditor)

  • Theodore Roethke, (Find-a-Grave)

  • "Theodore Roethke Remembered,"

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