Pinacotheca Shakesperiana Boydell Index Shakesperius Pictura et Poësi sectatoribus | Editiones operum in pinacotheca ostensorum | Nexus interni Notae | Nexus externi | Bibliographia | Tabula navigationisTextus apud archive.orgPraefatio et commentationes huius editionisShakespeare IllustratedThe Boydell Gallery (1789-1805) and BeyondIntroductionShakespeare in ArtShakespeare in Pictorial ArtVolumes 29 and 30: St James Westminster, Part 1

Appellationes conversaeGulielmus ShakesperiusConstituta 1786Pinacotheca Shakesperiana Boydell

LondiniiWestmonasterii1786Ioanne BoydellGulielmi Shakesperii1805Thomasso Banks

Aedificium olim pinacothecae dedicatum, anno 1851 in Institutum Britannicum conversum

Puck, tabula a Iosue Reynolds anno 1789 ad Pinacothecam Shakesperianam Boydell picta

Pinacotheca Shakesperiana Boydell,[1] vulgo Boydell Shakespeare Gallery, Londinii in domo no. 52 Pall Mall Westmonasterii mense Novembri 1786 condita est ab editore Ioanne Boydell, qui et volumina imaginum divulgare voluit et editionem operum Gulielmi Shakesperii illustratam. Anno 1805, his libris editis, pinacotheca terminata est.


  • 1 Shakesperius Pictura et Poësi sectatoribus

  • 2 Editiones operum in pinacotheca ostensorum

  • 3 Nexus interni

  • 4 Notae

  • 5 Nexus externi

  • 6 Bibliographia

Shakesperius Pictura et Poësi sectatoribus |

Sculptura "Shakesperius Pictura et Poësi sectatoribus", quae olim ad frontem aedificii videbatur, a Thomasso Banks iussu Ioannis Boydell confecta est.

Editiones operum in pinacotheca ostensorum |

  • 1802 : George Steevens, ed., The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. London: Shakespeare Printing Office, for John and Josiah Boydell and George W. Nicol

  • 1805 : Collection of Prints, From Pictures Painted for the Purpose of Illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, by the Artists of Great-Britain. Londinii: John and Josiah Boydell

  • 1864 : The Shakespeare Gallery: A Reproduction Commemorative of the Tercentenary Anniversary, MDCCCLXIV. Londinii: Routledge Textus apud

  • 1968 : The Boydell Shakespeare Prints. New York: Benjamin Blom

  • 1996 : Walter Pape, Frederick Burwick, edd., The Boydell Shakespeare Gallery. Bottrop: Verlag Peter Pomp, 1996. ISBN 3-89355-134-4 Praefatio et commentationes huius editionis apud Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft

Nexus interni

  • Index operum in Pinacotheca Shakesperiana Boydell ostensorum

Notae |

  1. Haec appellatio a Vicipaediano e lingua indigena in sermonem Latinum conversa est. Extra Vicipaediam huius locutionis testificatio vix inveniri potest.

Nexus externi |


Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Pinacothecam Shakesperianam Boydell spectant.

  • Shakespeare Illustrated apud Universitatem Emory

  • The Boydell Gallery (1789-1805) and Beyond apud Bibliothecam Shakesperianam Folger

Bibliographia |

  • Altick, Richard D. Paintings from Books: Art and Literature in Britain, 1760–1900. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1985. ISBN 0-8142-0380-9.

  • Boase, T.S.R. "Illustrations of Shakespeare's Plays in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries". Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 10 (1947): 83–108.

  • Bruntjen, Sven Hermann Arnold. John Boydell (1719–1804): A Study of Art Patronage and Publishing in Georgian London. New York: Garland Publishing, 1985. ISBN 0-8240-6880-7.

  • Burwick, Frederick. "Introduction" in Walter Pape, Frederick Burwick, edd., The Boydell Shakespeare Gallery (Bottrop: Verlag Peter Pomp, 1996. ISBN 3-89355-134-4)

  • Burwick, Frederick. "The Romantic Reception of the Boydell Shakespeare Gallery: Lamb, Coleridge, Hazlitt" in Walter Pape, Frederick Burwick, edd., The Boydell Shakespeare Gallery (Bottrop: Verlag Peter Pomp, 1996. ISBN 3-89355-134-4)

  • Dobson, Michael. The Making of the National Poet: Shakespeare, Adaptation, and Authorship, 1660–1769. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. ISBN 0-19-811233-5.

  • Egerton, Judy. National Gallery Catalogues (new series): The British School, 1998, ISBN 1-85709-170-1

  • Franklin, Colin. Shakespeare Domesticated: The Eighteenth-century Editions. Hants, England: Scolar Press, 1991. ISBN 0-85967-834-2.

  • Friedman, Winifred H. Boydell's Shakespeare Gallery. New York: Garland Publishing Inc., 1976. ISBN 0-8240-1987-3.

  • Gage, John. "Boydell’s Shakespeare and the Redemption of British Engraving". The Boydell Shakespeare Gallery. Eds. Walter Pape and Frederick Burwick. Bottrop, Essen: Verlag Peter Pomp, 1996. ISBN 3-89355-134-4.

  • Hammerschmidt-Hummel, Hildegard. "Boydell’s Shakespeare Gallery and Its Role in Promoting English History Painting". The Boydell Shakespeare Gallery. Eds. Walter Pape and Frederick Burwick. Bottrop, Essen: Verlag Peter Pomp, 1996. ISBN 3-89355-134-4.

  • Hartmann, Sadakichi. Shakespeare in Art. Art Lovers' Series. Boston: L. C. Page & Co., 1901.

  • Lennox-Boyd, Christopher. "The Prints Themselves: Production, Marketing, and their Survival". The Boydell Shakespeare Gallery. Eds. Walter Pape and Frederick Burwick. Bottrop, Essen: Verlag Peter Pomp, 1996. ISBN 3-89355-134-4.

  • McCalman, Iain. An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age: British Culture, 1776–1832. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-19-924543-6.

  • Merchant, W. Moelwyn. Shakespeare and the Artist. London: Oxford University Press, 1959.

  • Salaman, Malcolm C. Shakespeare in Pictorial Art. Ed. Charles Holme. 1916. New York: Benjamin Blom, Inc., 1971.

  • Santaniello, A. E. "Introduction" in The Boydell Shakespeare Prints. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1968.

  • Sheppard, F.H.W. Survey of London: Volumes 29 and 30: St James Westminster, Part 1. London: Athlone Press for London County Council, 1960. Retrieved on 2 February 2008.

  • Sherbo, Arthur. The Achievement of George Steevens. New York: Peter Lang, 1990.

  • Taylor, Gary. Reinventing Shakespeare: A Cultural History, from the Restoration to the Present. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989. ISBN 1-55584-078-7.

  • Wenner, Evelyn Wingate. George Steevens and the Boydell Shakespeare. Diss. George Washington University, 1951.

  • West, Shearer. "John Boydell". Grove Dictionary of Art. Ed. Jane Turner. London; New York: Grove/Macmillan, 1996. ISBN 1-884446-00-0. Retrieved on 26 November 2007.

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