Possessiones transmarinae Anglicae Nexus interni Bibliographia | Tabula navigationisColonial Self-Government, 1652-1689.English Colonies in America: Virginia, Maryland and the Carolinas.English Colonies in America: The Puritan colonies.The English in America: The Colonies under the House of Hanover.in JSTOR.in JSTOR.Editio interretialisThe Plantation Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, 1625–1775.AmplificaAmplifica

Coloniae Regni BritanniarumHistoria AmericaeHistoria Angliae

transmarinaRegno Anglicoduosaeculacolonizata1707Actiones UnionisScotiaeBritanniarum RegnumImperii BritanniciHiberniaAmerica SeptentrionaliBermudaIndis Occidentalibusstationibus commerciifabricaeIndis OrientalibusBantamsubcontinente IndicoSurat1639Castellum Sancti Georgiicastellorumlitore1661matrimoniumRegis Caroli IICatherinae BraganzensisdotisPortugalensesTingisAfrica SeptentrionaliMumbaiIndiaDominio Terra NovaColonia Virginiasaeculum septimum decimumProvincia CenomannicaProvincia Nova HantoniaSalemColonia Sinus MassachusettensiumNova ScotiaColonia ConnecticutaProvincia Terra MariaeColonia Insula Rhodensis1664Nova NederlandiaNova SueciaNederlandiaProvincia Novum EboracumProvincia Nova CaesareaDelavariaePennsylvaniae

Possessiones transmarinae Anglicae anno 1700.

Exemplar Matthew, navis Ioannis Cabot, exploratoris Anglici.

Possessiones transmarinae Anglicae fuerunt territoria transmarina quae a Regno Anglico per plus quam duo saecula colonizata, victa, vel aliter capta sunt ante 1707, cum Actiones Unionis Angliae et Scotiae Britanniarum Regnum crearent. Hae possessiones Anglicae fundamenta Imperii Britannici factae sunt.

Primae deductiones Anglicae in possessiones transmarinas in Hibernia constitutae sunt, tum post paullo in America Septentrionali, Bermuda, et Indis Occidentalibus, atque in stationibus commercii (fabricae in Indis Orientalibus appellatis), sicut Bantam, et in subcontinente Indico, quarum prima fuit Surat. Anno 1639, Castellum Sancti Georgii seriem coepit castellorum Anglicorum in litore Indico institutam. Anno 1661, matrimonium Regis Caroli II et Catherinae Braganzensis Angliae tulit partem eius dotis novas possessiones quae olim Portugalenses fuerant, inter quas Tingis in Africa Septentrionali et Mumbai in India.

In America Septentrionali, Dominio Terra Nova et Colonia Virginia fuerunt primae sedes colonizationis Anglicae. Per saeculum septimum decimum, Provincia Cenomannica, Provincia Nova Hantonia, Salem, Colonia Sinus Massachusettensium, Nova Scotia, Colonia Connecticuta, Provincia Terra Mariae, et Colonia Insula Rhodensis conditae sunt. Anno 1664, Nova Nederlandia et Nova Suecia a Nederlandia arreptae sunt, ut fierent Provincia Novum Eboracum, Provincia Nova Caesarea, et partes Delavariae et Pennsylvaniae.

Nexus interni

  • Historiographia Imperii Britannici

  • Plantationes Hiberniae

  • Scotica Americarum colonizatio

  • Tredecim Coloniae

Bibliographia |

  • Adams, James Truslow. 1927. The History of New England. Bostoniae: Little, Brown.

  • Andrews, Charles M. 1934-1938. The Colonial Period of American History. 4 voll.

  • Andrews, Charles M. 1904. Colonial Self-Government, 1652-1689.

  • Bayly, C. A. ed. 1989. Atlas of the British Empire.

  • Black, Jeremy. 2004. The British Seaborne Empire.

  • Canny, Nicholas, ed. 1998–1999. "The Origins of Empire." The Oxford History of the British Empire, vol. 1, ed. William Roger Louis.

  • Coelho, Philip R. P. 1973. The Profitability of Imperialism: The British Experience in the West Indies 1768–1772. Explorations in Economic History 10(3):253–280.

  • Crouch, Nathaniel. 1685. The English Empire in America: Or a Prospect of His Majesties Dominions in the West-Indies. Londinii.

  • Dalziel, Nigel. 2006. The Penguin Historical Atlas of the British Empire.

  • fDoyle, John Andrew. 1882. English Colonies in America: Virginia, Maryland and the Carolinas.

  • Doyle, John Andrew. 1889. English Colonies in America: The Puritan colonies.

  • Doyle, John Andrew. 1907. The English in America: The Colonies under the House of Hanover.

  • Ferguson, Niall. 2002. Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power.

  • Fishkin, Rebecca Love. 2008. English Colonies in America.

  • Foley, Arthur. 2010. The Early English Colonies. Sadler Phillips.

  • Gipson, Lawrence. 1936– 1970. The British Empire Before the American Revolution. 15 voll.

  • Morris, Richard B. 1967. The Spacious Empire of Lawrence Henry Gipson. William and Mary Quarterly 24(2):169189. in JSTOR.

  • Green, William A. 1977. Caribbean Historiography, 1600–1900: The Recent Tide. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 7(3):509–530. in JSTOR.

  • Greene, Jack P. 1986. Peripheries & Center: Constitutional Development in the Extended Polities of the British Empire & the United States, 1607–1788.

  • James, Lawrence. 1997. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire.

  • Jernegan, Marcus Wilson. 1959. The American Colonies, 1492–1750.

  • Koot, Christian J. 2011. Empire at the Periphery: British Colonists, Anglo-Dutch Trade, and the Development of the British Atlantic, 1621–1713.

  • Knorr, Klaus E. 1944. British Colonial Theories 1570–1850.

  • McDermott, James. 2001. Martin Frobisher: Elizabethan Privateer. Portu Novo: Yale University Press.

  • Marshall, P. J., ed. 1996. The Cambridge Illustrated History of the British Empire.

  • O'Shaughnessy, Andrew Jackson. 2000. Empire Divided: The American Revolution & the British Caribbean.

  • Parker, Lewis K. 2003. English Colonies in the Americas.

  • Payne, Edward John. 1893, 1900. Voyages of the Elizabethan Seamen to America. Vol. 1, 1893; vol. 2, 1900.

  • Payne, Edward John. 1892, 1899. History of the New World Called America. Vol. 1, 1892; vol. 2, 1899.

  • Quinn, David B. 1985. Set Fair for Roanoke: Voyages and Colonies, 1584-1606.

  • Rose, J. Holland, A. P. Newton, et E. A. Benians, eds. 1929–1961. The Cambridge History of the British Empire, 9 vols (1929–1961); vol 1: "The Old Empire from the Beginnings to 1783." Editio interretialis.

  • Sheridan, Richard B. 1969. The Plantation Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, 1625–1775. Caribbean Studies 9(3):5–25.

  • Sitwell, Sidney Mary, Growth of the English Colonies (new ed. 2010)

  • Thomas, Robert Paul. 1968. The Sugar Colonies of the Old Empire: Profit or Loss for Great Britain. Economic History Review 21(1):30–45.

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Haec stipula ad geographiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!

David's face

Haec stipula ad historiam spectat. Amplifica, si potes!

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