Ioannes Jay Bibliographia | Nexus externi | Tabula navigationisSecuring American Independence: John Jay and the French Alliance apud www.questia.comConlectio epistularum 217 a Ioanne Jay scriptarum, ab 1776 ad 1827.

ViriNati 1745Mortui 1829Alumni Universitatis ColumbiaeAuctores AngliciConditores Civitatum FoederatarumEpiscopaliani AmericaniGubernatores Novi EboraciIudicesIuris consultiLegati Civitatum FoederatarumScriptores Civitatum FoederatarumSummi Iudices Civitatum FoederatarumSummi Iudices Novi Eboraci

Novi Eboraci12 Decembris1745Bedford17 Maii1829Conditoribus Civitatum FoederatarumAngliceAmericanusscriptorvir rerum civilium peritusvir reipublicae peritissimusrevolutionariuslegatusSummus Iudex Novi EboraciGubernator Novi EboraciPraeses Congressus ContinentalisSummus Iudex Civitatum FoederatarumAlexandro HamiltonIacobo MadisonFactionis FoederalistaeservitutisNovo Eboraco

Schlaegel und eisen yellow.svg -2 Latinitas huius rei dubia est. Corrige si potes. Vide latinitas.

Wikidata-logo.svg Ioannes Jay

Res apud Vicidata repertae:

Ioannes Jay: imago

Ioannes Jay: subscriptio

Nativitas: 12 Decembris 1745; Novum Eboracum
Obitus: 17 Maii 1829; Westchester Comitatus
Patria: Civitates Foederatae Americae


Officium: President of the Continental Congress, United States Ambassador to Spain, United States Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Civitatum Foederatarum Secretarius Civitatis, Iudex Maximus Civitatum Foederatarum, Governor of New York
Munus: Iudex, Causidicus, Legatus, Politicus


Factio: Federalist Party
Religio: Ecclesia Episcopalis


Coniunx: Sarah Jay
Proles: William Jay, Peter A. Jay


Laurae: Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Ioannes Jay (Novi Eboraci natus die 12 Decembris 1745; Bedford in oppido die 17 Maii 1829 mortuus), unus ex Conditoribus Civitatum Foederatarum (Anglice: Founding Fathers of the United States), fuit Americanus iurisconsultus, scriptor, vir rerum civilium peritus (politician), vir reipublicae peritissimus (statesman), revolutionarius, legatus (diplomat), Summus Iudex Novi Eboraci, Gubernator Novi Eboraci, Praeses Congressus Continentalis, et primus Summus Iudex Civitatum Foederatarum. Series libellorum Federalist Papers cum Alexandro Hamilton et Iacobo Madison conscripsit. Ipse dux Factionis Foederalistae fuit gravissimus servitutis adversarius in Novo Eboraco.

Bibliographia |

  • Bemis, Samuel F. 1923. Jay's Treaty: A Study in Commerce and Diplomacy. Novi Eboraci: The Macmillan Company

  • Brecher, Frank W. 2003. Securing American Independence: John Jay and the French Alliance. Securing American Independence: John Jay and the French Alliance apud Praeger.

  • Casto, William R. 1995. The Supreme Court in the Early Republic: The Chief Justiceships of John Jay and Oliver Ellsworth. U. of South Carolina Press.

  • Combs, Jerald. A. 1970. The Jay Treaty: Political Background of Founding Fathers. ISBN 0-520-01573-8.

  • Elkins, Stanley M., et Eric McKitrick. 1994. The Age of Federalism: The Early American Republic, 1788-1800.

  • Estes, Todd. 2002. "John Jay, the Concept of Deference, and the Transformation of Early American Political Culture." Historian 65(2):293–317. ISSN 0018-2370.

  • Ferguson, Robert A. 1999. "The Forgotten Publius: John Jay and the Aesthetics of Ratification." Early American Literature 34(3):223–240. ISSN 0012-8163.

  • Johnson, Herbert A. 2000. "John Jay and the Supreme Court." New York History 81(1):59–90. ISSN 0146-437X.

  • Kaminski, John P. 2000. "Shall We Have a King? John Jay and the Politics of Union." New York History 81(1):31–58. ISSN 0146-437X.

  • Kaminski, John P. 2002. "Honor and Interest: John Jay's Diplomacy During the Confederation." New York History 83(3):293–327. ISSN 0146-437X.

  • Kefer, Peter. 2004. Charles Brockden Brown's Revolution and the Birth of American Gothic.

  • Klein, Milton M. 2000. "John Jay and the Revolution." New York History 81(1):19–30. ISSN 0146-437X.

  • Littlefield, Daniel C. 2000. "John Jay, the Revolutionary Generation, and Slavery." New York History 81(1):91–132. ISSN 0146-437X.

  • Michael, William Henry. 1902. History of the Department of State of the United States.

  • Monaghan, Frank. 1972. John Jay: Defender of Liberty.

  • Morris, Richard B. 1965. The Peacemakers: The Great Powers and American Independence.

  • Morris, Richard B. 1973. Seven Who Shaped Our Destiny: The Founding Fathers as Revolutionaries.

  • Morris, Richard B. 1985. Witness at the Creation; Hamilton, Madison, Jay and the Constitution.

  • Morris, Richard B., ed. 1980. John Jay: The Winning of the Peace. ISBN 978-0-06-013048-0.

  • Pellew, George. 1890. John Jay. Houghton Mifflin Company.

  • Perkins, Bradford. 1955. The First Rapprochement; England and the United States: 1795–1805. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Nexus externi |


Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Ioannem Jay spectant.

  • Conlectio epistularum 217 a Ioanne Jay scriptarum, ab 1776 ad 1827.

Iudices praesides Summi Iudicii Civitatum Foederatarum

Vexillum Summi Iudicii Civitatum Foederatarum

Ioannes Jay · Ioannes Rutledge · Oliverius Ellsworth · Ioannes Marshall · Rogerius Taney · Salmon Chase · Morrison Waite · Melville Fuller · Eduardus White · Gulielmus Howard Taft · Carolus Hughes · Harlan Stone · Fridericus Vinson · Earl Warren · Warren Burger · Gulielmus Rehnquist · Ioannes Roberts

Secretarii civici Civitatum Foederatarum

Coat of arms of the United States.svg

Robertus Livingston • Ioannes Jay • Thomas Jefferson • Edmundus Randolph • Timotheus Pickering • Ioannes Marshall • Iacobus Madison • Robertus Smith • Iacobus Monroe • Ioannes Quintius Adams • Henricus Clay • Martinus Van Buren • Eduardus Livingston • Ludovicus McLane • Ioannes Forsyth • Daniel Webster • Abel Upshur • Ioannes Calhoun • Iacobus Buchanan • Ioannes Clayton • Daniel Webster • Eduardus Everett • Gulielmus Marcy • Ludovicus Cass • Ieremias Black • Gulielmus Seward • Elihu Washburne • Hamilton Fish • Gulielmus Evarts • Iacobus Blaine • Fridericus Frelinghuysen • Thomas Bayard • Iacobus Blaine • Ioannes Foster • Gualter Gresham • Ricardus Olney • Ioannes Sherman • Gulielmus Day • Ioannes Hay • Elihu Root • Robertus Bacon • Philander Knox • Gulielmus Bryan • Robertus Lansing • Bainbridge Colby • Carolus Evans Hughes • Franciscus Kellogg • Henricus Stimson • Cordell Hull • Eduardus Stettinius • Iacobus Byrnes • Georgius Marshall • Dean Acheson • Ioannes Foster Dulles • Christianus Herter • Dean Rusk • Gulielmus Rogers • Henricus Kissinger • Cyrus Vance • Edmundus Muskie • Alexander Haig • Georgius Shultz • Iacobus Baker • Laurentius Eagleburger • Warren Christopher • Magdalena Albright • Colinus Powell • Condoleezza Rice • Hilaria Clinton • Ioannes Kerry • Rex Tillerson • Michael Pompeo
Opus geopoliticum • Civitatum Foederatarum Secretarius Civitatis • Ministri a rebus externis civitatum Americanarum hodiernarum

Capsae cognatae: Praesides Civitatum Foederatarum • Secretarii a munitione Civitatum Foederatarum

Gubernatores Novi Eboraci 1777–

Coat of Arms of New York.svg

Georgius Clinton • Ioannes Jay • Georgius Clinton • Morgan Lewis • Daniel Decius Tompkins • Ioannes Tayler • DeWitt Clinton • Ioseph Christophorus Yates • DeWitt Clinton • Nathaniel Pitcher • Martinus Van Buren • Enos Thompson Throop • Gulielmus Learned Marcy • Gulielmus Henricus Seward • Gulielmus Christianus Bouck • Silas Wright • Ioannes Young • Hamilton Fish • Washington Hunt • Horatius Seymour • Myron Holley Clark • Ioannes Alsop King • Edwin Denison Morgan • Horatius Seymour • Ruben Fenton • Ioannes Thompson Hoffman • Ioannes Adams Dix • Samuel Jones Tilden • Lucius Robinson • Alphonsus B. Cornell • Grover Cleveland • David Bennett Hill • Roswell Pettibone Flower • Levi Parsons Morton • Franciscus Swett Black • Theodorus Roosevelt • Beniaminus Barker Odell • Franciscus Wayland Higgins • Carolus Evans Hughes • Horatius White • Ioannes Alden Dix • Gulielmus Sulzer • Martinus Henricus Glynn • Carolus Seymour Whitman • Alfredus Emmanuel Smith • Nathan Ludovicus Miller • Alfredus Emmanuel Smith • Franklinus D. Roosevelt • Herbertus Henricus Lehman • Carolus Poletti • Thomas Edmundus Dewey • Gulielmus Averell Harriman • Nelson Rockefeller • Milcolumbus Wilson • Hugo Carey • Marius Cuomo • Georgius Pataki • Eliot Spitzer • David Paterson • Andreas Cuomo
Opus geopoliticum • Porta Civitatum Foederatarum • Gubernatores civitatum in Civitatibus Foederatis • Index gubernatorum Novi Eboraci

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