How to draw manifolds charts with TikZ? The Next CEO of Stack OverflowDrawing manifolds in tikzHow to draw a QOC diagram maybe with TikZHow to draw Area ChartsHow can I draw Indian horoscope charts?How can I draw a helio charts?TikZ: Drawing an arc from an intersection to an intersectionHow to make Pie charts in Tikz?Drawing manifolds in tikzTikz Pie ChartsHow to draw two charts in same figure using tikz?Drawing Earth charts with TikZ
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How to draw manifolds charts with TikZ?
The Next CEO of Stack OverflowDrawing manifolds in tikzHow to draw a QOC diagram maybe with TikZHow to draw Area ChartsHow can I draw Indian horoscope charts?How can I draw a helio charts?TikZ: Drawing an arc from an intersection to an intersectionHow to make Pie charts in Tikz?Drawing manifolds in tikzTikz Pie ChartsHow to draw two charts in same figure using tikz?Drawing Earth charts with TikZ
I'm quite new to TikZ, so I would love to get some help with the drawing! What I intended to draw was not exactly what is shown in the picture, as that is probably not possible. I only want to draw a similar photo within the boundaries of TikZ. That is, the surfaces themselves don't have to curve exactly like the ones in the photo.
Here is the code
usetikzlibrarypatterns, positioning, arrows
% Functions i
path[->] (0.8, 0) edge [bend right] node[left, xshift=-2mm] $phi_i$ (-1, -2.9);
draw[white,fill=white] (0.06,-0.57) circle (.15cm);
path[->] (-0.7, -3.05) edge [bend right] node [right, yshift=-3mm] $phi^-1_i$ (1.093, -0.11);
draw[white, fill=white] (0.95,-1.2) circle (.15cm);
% Functions j
path[->] (5.8, -2.8) edge [bend left] node[midway, xshift=-5mm, yshift=-3mm] $phi^-1_j$ (3.8, -0.35);
draw[white, fill=white] (4,-1.1) circle (.15cm);
path[->] (4.2, 0) edge [bend left] node[right, xshift=2mm] $phi_j$ (6.2, -2.8);
draw[white, fill=white] (4.54,-0.12) circle (.15cm);
% Manifold
draw[smooth cycle, tension=0.4, fill=white, pattern color=brown, pattern=north west lines, opacity=0.7] plot coordinates(2,2) (-0.5,0) (3,-2) (5,1) node at (3,2.3) $M$;
% Help lines
%draw[help lines] (-3,-6) grid (8,6);
% Subsets
draw[smooth cycle, pattern color=orange, pattern=crosshatch dots] plot coordinates (1,0) (1.5, 1.2) (2.5,1.3) (2.6, 0.4);
node [label=[label distance=-0.3cm, xshift=-2cm, fill=white]:$U_i$] ;
draw[smooth cycle, pattern color=blue, pattern=crosshatch dots]
plot coordinates (4, 0) (3.7, 0.8) (3.0, 1.2) (2.5, 1.2) (2.2, 0.8) (2.3, 0.5) (2.6, 0.3) (3.5, 0.0); node [label=[label distance=-0.8cm, xshift=.75cm, yshift=1cm, fill=white]:$U_j$] ;
% First Axis
draw[thick, ->] (-3,-5) -- (0, -5) node [label=above:$phi_i(U_i)$] ;
draw[thick, ->] (-3,-5) -- (-3, -2) node [label=right:$mathbbR^m$] ;
% Arrow from i to j
draw[->] (0, -3.85) -- node[midway, above]$psi_ij$ (4.5, -3.85);
% Second Axis
draw[thick, ->] (5, -5) -- (8, -5) node [label=above:$phi_j(U_j)$] ;
draw[thick, ->] (5, -5) -- (5, -2) node [label=right:$mathbbR^m$] ;
% Sets in R^m
draw[white, pattern color=orange, pattern=crosshatch dots] (-0.67, -3.06) -- +(180:0.8) arc (180:270:0.8);
fill[even odd rule, white] [smooth cycle] plot coordinates(-2, -4.5) (-2, -3.2) (-0.8, -3.2) (-0.8, -4.5) (-0.67, -3.06) -- +(180:0.8) arc (180:270:0.8);
draw[smooth cycle] plot coordinates(-2, -4.5) (-2, -3.2) (-0.8, -3.2) (-0.8, -4.5);
draw (-1.45, -3.06) arc (180:270:0.8);
draw[white, pattern color=blue, pattern=crosshatch dots] (5.7, -3.06) -- +(-90:0.8) arc (-90:0:0.8);
fill[even odd rule, white] [smooth cycle] plot coordinates(7, -4.5) (7, -3.2) (5.8, -3.2) (5.8, -4.5) (5.7, -3.06) -- +(-90:0.8) arc (-90:0:0.8);
draw[smooth cycle] plot coordinates(7, -4.5) (7, -3.2) (5.8, -3.2) (5.8, -4.5);
draw (5.69, -3.85) arc (-90:0:0.8);
I don't get anywhere near the figure I need to make.
tikz-pgf macros
add a comment |
I'm quite new to TikZ, so I would love to get some help with the drawing! What I intended to draw was not exactly what is shown in the picture, as that is probably not possible. I only want to draw a similar photo within the boundaries of TikZ. That is, the surfaces themselves don't have to curve exactly like the ones in the photo.
Here is the code
usetikzlibrarypatterns, positioning, arrows
% Functions i
path[->] (0.8, 0) edge [bend right] node[left, xshift=-2mm] $phi_i$ (-1, -2.9);
draw[white,fill=white] (0.06,-0.57) circle (.15cm);
path[->] (-0.7, -3.05) edge [bend right] node [right, yshift=-3mm] $phi^-1_i$ (1.093, -0.11);
draw[white, fill=white] (0.95,-1.2) circle (.15cm);
% Functions j
path[->] (5.8, -2.8) edge [bend left] node[midway, xshift=-5mm, yshift=-3mm] $phi^-1_j$ (3.8, -0.35);
draw[white, fill=white] (4,-1.1) circle (.15cm);
path[->] (4.2, 0) edge [bend left] node[right, xshift=2mm] $phi_j$ (6.2, -2.8);
draw[white, fill=white] (4.54,-0.12) circle (.15cm);
% Manifold
draw[smooth cycle, tension=0.4, fill=white, pattern color=brown, pattern=north west lines, opacity=0.7] plot coordinates(2,2) (-0.5,0) (3,-2) (5,1) node at (3,2.3) $M$;
% Help lines
%draw[help lines] (-3,-6) grid (8,6);
% Subsets
draw[smooth cycle, pattern color=orange, pattern=crosshatch dots] plot coordinates (1,0) (1.5, 1.2) (2.5,1.3) (2.6, 0.4);
node [label=[label distance=-0.3cm, xshift=-2cm, fill=white]:$U_i$] ;
draw[smooth cycle, pattern color=blue, pattern=crosshatch dots]
plot coordinates (4, 0) (3.7, 0.8) (3.0, 1.2) (2.5, 1.2) (2.2, 0.8) (2.3, 0.5) (2.6, 0.3) (3.5, 0.0); node [label=[label distance=-0.8cm, xshift=.75cm, yshift=1cm, fill=white]:$U_j$] ;
% First Axis
draw[thick, ->] (-3,-5) -- (0, -5) node [label=above:$phi_i(U_i)$] ;
draw[thick, ->] (-3,-5) -- (-3, -2) node [label=right:$mathbbR^m$] ;
% Arrow from i to j
draw[->] (0, -3.85) -- node[midway, above]$psi_ij$ (4.5, -3.85);
% Second Axis
draw[thick, ->] (5, -5) -- (8, -5) node [label=above:$phi_j(U_j)$] ;
draw[thick, ->] (5, -5) -- (5, -2) node [label=right:$mathbbR^m$] ;
% Sets in R^m
draw[white, pattern color=orange, pattern=crosshatch dots] (-0.67, -3.06) -- +(180:0.8) arc (180:270:0.8);
fill[even odd rule, white] [smooth cycle] plot coordinates(-2, -4.5) (-2, -3.2) (-0.8, -3.2) (-0.8, -4.5) (-0.67, -3.06) -- +(180:0.8) arc (180:270:0.8);
draw[smooth cycle] plot coordinates(-2, -4.5) (-2, -3.2) (-0.8, -3.2) (-0.8, -4.5);
draw (-1.45, -3.06) arc (180:270:0.8);
draw[white, pattern color=blue, pattern=crosshatch dots] (5.7, -3.06) -- +(-90:0.8) arc (-90:0:0.8);
fill[even odd rule, white] [smooth cycle] plot coordinates(7, -4.5) (7, -3.2) (5.8, -3.2) (5.8, -4.5) (5.7, -3.06) -- +(-90:0.8) arc (-90:0:0.8);
draw[smooth cycle] plot coordinates(7, -4.5) (7, -3.2) (5.8, -3.2) (5.8, -4.5);
draw (5.69, -3.85) arc (-90:0:0.8);
I don't get anywhere near the figure I need to make.
tikz-pgf macros
Welcome to TeX.SE! Here is a code that you may build on. If you have problems adapting it to your needs, you will have a nice basis for a question to post here.
– marmot
Jan 18 at 17:05
Please show us the code you have tried so far. Did you follow the link given in the comment above?
– Kurt
18 hours ago
I tried to use the code given by marmot but I was unable to modify it to make the figure
– user179774
5 hours ago
add a comment |
I'm quite new to TikZ, so I would love to get some help with the drawing! What I intended to draw was not exactly what is shown in the picture, as that is probably not possible. I only want to draw a similar photo within the boundaries of TikZ. That is, the surfaces themselves don't have to curve exactly like the ones in the photo.
Here is the code
usetikzlibrarypatterns, positioning, arrows
% Functions i
path[->] (0.8, 0) edge [bend right] node[left, xshift=-2mm] $phi_i$ (-1, -2.9);
draw[white,fill=white] (0.06,-0.57) circle (.15cm);
path[->] (-0.7, -3.05) edge [bend right] node [right, yshift=-3mm] $phi^-1_i$ (1.093, -0.11);
draw[white, fill=white] (0.95,-1.2) circle (.15cm);
% Functions j
path[->] (5.8, -2.8) edge [bend left] node[midway, xshift=-5mm, yshift=-3mm] $phi^-1_j$ (3.8, -0.35);
draw[white, fill=white] (4,-1.1) circle (.15cm);
path[->] (4.2, 0) edge [bend left] node[right, xshift=2mm] $phi_j$ (6.2, -2.8);
draw[white, fill=white] (4.54,-0.12) circle (.15cm);
% Manifold
draw[smooth cycle, tension=0.4, fill=white, pattern color=brown, pattern=north west lines, opacity=0.7] plot coordinates(2,2) (-0.5,0) (3,-2) (5,1) node at (3,2.3) $M$;
% Help lines
%draw[help lines] (-3,-6) grid (8,6);
% Subsets
draw[smooth cycle, pattern color=orange, pattern=crosshatch dots] plot coordinates (1,0) (1.5, 1.2) (2.5,1.3) (2.6, 0.4);
node [label=[label distance=-0.3cm, xshift=-2cm, fill=white]:$U_i$] ;
draw[smooth cycle, pattern color=blue, pattern=crosshatch dots]
plot coordinates (4, 0) (3.7, 0.8) (3.0, 1.2) (2.5, 1.2) (2.2, 0.8) (2.3, 0.5) (2.6, 0.3) (3.5, 0.0); node [label=[label distance=-0.8cm, xshift=.75cm, yshift=1cm, fill=white]:$U_j$] ;
% First Axis
draw[thick, ->] (-3,-5) -- (0, -5) node [label=above:$phi_i(U_i)$] ;
draw[thick, ->] (-3,-5) -- (-3, -2) node [label=right:$mathbbR^m$] ;
% Arrow from i to j
draw[->] (0, -3.85) -- node[midway, above]$psi_ij$ (4.5, -3.85);
% Second Axis
draw[thick, ->] (5, -5) -- (8, -5) node [label=above:$phi_j(U_j)$] ;
draw[thick, ->] (5, -5) -- (5, -2) node [label=right:$mathbbR^m$] ;
% Sets in R^m
draw[white, pattern color=orange, pattern=crosshatch dots] (-0.67, -3.06) -- +(180:0.8) arc (180:270:0.8);
fill[even odd rule, white] [smooth cycle] plot coordinates(-2, -4.5) (-2, -3.2) (-0.8, -3.2) (-0.8, -4.5) (-0.67, -3.06) -- +(180:0.8) arc (180:270:0.8);
draw[smooth cycle] plot coordinates(-2, -4.5) (-2, -3.2) (-0.8, -3.2) (-0.8, -4.5);
draw (-1.45, -3.06) arc (180:270:0.8);
draw[white, pattern color=blue, pattern=crosshatch dots] (5.7, -3.06) -- +(-90:0.8) arc (-90:0:0.8);
fill[even odd rule, white] [smooth cycle] plot coordinates(7, -4.5) (7, -3.2) (5.8, -3.2) (5.8, -4.5) (5.7, -3.06) -- +(-90:0.8) arc (-90:0:0.8);
draw[smooth cycle] plot coordinates(7, -4.5) (7, -3.2) (5.8, -3.2) (5.8, -4.5);
draw (5.69, -3.85) arc (-90:0:0.8);
I don't get anywhere near the figure I need to make.
tikz-pgf macros
I'm quite new to TikZ, so I would love to get some help with the drawing! What I intended to draw was not exactly what is shown in the picture, as that is probably not possible. I only want to draw a similar photo within the boundaries of TikZ. That is, the surfaces themselves don't have to curve exactly like the ones in the photo.
Here is the code
usetikzlibrarypatterns, positioning, arrows
% Functions i
path[->] (0.8, 0) edge [bend right] node[left, xshift=-2mm] $phi_i$ (-1, -2.9);
draw[white,fill=white] (0.06,-0.57) circle (.15cm);
path[->] (-0.7, -3.05) edge [bend right] node [right, yshift=-3mm] $phi^-1_i$ (1.093, -0.11);
draw[white, fill=white] (0.95,-1.2) circle (.15cm);
% Functions j
path[->] (5.8, -2.8) edge [bend left] node[midway, xshift=-5mm, yshift=-3mm] $phi^-1_j$ (3.8, -0.35);
draw[white, fill=white] (4,-1.1) circle (.15cm);
path[->] (4.2, 0) edge [bend left] node[right, xshift=2mm] $phi_j$ (6.2, -2.8);
draw[white, fill=white] (4.54,-0.12) circle (.15cm);
% Manifold
draw[smooth cycle, tension=0.4, fill=white, pattern color=brown, pattern=north west lines, opacity=0.7] plot coordinates(2,2) (-0.5,0) (3,-2) (5,1) node at (3,2.3) $M$;
% Help lines
%draw[help lines] (-3,-6) grid (8,6);
% Subsets
draw[smooth cycle, pattern color=orange, pattern=crosshatch dots] plot coordinates (1,0) (1.5, 1.2) (2.5,1.3) (2.6, 0.4);
node [label=[label distance=-0.3cm, xshift=-2cm, fill=white]:$U_i$] ;
draw[smooth cycle, pattern color=blue, pattern=crosshatch dots]
plot coordinates (4, 0) (3.7, 0.8) (3.0, 1.2) (2.5, 1.2) (2.2, 0.8) (2.3, 0.5) (2.6, 0.3) (3.5, 0.0); node [label=[label distance=-0.8cm, xshift=.75cm, yshift=1cm, fill=white]:$U_j$] ;
% First Axis
draw[thick, ->] (-3,-5) -- (0, -5) node [label=above:$phi_i(U_i)$] ;
draw[thick, ->] (-3,-5) -- (-3, -2) node [label=right:$mathbbR^m$] ;
% Arrow from i to j
draw[->] (0, -3.85) -- node[midway, above]$psi_ij$ (4.5, -3.85);
% Second Axis
draw[thick, ->] (5, -5) -- (8, -5) node [label=above:$phi_j(U_j)$] ;
draw[thick, ->] (5, -5) -- (5, -2) node [label=right:$mathbbR^m$] ;
% Sets in R^m
draw[white, pattern color=orange, pattern=crosshatch dots] (-0.67, -3.06) -- +(180:0.8) arc (180:270:0.8);
fill[even odd rule, white] [smooth cycle] plot coordinates(-2, -4.5) (-2, -3.2) (-0.8, -3.2) (-0.8, -4.5) (-0.67, -3.06) -- +(180:0.8) arc (180:270:0.8);
draw[smooth cycle] plot coordinates(-2, -4.5) (-2, -3.2) (-0.8, -3.2) (-0.8, -4.5);
draw (-1.45, -3.06) arc (180:270:0.8);
draw[white, pattern color=blue, pattern=crosshatch dots] (5.7, -3.06) -- +(-90:0.8) arc (-90:0:0.8);
fill[even odd rule, white] [smooth cycle] plot coordinates(7, -4.5) (7, -3.2) (5.8, -3.2) (5.8, -4.5) (5.7, -3.06) -- +(-90:0.8) arc (-90:0:0.8);
draw[smooth cycle] plot coordinates(7, -4.5) (7, -3.2) (5.8, -3.2) (5.8, -4.5);
draw (5.69, -3.85) arc (-90:0:0.8);
I don't get anywhere near the figure I need to make.
tikz-pgf macros
tikz-pgf macros
edited 6 hours ago


asked Jan 18 at 17:00
Welcome to TeX.SE! Here is a code that you may build on. If you have problems adapting it to your needs, you will have a nice basis for a question to post here.
– marmot
Jan 18 at 17:05
Please show us the code you have tried so far. Did you follow the link given in the comment above?
– Kurt
18 hours ago
I tried to use the code given by marmot but I was unable to modify it to make the figure
– user179774
5 hours ago
add a comment |
Welcome to TeX.SE! Here is a code that you may build on. If you have problems adapting it to your needs, you will have a nice basis for a question to post here.
– marmot
Jan 18 at 17:05
Please show us the code you have tried so far. Did you follow the link given in the comment above?
– Kurt
18 hours ago
I tried to use the code given by marmot but I was unable to modify it to make the figure
– user179774
5 hours ago
Welcome to TeX.SE! Here is a code that you may build on. If you have problems adapting it to your needs, you will have a nice basis for a question to post here.
– marmot
Jan 18 at 17:05
Welcome to TeX.SE! Here is a code that you may build on. If you have problems adapting it to your needs, you will have a nice basis for a question to post here.
– marmot
Jan 18 at 17:05
Please show us the code you have tried so far. Did you follow the link given in the comment above?
– Kurt
18 hours ago
Please show us the code you have tried so far. Did you follow the link given in the comment above?
– Kurt
18 hours ago
I tried to use the code given by marmot but I was unable to modify it to make the figure
– user179774
5 hours ago
I tried to use the code given by marmot but I was unable to modify it to make the figure
– user179774
5 hours ago
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Welcome to TeX.SE! Here is a code that you may build on. If you have problems adapting it to your needs, you will have a nice basis for a question to post here.
– marmot
Jan 18 at 17:05
Please show us the code you have tried so far. Did you follow the link given in the comment above?
– Kurt
18 hours ago
I tried to use the code given by marmot but I was unable to modify it to make the figure
– user179774
5 hours ago