Mutatio technologica Nexus interni Notae | Bibliographia | Tabula navigationisTechnical changeBiased and unbiased technological changeSkill-biased technical changeAbstractum et pars.A fault in our designThe golden quarter: Some of our greatest cultural and technological achievements took place between 1945 and 1971. Why has progress stalled?

InnovatioInventionesMutatio socialisTechnologia

inventionisinnovationisdiffusionistechnologiaerationuminventiocommercializatioinvestigationem et evolutionemtechnologias emergentisameliorationem continuamindustriamsocietatemdisturbationemconvergentiam

Mutatio technologica[1] est tota inventionis, innovationis, et diffusionis technologiae vel rationum ratio.[2][3] Mutatio technologica penitus est inventio technologiarum (rationibus inclusis) et earum commercializatio per investigationem et evolutionem (technologias emergentis efficiens), ameliorationem continuam technologiarum (in qua minus pretiosae saepe fiunt), et diffusionem technologiarum per industriam vel societatem (quae aliquando disturbationem et convergentiam implicat). Ad summam, mutatio technologica in technologiam meliorem et plurem nititur.

Exemplar trium vicium rationis mutationis technologicae. Tabula Anglice signata.

Nexus interni

  • Capitale

  • Conversio industriae

  • Historia technologiae

  • Innovatio

Notae |

  1. Etiam evolutio technologica, res gesta technologica, et progressus technologicus appellata.

  2. Ex Jaffe et al. (2002) Environmental Policy and technological Change et Schumpeter (1942) Capitalism, Socialisme and Democracy a Joost.vp die 26 Augusti 2008.

  3. Ex The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, ed. 2a (2008), nexibus:
      • "Technical change" by S. Metcalfe.
      • "Biased and unbiased technological change" a Petro L. Rousseau.
      • "Skill-biased technical change" a Giovanni L. Violante.

Bibliographia |

  • Green, L. 2001. Technoculture. Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest.

  • Jones, Charles I. 1997. Introduction to Economic Growth. Novi Eboraci: W. W. Norton. ISBN 0393971740.

  • Kuhn, Thomas Samuel. 1996. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Ed 1a. Sicagi: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0226458083.

  • Mansfield, Edwin. 2003. Microeconomic Theory and Applications. Ed. 11a. Novi Eboraci: W. W. Norton ISBN 0393979180.

  • Rogers, Everett. 2003. Diffusion of Innovations. Ed. 5a. Free Press. ISBN 0743222091/

  • Danna, W. 2007. They Had a Satellite and They Knew How to Use It. American Journalism 24(2):87–110. Abstractum et pars.

  • Dickey, Colin. 2015. A fault in our design. Aeon.

  • Hanlon, Michael. 2014. The golden quarter: Some of our greatest cultural and technological achievements took place between 1945 and 1971. Why has progress stalled? Aeon

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