Bignoniaceae Genera | Bibliographia | Nexus interniTabula navigationisBignoniaceae.The families of flowering plants, ed. L. Watson et M. J. Dallwitz.iPlantsAmplifica

BignoniaceaeFamiliae plantarum ex hominibus appellataeLianaePlantae ornamentalesTaxa Jussieu

plantarum florentiumordinisLamialiumfamiliaspeciesgeneribusarboresfruticeslianaeplantaeplantae herbaceaeIoanne Paulo BignonIosepho Pitton de Tournefort1694plantae ornamentalesfloreshorticultura


Amphitecna macrophylla











Genus typicum


Vide commentarium.


Crescentiaceae Dum.

Dolichandrone falcata in Hyderabad Indiae.

Bignoniaceae sunt plantarum florentium ordinis Lamialium familia, quae circa 650–750 species in 116–120 generibus comprehendit. Membra familiae plerumque sunt arbores et frutices, et rarius lianae (plantae generum Podraneae et Macfadyenae) et plantae herbaceae. Familia et genus Bignonia ex Ioanne Paulo Bignon ab Iosepho Pitton de Tournefort eius discipulo anno 1694 appellabantur.

Multae huius familiae species sunt plantae ornamentales, praecipue ob magnos et saepe coloratissimos flores. Gravis familiae species est Crescentia cujete, et gravia genera in horticultura culta sunt Campsis, Catalpa, Jacaranda, Kigelia, Pandorea, Spathodea, et Tabebuia.

Genera |

Tribus Bignonieae
  • Adenocalymna

  • Amphilophium

  • Anemopaegma

  • Arrabidaea

  • Bignonia

  • Callichlamys

  • Ceratophytum

  • Clytostoma

  • Cuspidaria

  • Cydista

  • Distictella

  • Distictis

  • Dolichandra

  • Fridericia

  • Gardnerodoxa

  • Glaziova

  • Haplolophium

  • Leucocalantha

  • Lundia

  • Macfadyena

  • Macranthisiphon

  • Manaosella

  • Mansoa

  • Martinella

  • Melloa

  • Memora

  • Mussatia

  • Neojobertia

  • Parabignonia

  • Paragonia

  • Periarrabidaea

  • Phryganocydia

  • Piriadacus

  • Pithecoctenium

  • Pleonotoma

  • Potamoganos

  • Pseudocatalpa

  • Pyrostegia

  • Roentgenia

  • Saritaea

  • Spathicalyx

  • Sphingiphila

  • Stizophyllum

  • Tanaecium

  • Tynanthus

  • Xylophragma

Tribus Coleeae
  • Colea

  • Kigelia

  • Ophiocolea

  • Phyllarthron

  • Phylloctenium

  • Rhodocolea

Tribus Crescentieae
  • Amphitecna

  • Crescentia

  • Parmentiera

Tribus Eccremocarpeae
  • Eccremocarpus
Tribus Oroxyleae
  • Hieris

  • Meliosma

  • Nyctcalos

  • Oroxylum

Tribus Tecomeae
  • Argylia

  • Astianthus

  • Campsidium

  • Campsis

  • Catalpa

  • Catophractes

  • Chilopsis

  • Cybistax

  • Delostoma

  • Deplanchea

  • Digomphia

  • Dinklageodoxa

  • Dolichandrone

  • Ekmanianthe

  • Fernandoa

  • Godmania

  • Haplophragma

  • Heterophragma

  • Incarvillea

  • Jacaranda

  • Lamiodendron

  • Markhamia

  • Neosepicaea

  • Newbouldia

  • Pajanelia

  • Pandorea

  • Paratecoma

  • Pauldopia

  • Perianthomega

  • Perichlaena

  • Podranea

  • Radermachera

  • Rhigozum

  • Romeroa

  • Santisukia

  • Sparattosperma

  • Spathodea

  • Spirotecoma

  • Stereospermum

  • Tabebuia

  • Tecoma

  • Tecomanthe

  • Tecomella

  • Zeyheria

Tribus Tourrettieae
  • Tourrettia

Bibliographia |

Tecomaria capensis in Hyderabad Indiae.


Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Bignoniaceas spectant.

Vide Bignoniaceae apud Vicispecies.
  • Gentry, A. H. 1980. Flora Neotropica: Bignoniaceae: Part I (tribes Crescentieae and Tourrettieae. Flora Neotropica Monograph 25 (1): 1–150.

  • Gentry, A. H. 1992. Flora Neotropica: Bignoniaceae: Part II ( tribe Tecomeae). Flora Neotropica Monograph 25 (2): 1–130.

  • Lohmann, L. G. 2006. Untangling the phylogeny of neotropical lianas (Bignonieae—Bignoniaceae). American Journal of Botany 93 (2): 304–318.

  • Bignoniaceae. 1992 et post. In The families of flowering plants, ed. L. Watson et M. J. Dallwitz.

  • iPlants

Nexus interni

  • Catalpa brevipes

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